S3E3: Death on the Reik - Signal Tower

Altdorf: It took another 2 weeks to decide upon (and find) barge improvements. Purchasing 2 blunderbuss (to repel boarders) wasn’t difficult, nor installing 4 aiming mounts. Finding swivel cannons was more difficult. One mount each was installed fore and aft. With the plan to store the cannons out of sight till needed; to then muscle them in place. Gary and Henryk trained in cannon operation while Agnes and Katja studied sailing under Brandiwyn’s tutelage.

And of course, they gathered nightly at the bar, for the sake of offsetting docking fees. Mallorhan returned, disappointed he didn’t find the elf-bow he wanted. Gossip flowed faster than the beer. “Do you think the emperor’s advisors told him of his peasants’ displeasure with him interrupting commerce? I notice he hasn’t made the almost daily parades throughout the city. In fact, it’s been over a month.” “I hear he’s been sick. Just like the absent Crown-Prince Wolfgang of Castle Reikguard not seen. Maybe they both have the same illness.” “I wonder if the sale of leeches has increased? You know, for the physician’s blood-letting cures for sickness.”

Henryk (Bill) noble, Ranger/Witch-Hunter (Intimidator)

Brandiwyn (Tony) RiverWarden

Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger

Gary (Matt) Warrior/Cavalryman

Sister Agnes (Duane) noble, Warrior Priestess of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) noble, Entertainer/Bounty Hunter

 Cargo Run: [Agnes’ Orphans were ready to push-off when Henryk spotted the carriage departing. The sighting of Ernst Heidlemann and his red-stone lapel.] Once again River-Wardens boarded the barge, “Papers. What are you carrying?” Of course, the extended hand was more interested in a bribe. They were disappointed when Agnes instead showed papers and went into a long spiel about a portion of the sales going to the city orphans. Once the barge was underway, they lowered sails to ply against the River Reik current as they headed east.

They sighted a tower under construction just on the outskirts of the city. “That’s one of the emperor’s pet projects. I hear he plans on multiple towers throughout the kingdom as a means of rapid warning. Which would explain the influx of dwarves we’ve seen.” Sure enough, come midday they passed another tower swaddled in scaffolding. Dwarves along the top waved. Mallorhan waved back with a one-finger salute. Brandi studied his map, “I figure 3 days sail to Castle Reikguard. But we should reach the small town of Fielbak by nightfall.”

Fielbak: Sure enough, a lone dock appeared on the right bank, announcing the town. Brandi angled the barge and grimaced as the railing scrapped against the dock boards. The sun setting over their shoulders provided just enough light to aid the elf in the crows-nest. He squinted and cupped his eyes as he just barely made out the shape of a decent size ship in trail, hugging the riverbank. Sunrays glinted off an ear-ring of at least one sailor, “I saw a flash of purple. I think we’re being followed by Kastor’s cultists.” His suspicions confirmed when he watched the 2-man crew beach their ship against the far bank and then attempt to cover it with branches.

They had to pay docking fees and the bar bill since The Pungent Well was the only bar in town. The bar was already at near capacity even thou many seats were empty as the patrons were playing pub games. Brandi tried his hand at the game of ‘Ball-n-Chain’ where each contestant swung a chained ball overhead before trying to knock down as many pins as possible. The fisherman lost to the town drunk and thus paid for the drinks. Gary and Henryk faced off in darts. Coins passed hands as bets were placed after Gary scored an impressive round. Many wagers panicked when Henryk almost matched Gary’s throw in just 2 darts. But when the 3rd dart impaled a patron’s hand reaching for his mug… the bar erupted in a roar of relief and laughter. Agnes treated the wounded onlooker as Henryk emptied his coin purse to buy the round of drinks.

Between drunks trying to talk over each other and the crashing sounds of bar games in the background, it was hard to hear the latest gossip. “I hear the grand-prince of Ostland blames prince Talabecland for the death of his son.” “Well, I hear the grand-prince is building an army.” “I heard the prince of Castle Reikguard is building an army to overthrow…” “Him? I heard he is too sick to do anything. Not even a monthly appearance to his citizens.” “Absent in hiding? You must be talking about Princess Isabella von Holswig-Schleistein who hasn’t been seen all year. I hear tell the emperor locked her up because she had an affair with a peasant.” One patron leaned into Katja, “So, where you headed little missy? South? Then you’d best be on the lookout for mutant bodies floating down river. Blue eyes and fur. Can’t miss them.”

