S6E2 EIR- We All Must Make Sacrifices

PCs: Sister Agnes (Duane), elf Mor (Bill), Cavalryman Gary (Matt), ogre Ymath (Brian)

About to Depart Middenheim: Gary applied and was accepted to the order of the Knight Panthers, “I swear to Sigmar and Ulric my allegiance… unto death.” Agnes returned the axe from the ghostly King Grimbrin Flintbeard of Karak Skagg to the dwarves. Mor repeated lip-reading of the Knight Captain speaking to the Graf about the banner of Carroburg, but Gary thought wisely not to bring it up as he just now an initiate, “I’ll keep my ears close, but not now.”

Wagon’s Ho: The heroes rode near Katarina’s carriage (brother, baron Henrich, also inside), accompanied by the Knight captain Verian and 12 Knight Panthers (not counting Sir Gary), and of course the Graf and Ar-Ulric in their own carriage. It was to be a 3-day journey south to the Shining Rock to join with the Grand Theogonist in show unity amongst the religions. Slow going along the way as they passed an unending line of Sigmarite refugees fleeing south to Altdorf. The Graf was sad at the sight and handed out rations. Agnes also provided what care she could.

On the 2nd day, the caravan ground to a halt. “What’s the delay? Check it out.” The heroes rode forward to find Ulrician toll men charging the refugees safe passage over a bridge. Sir Gary confronted the men, “Do you have a permit?” They replied, “From the Ar-Ulric. A chance to repay these Sigmarites for their years of unending slander against the wolf legends.” Sir Gary mused, “From Ar-Ulric himself you say? Humm, did you know he is in that wagon along with the Graf himself? Considering he is right this minute feeding these people, do you think it wise to take advantage of his people?” They packed up and left. Otherwise, they would have been hacked down.

Shining Rock: They arrived on the 3rd day, turning off the road at the boulder marker (painted with the sign of Ulric on the north, and the sign of Sigmar on the south [defaced]). Tents flying the Altdorf banner were already erected near the shrine. The Graf’s caravan followers set up tents nearby as the Middenheim Knight Panthers sought out their Altdorfian Knight Panthers counterparts. Agnes noticed Yann who informed, “Volkmar ‘The Grim’ (the High Capitulator) sent the others home. Wish he’s sent me; not as much wine here. So, did the princess accept the offer of marriage?” Agnes redirected the conversation, “These refugees… will they be accepted in Altdorf?” The surplus directed to the river. Agnes silently wondered whether for drowning or for sailing to distribute them. She asked, “Did the prince make the trip?” Yann replied, “No, he is still in Castle Reikguard… studying. Ubersreik… I’ve said too much.”

Gary found time to speak with captain Veiran Thugenheim, and worked in the topic of the Carroburg banner. “We realize it a sore spot with our Altdorf relations and thought to present it to the crown prince as a peaceful gesture.” Gary commented on the Graf’s fair-minded reasoning, then mentioned the toll-bridge incident. “Yes, the extremism of the Sons-of-Ulric is over the top. But we Knights have sworn allegiance to both orders, sworn to stay neutral. It would take an external threat to join them.” Gary asked, “You mean the skaven threat isn’t enough?”

Agnes checked up on the princess Katarina who was excited to be included in a delegation. “If the meeting goes well, maybe my hand-in-marriage won’t be required.” Agnes mentioned she herself joined the Shallya order because of a forced marriage. Which made the princess hope even more the meeting a success.

As Agnes stepped back into the camp, she came across, “Elvyra? The Herbalist from the Schaffenfest last year?” [episode S3E1-Salvage Rights enroute to Weissbruck] “Didn’t we rescue you from a kidnapping? Or should I call you Liza, who tried to leave the Thieves guild to abandon your skill in poison?” Elvyra’s cheeks grew red from embarrassed memories, “I am now the personal pharmacist for the Grand Theogonist. I now walk with nobles. I’ve met the Emperor himself, but I must confess I’m not impressed. His court doesn’t give him much respect. Even the Emperor’s Warhammer (holy relic) isn’t honored. I’ve never met his son, the crown prince. Rumors he a mutant? That’s the first I’ve heard of it.”

3pm ceremony: The Grand Theogonist, Volkmar, and Ar-Ulric joined at the Shrine and began to talk in whispers. Mor read their lips… not friendly tones but agreement gesture of unity needed. They nodded then turned for their respective tents for quiet contemplation, with their guards posted. Tension drew the heroes near also, except for Mor who thought best to watch the unguarded Shrine, expecting someone to deface the rock (much like the city thugs who threw shit at the carriages). Indeed, it wasn’t long before his premonition manifested: the clash of swords prompted a call of alarm, which drew others to the site. Where White-Wolf and Fiery-Heart panthers dueled with padded blades while others made bets on the friendly sparing.

1am: While most retired for the night, Mor stayed on watch, sure his premonition true. He rose at the sound of wolf-men approaching the shrine, carrying buckets of something. Mor loosed an arrow to force one man to lose grip… the bucket dropped, spilling the paint, for them to yell, “Death to the Grand Theogonist!” Mor yelled alarm: Agnes rose and charged forth while Sir Gary took time to don his armor. Katja loosed her dog at the men and then mounted her horse to also give chase (along with Agnes and Sir Gary) as the wolf-men broke and ran. Even Knight Panthers rode forth to trample the men. Yet, it but a distraction as the real force of 20 Sons-of-Ulric charged into the camp to attack those left behind.

