S6E3 EIR- Nine Eyes

 “Nine Eyes have Seen the Glory of the Coming”

PCs: Sister Agnes (Duane), elf Mor (Bill), Cavalryman Gary (Matt), wizard Venegral (Tony), ogre Ymath (Brian)

Onward to Altdorf: After the weak show of unity between the religions performed at Shining Rock, the Graf’s caravan continued into Altdorf.

They stopped at the Shallya hospice in Delberz (to check-in with the Shallya Mother, ‘Emperor’s daughter’, and the crazed Admiral) before continuing to Altdorf.

Venegral was called to the College of Magic to be told all magic not to be practiced in the city due to unexpected results. Such as the cock on the bar sign (Cock and Hammer) suddenly jumping off the sign and running into an alley. Or a simple “open lock” spell that destroyed a building. Venegral could feel the uneasy flux in the Winds-of-Magic. Or the vortex that opened within the city and swallowed an entire magic-shop. A vision Gary witnessed thru his spyglass that scared the shit out of him as he saw within the vortex the realm of Chaos!

The Graf displeased the heroes delayed departure as they instead trained (endeavors).

Finally, they rode to Castle Reikguard to meet Crown Prince Wolfgang Holswig-Abenhauer. A VERY cloistered student getting daily training from select tutors. The prince no mutant as rumored. In fact, the prince VERY open-minded on political and social views: The plight of the common man, the status of women’s rights, citizen input on rules and decrees. Who is this man?! It all sounded too good to be true. A worthy match for princess Katarina as he too sought marriage for the unity of the empire.

Sir Gary handed over the Carroburg banner (entrusted by the Knight Panther captain Verian) as a pre-wedding gift and thus revealed princess Katarina accepted his marriage proposal. Happy, prince Wolfgang planned his departure in 7 days to journey to Altdorf for the wedding.

Prince Wolfgang had been told (by whom?) to continue his studies as his father (the Emperor) was ill. [Could Elvyra, the rescued Thieves Guild poisoner, now personal pharmacist for the Grand Theogonist, be involved?]

They chatted with a tutor who revealed Quintius Fassbinder as the referenced source of incorrect history of a few historical records. He the lesson of false reporting. Yet Venegral remembered Quintius as the one who talked about “the 9 eyes.” Quintius was happy to explain, “They are associated with the Lord-of-Change. I hear his followers want to bring forth the Champion-of-Shadows who in turn will bring about the End-of-Time.”

Then the slip-of-the-tongue reference about his tutors, “His 9 tutors have opened his eyes.” Nine the number associated with Tzeentch, tutors grouped in 3: the number associated with Nurgle (the 3rd Chaos god). Venegral’s discovery the vast library has no books about Chaos. The prince knew about skaven and other select matters of the land, but Venegral pondered, “Shouldn’t you know your enemy?”

A search of a tutor’s book collection revealed a dog-eared page that depicted a fiery beast of Chaos. An example of knowledge being withheld from the prince, being trained with blinders on!

Asked who sent his tutors, “9 years ago, a hedonistic man (Baron von Wittgenstein?!) recommended them to the Emperor’s court.” All  (except the elf) remembered the manipulation of the Graf’s council that led to his troubles.

Tzeentch: the Chaos God of nine realms (change, evolution, mutation, intrigue, ambition, knowledge, sorcery, destiny, lies and trickery).

Nurgle: the 3rd Chaos god of (Decay, Plague, Pestilence) of three realms (death and decay, rebirth, and perseverance and survival).

Next Sessionhttps://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2023/03/s6e4-eir-united-in-their-fracture.html


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