It was nearing midnight when Henryk gathered the elf and nun, “Care to join me in checking out those purple cultists across the river?” The men rowed the barge’s dingy as Agnes provided steering commands towards the embers of a campfire inland from the other ship. [failed stealth] Maybe her voice carried over the water as the elf could make out the silhouettes of men vacating the camp. Mallorhan crouched low in the dingy as Agnes [entertain/act +6] and Henryk loudly beached the boat before traipsing into the woods as if on a sexual affair.

A half hour passed before the men returned to their camp and resumed their chat. “I thought they’d seen us. So, do you think the Magister Impedimentae turned against us? Should we try to slip into the bar to overhear him?” “Don’t be a fool. We’re to just watch and report.” It wasn’t long before snoring echoed from their camp. Mallorhan exited the dingy and aimed at the lone night watch, dropping him with one arrow into his heart. He was already standing over the sleeper when Agnes and Henryk appeared. Henryk had no problem getting the captive to talk. “Why is your master sailing in the wrong direction? Has he betrayed us? It makes no difference. Tzeentch will rise as is foretold. At the appointed time, we shall rise from our secret places and throw down the towns and cities of the Empire.  Chaos will cover this land, and we, the Chosen Servants, shall be exalted in HIS eye.  Hail to Tzeentch, Changer of the Ways!!! Njawrr’thakh Lzimbarr Tzeentch!!!!!!” His words silenced by Agnes’ hammer aside his temple. “Blasphemous ramblings.” Mallorhan agreed as he tossed their bodies into the river. Soon pulled under by some large predator.

Henryk used the campfire light to read a letter pulled from their pocket before they became river fodder. “From someone calling themselves ‘The Arch Lumen’. To a ‘Loorbeer and Kuhn’ somewhere ahead of us. I guess the Dettman encounter at Kalegan has been reported up the chain as it mentions ‘earlier attempts to make contact’. These men were assigned to track and report on Kastor’s movements. But more importantly, it mentioned ‘the purple palm has already been passed.’ Are they talking about a change in leadership? Might that explain our sighting of Ernst?”

Morning: Gale force winds encouraged them to stay another day. Which meant more drinks and bar games. Henryk made a happy and boastful drunk. He took on Brandi in the game of ‘bowling’. A drunks’ luck: he had the fisherman beat till he lost grip on the ball-and-chain skittle which slammed into a patron’s chest. Soon patrons knew to vacate the area wherever the witch-hunter played. A boastful cheer erupted from the other side of the bar, “I beat a girl!” The local stood over Katja who’d lost at arm-wrestling.

Morning: As the barmaid emptied the pail of dirty water from scrubbing the bar floor, she paused as the barge pulled away from the dock, drifted backwards with the current, and pulled against the far short. Only to later raise sails and proceed upriver with another ship in tow. She re-entered the bar without concern.

By noon, they passed the mouth of the river Teufel to their right. Soon thereafter, they spotted a towering fortress on the left with unrecognizable banners. Agnes sketched them on paper. Lookouts were called to the railings when the river narrowed. And that’s when they spotted a pair of dwarves running toward them. The glint of coins in hand, “Oye! Give us a lift; we can pay.” Brandi was about to quote the going rate of 6 brass per mile till he saw their gold.” He pulled hard on the tiller to come ashore. The dwarves about to board when another dwarf came running towards them, half out of breath, “Unless you…want…to be blacklisted…get back…to…the site.”

Agnes’ Orphans dropped their jaws when one of the dwarves called her ‘Master Anjuyllis.’ “That’s a female?! How can you tell? Just as long a beard.” Anjuyllis ignored the other dwarves’ whining about lack of sleep, “Same excuse the other dwarves offered. I’ve lost half my workforce and I’ll be damned if you leave too.” She turned her attention to the barge workers, “Say, we’re working on one of the emperor’s towers just around the bend. I can offer good money if you’re willing to sweat. Empire money. A gold a day PLUS 5 gold upon completion.”