1st Battle with Abstract Rules (target 30SL): Mor twanged arrows while Ymath waded into the berserker sons with his club. At first the defenders seemed to gain ground, till (complication) more Sons-of-Ulric arrived. But they were offset by the arrival of the horsemen who had slain the stone defacers. Agnes swung her Warhammer from horseback while Katja loosed crossbow bolts (missed). Sir Gary swung his blade and reined his warhorse to trample another. Did they see Ymath outnumbered such that his gut-plate armor hacked off?

[Keith sure did roll a lot of critical 44s! Gary’s armor ignores odd crits. But most crits were against Ymath without his gut armor. But we too rolled a lot of defensive crits; and a few attacking crits.]

Ymath staggered backwards from another blow, momentarily stunned. Gary almost amputated his foe’s leg. Now in melee, Mor swung his blade and ruptured his foe’s leg tendon. Yet the Sons-of-Ulric raged as if madmen/berserkers with their hatred for all things not Ulrician. (complication) A Fiery-Heart Knight Panther fell near the end of battle as it so close… [29SL]. Mor critically blocked his attacker [needed 2 wounds to kill him but only managed 1]. Gary swung at his foe who critically blocked the attack, thus gut hit stunning the newest panther. It was Agnes who killed the last of the foe to save the day! [30SL] When Ymath recognized their leader as one of the White-Wolves who rode down with the Graf’s contingent, the ogre shit on the man.

2nd Battle (target 40SL): Yet the battle not over… more sounds of swords clashing rose from inside the Priest’s Quarters. No time to heal or find replacement armor for those pieces hacked away. The woman rabblerouser from the streets of Middenheim yelled threats to Ar-Ulric, “Spineless! At least your brother showed control.” She blocked Mor’s swing, “Tree fucker!” To Sir Gary, “Demon worshiper!” And Agnes, “Pacifist!” Her followers poured forth thru the windows to come to her aid. She a more-than capable fighter (89 melee). Katja critically blocked her attacker, causing him to bleed out. Mor managed to hack off a piece of the woman’s armor. Gary sliced another who began to bleed. Agnes ruptured the leg tendon of her foe and then stood over him to deliver a coup-de-grĂ¢ce.

And yet the foe swung back… hard. Ymath was cornered, fighting for his life. Gary had to step out of the fight to stop his own bleeding, as Agnes too busy dealing with her attackers: almost decapitating the man who quickly bled out. (complication) An axe thrown at Katja, hitting her in the body. Mor slashed his foe who managed to get in a lucky (crit) counter-smash to the elf’s leg (twisted ankle). At least Agnes saw the ogre’s plight. While she couldn’t reach him, she ‘blessed’ him with ‘martyr’ such that she received his wounds instead. Fortunate timing as Ymath hit in the leg by his foe… damage that would have dropped the ogre. [26SL]

But they fought on. Mor had to hobble against his two foe. Agnes staggered from wounds…delivered against Ymath. Her own attacker sliced off a piece of her armor. Ymath pummeled first one then another foe. And the other defenders held their ground and even won back some. [31SL] The ranks of the enemy thinned enough that the tide turned. One at a time they dropped…[32SL] [33SL] [35SL] Till 2 attackers managed to sneak in fearsome hits on Mor, who staggered from a dislocated knee. Ymath seemed to have gained his 2nd wind; so, Agnes chose to pray once more, blessing Mor with ‘martyr’. But in the end, the other defenders swayed the night… [40SL].

Agnes gathered her breath to heal herself first before kneeling beside each of her allies to heal their wounds. “Pop.” She reset Mor’s knee. The elf at least able to walk… he grit his teeth at the pain as he needed further healing over many days. And in the background, the Grand Theogonist and Ar-Ulric tended the other troops. But it was easy to hear grumbling from the Altdorf delegation, “What can you expect from those northerners.” Agnes tried to reason, “Do not blame all. Did you not see most of them fighting alongside you? One of their Knights gave his life defending you!”

7am: Forget sleep. The Altdorf delegation packed and started to head out. In a show of good faith, Agnes stepped forward to help clean their campsite.

As the Altdorf delegation departed, baron Heinrich approached the heroes with his own request. “If we are to heal the rift in the empire, we must all make sacrifices. But tell me, there are a lot of rumors about the crown prince being a mutant. Have you heard such?” Mor had no compunctions about saying so. Sir Gary was more diplomatic, “They are but rumors my lord. Just like rumors against your father and your sickly brother. Proof is in the beholding.”

Heinrich smiled, “Well said, sir Knight. That is why I wish to impose on you and your Agnes’ Orphans. My sister and I would like you to travel to Castle Reikguard and deliver news of Katarina’s acceptance of his proposed marriage. But I also ask you spend time with the man to get a measure of him. Did he have anything to do with this Mutant Edict or the Ubersreik takeover? What sort of ruler does he plan to be? Most importantly, why does he ask for my sister’s hand? Surely he knows she a bastard child like myself. When you’ve gathered info information, you can find us in Altdorf at the Helstein Manor in Mauerblumchen.”

Next SessionS6E3 EIR- Nine Eyes (rigglewwh.blogspot.com)


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