Gary and Brandi were already negotiating when Mallorhan interrupted, “Stonework is the dwarven bloodline. What would make your kind run away? Lack of sleep? A keg of beer causes lack of sleep.” One dwarf complained, “Nighttime. I wake to red eyes staring at me. EVERY night! Can’t sleep. Haven’t slept for days.” Anjuyllis gave him a nasty stare to shut him up. After tying up the barge, they all followed the dwarves to the tower. “Notice the black basalt base. Ancient dwarven construct. We decided to use that as a solid foundation.” Scaffolding ramps ringed the base and extended up a couple of floors recently added. Agnes asked, “What exactly do you want us to do? Manual labor? Carry boards? Maybe the others will but I’ll offer to cook instead.”

Gary was busy studying the basalt foundation, “Ancient dwarven huh? Have you looked for hidden treasure? And secret doors?” Anjuyllis pointed out a suspicious seam on the outside wall of the basalt foundation, “We haven’t been able to open it. Forget that. So, what say you? Willing to sweat?” Hours passed as they lugged boards to the tower to then be hoisted on a wench to the top floor. “Ting, ting, ting.” Dwarves put down their tools as they answered the dinner bell. All gathered on the first floor where a large fireplace had been constructed. Agnes began serving. Anjuyllis spoke between bites, “I started with 12 workers six weeks ago. Complaints of the same dream: glowing red eyes. A dwarf a week would run off. They’ve heard dwarves in Grissenwald are trying to restart a mine there. Meanwhile, I’m in a time crunch to get this tower completed.”

Gary tried to renegotiate, “We don’t have time to stay and help you complete the work. Something is obviously haunting the place. How about paying us to cleanse the tower? The sister can then bless it, we be on our way, and you get your men back to work.” Katja added, “Maybe have your men sleep on the barge tonight so they can get a good night’s sleep.” Henryk added, “Dwarves are masters at black-powder weapons. What modifications could you offer for our pistols, muskets, and cannons?”

As the dwarves settled on the barge deck, Agnes’ Orphans returned to the tower. Brandi set a trap around the supposed exterior secret door while Agnes drew the symbol of Shallya on it. They then settled in on watch duty outside the tower. It was after midnight when Katja and Mallorhan heard scrapping noises coming from the tower. They woke the others and rushed up the scaffolding ramp past the suspect door, toward the first floor. All quickly gagged and covered their noses at the foul stench wafting from the first-floor room.

Brandi was the first to enter. He barely ducked as a ghoul charged and raked its claws across his ear. [passed Cool test exposure to a ghoul and Endurance test against its venom.] Katja swung her sword. Gary stepped forward and pointed his pistol pointblank…within range for the ghoul to knock it away. He entered the room but had to step around an open trapdoor in the floor. Henryk drew his pistol just outside the door and blasted. [Missed but used his Endeavor/Combat Training to reverse the die roll resulting in a hit to its left arm.]

Meanwhile, Agnes prayed for Henryk and Brandi. [failed Athletics] Mallorhan was stuck in line and couldn’t maneuver. Brandi raised his pistol but missed. The ghoul clawed at Brandi once again and raked his left arm. [Brandi passed 2 Endurance tests to stave off disease and poison.] Katja slid past her allies to shoot her crossbow, hitting the ghoul’s right arm. Gary raised his sword and slew the foul undead. As Agnes treated wounds, Brandi removed a leather thong necklace (adorned with a 6-inch metal rod that ended in a 5-pointed star) from the undead. He then tossed the body over the ramp to the ground below where Agnes doused it with oil and lit it up.

Henryk shined his torch into the trap pit, illuminating a small chamber with 4 doors (left, right, straight ahead, and back towards the exterior wall). Strange geometric symbols decorated the floor and walls along with cobwebs and dust. Disorienting. Henryk dropped the torch into the area and climbed down. Unable to unlock any door with his lockpicks tools, Brandi entered and used the ghoul’s metal rod key…the rear door opened unto the exterior scaffolding at the suspect outline. Outside, the elf propped the door open with a wooden plank to allow the others to enter the small chamber.

And that’s when a ghostly voice spoke up, “Go back!” [Cool test] Half the group had doubts till Gary shouldered the left door open. And revealed a circular wedged lab room filled with tables and shelves full of alchemical apparatus, and calculations chalked on a wall. It took a while for their eyes to adjust… and to notice the still form of a zombie mid-room! Gary blasted from the doorway, rupturing its left arm. Only then did the zombie animate. Mallorhan was able to twang an arrow before Brandi closed on it with his blade and re-killed it. Brandi quickly stepped toward another door at the back of the room. Meanwhile, the elf removed another necklace from this undead: another metal rod but this with a 6-pointed star end. Gary drew his sword and beheaded the zombie.

Henryk entered, drawn to a book displayed on a far desk. “Not Brittonian or Reikspeak.” Agnes entered to look, “I can’t read it either, but it’s a classical language.” And that is when the door before Brandi opened to reveal 2 more zombies. And the right door back in the anti-chamber opened to reveal another zombie that confronted Katja. And not to be left out, the beheaded zombie rose to confront Mallorhan!

The elf dodged the attack and quick reacted with a bolt into the zombie’s chest. Brandi blocked his zombie’s attack and tried to swing his blade in response: [fumble] he lost his grip and could only watch as the blade flew backwards, striking Henryk in his left shoulder. Henryk scrambled for bandages to stop his bleeding. Soon all allies were engaged with zombies. Agnes joined in by handing Brandi back his sword and checking on Henryk’s first aid work, before she raged into battle herself. And Gary quickly realized beheading wasn’t the answer, “We need to burn them!”

Once the last zombie fell, the allies had collected 5 metal rods with a 6-pointed star key end. And Katja kicked the beheaded zombie skull into the bonfire. Only after Agnes healed wounds did they continue searching. Beyond Brandi’s door was another circular wedged room with more books. Most written in Reikspeak in historical text, “Probably worth 15 gold from a collector.” As for the door in front of Katja, it too opened unto another circular wedged room. A study with desk where they found a map, “Old empire. Someone painted the Skaven symbol on it. Kind of a triangular center. What’s with the oblong red circle at one intersection? Is something to happen there? Has it already transpired? Can you tell when this room was last occupied?” 

Thus, there were 3 circular wedged rooms that surrounded a center circular room. That 10ft radius interior room had a 6ft radius center shaft affixed with horizontal handles that allowed rotation of the interior room. Rotated correctly aligned an opening that revealed an interior chamber. Inside: a steel cap with a 6-pointed star etched into it. The apex of each end of the star was a slot. “I bet those 6-pointed star keys fit. But we only have 5 of them. Did we miss one? Did someone leave with it?” On the walls of the room, they noticed multiple portraits with similar features. “Whose bloodline is this? Anyone we recognize? I’m guessing the living relative has the 6th key.”


[failed Cool: corruption 9 versus 7 threshold] The presence of a ghoul and zombies was too much for Henryk. As he stood reading one of the historical books, he began unconsciously rubbing his jaw. Harder and harder till he realized the ache was becoming unbearable. A toothache? And that’s when he felt a tooth longer than he remembered. 4 teeth to be precise. TUSKS! “What the…?!” He held up his blade looking for his reflection in its flat surface. And that’s how he saw the boar face looking back at him!!! “AAAAGH”

[shear willpower and resilience] Henryk bit down hard on his teeth trying to break off the tusks as he screamed, “By all that is holy and righteous under Sigmar, this cannot be happening to ME!!” He heard Agnes approach, so he quickly turned his back trying to hide his transformation. “Do not look sister! I am hideous.” He looked once more into his blade face, but this time saw his normal visage with Agnes looking over his shoulder. She teased, “What’s the matter with our witch-hunter? Did a wittle zombie scare you?” If only she knew. If only she knew!

Needless to say, Bill used his one and only ‘Resilience’ point to avoid this mutation. A slight delay to an eventual mutation. His hope: something not as severe. But surely one of many mutations to evolve as even when he does mutate, his total corruption points will only be one less than his threshold.

Yes, indeed, quoting The Arch Lumen, “The Time of Change is Coming! 

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/10/s3e4-enemy-withindeath-on-reik.html


  1. I think the players realized it was a shaven symbol. However, the characters did not.

    Great writeup as always!


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