S6E4 EIR- United in Their Fracture

PCs: Sister Agnes (Duane), elf Mor (Bill), Cavalryman Gary (Matt), wizard Venegral (Tony), ogre Ymath (Brian)

Castle Reikguard: Venegral silently pondered the cloistered training the Emperor's nephew, Crown Prince Wolfgang Holswig-Abenhauer, had received. The prince VERY open-minded on political and social views: The plight of the common man, the status of women’s rights, citizen input on rules and decrees. Yet clueless about the Chaos threat to the realm. A search of the library confirmed it void on the subject of Chaos. Knowledge being withheld from the prince, being trained with blinders on!

A threat spelled out by Quintius Fassbinder who talked about “the 9 eyes and the followers of Tzeentch who want to bring forth the Champion-in-Shadows who in turn will bring about the End-of-Time.” Concerns heightened when one of the prince’s tutors let slip, “His 9 tutors have opened his eyes.” And more concern when a search of Kathe Ruttman’s room uncovered a loose page inside one book that depicted a fiery beast of Chaos and the words of a prophet, “I saw the blazing heavens anew above the Seat of Sigmar upon the 9th day of the 9th month, where a blasphemous city descended upon the people who cried out in woe.” Kathe explained, “That is an advanced topic yet to be presented. The other source material is in Altdorf.” She continued to ‘blather’ with her lawyerese BS that only sowed confusion.

The accompanying guards grumbled as the search continued. One room had a colorful mural depicting the winds of magic. Another empty room was littered with wax shavings of opened letters. Ymath found the remains of one such letter written by another tutor, Wolfie Jessner. He worried some of the other tutors linked to chaos. Another empty room contained a string of orc teeth, pickled snotlings, and the remains of a shattered gold-backed mirror, broken into 9 pieces. [S5E18] A mirror similar to the one Gary gazed into back in Karak Skygg where the tongueless Deputy High Wizard, Janna Eberhauer, was held captive. The guards revealed this room reserved for, “Gustav Klaus, from Bechafen, of the Kaleidoscope Eye cult who taught non-human species.”

Other rooms confirmed the assigned tutor’s specialty. Such as the present Per Haldestaake who taught art which earned him Ymath as an interested student. Or the present Ingrid Rademakers who taught fencing and thus drew Katja as a student ready to show her skills. With masks and blunt tipped foils, the lesson began...Katja fell for a feint and was quickly hit again and again before she scored a hit of her own. And earned praise, “You have potential.”

Onward to Altdorf: Departure was slowed as the crowned prince interacted with the crowd left behind. A 2-day journey now 3. Mor set up as scout trailing the caravan, thus how he saw a halfling trying to shadow the procession. The elf yanked the little man from his horse and presented him to the others. The halfling protested, claiming to be acting in the interest of a noble: an electorial count from Solland that Gary knew to be a province no longer under independent rule but rather under Nuln.  A spy and accused saboteur threatened to be fed to Ymath to get him to talk. They found a letter in his coat pocket that detailed his assignment: gather spare uniforms to be delivered to one Fione Thresher of Pfieldorf. Then to “travel to Reikland to confirm the marriage between the Todbringers and the House of the 3rd Wilhelm. Report back before the solstice.”

Arrival: Katja handed over her halfling bounty while others researched Fione Thresher. Venegral entered the College of Magic to learn about the demon drawn on the loose paper. His elders recognized it as something out of the century-old writings of one Barthol the Malleun, known for his vague predictions and ridiculous claims of chaos uprising. Meanwhile, Gary reported to the Knight Panthers and learned the coming parade (meant as a show of unity) included a fight demo between representatives of Middenheim and the Reikguard. 

While in the library, Venegral ran into Quintus who was researching the history of Sigmar. “Scholars claimed Sigmar traveled east to repay the dwarfs, yet I believe he went south.” When shown the demon page, Quintus proclaimed, “I have traced some of Barthol’s predictions that have come true. As for the demon, if you know his name you have power over him. I have been at interrogations of cultists who have used the term Champion in Shadow.” Venegral silently pondered whether the prince was slowly and unknowingly being prepared as this champion by the 9 eyes. 

Reporting in as Ordered: The group reported to the Todbringers who were staying at the townhouse of the electorate, Hillstein. With the Graf busy, baron Heinrich took their report. When they mentioned their suspicion of the tutors and possible association with chaos, the baron suggested having Ar-Ulric speak to the prince. Meanwhile, Agnes sought princess Katarina, who asked Agnes to be her maid-of-honor. Agnes accepted and added, “Yes, he's handsome.”


The parade/emperor's viewing stand: Emperor Karl Franz sat alone on a dais while representatives of Middenheim and Altdorf gathered nearby:

·         Middenheim reps: the Graf and his offspring (Katarina and Heinrich), Ar-Ulric, Capt Veiran of the Knight Panthers, and Malthe Barthelm (son of a Nordland general leading the loyalists against the rebellious).

·         The Altdorf reps: Grand Theo, Volkmar ‘the Grim’, Yann Zuntermein, Graf Liepmund Holzkrug (High Lord Ambassador of the Reikland Council), Immanuel Fernand Holswigschliestein (emperor’s uncle) and a Colonel Olaf Sievers. The colonel recently from the front line against the goblins. He excused himself for urgent need to speak to the emperor but was turned away. As if the emperor did not recognize the man, well known in the empire. 

While Gary talked to Yann, Venegral told Volkmar about the prince's lack of tutoring on all topics. Meanwhile, Katja and Mor spoke with the colonel who complained how the goblin king had a hold on his underlings, “I can't get them to fight each other like I used to. Now I hear the goblins aligning with orc. Thus, I've come to ask the emperor for a legion of soldiers to combat the threat. I've known the emperor a long time, yet he acted as if I a stranger.” Katja reasoned the emperor distracted by the parade and coming wedding. 

Emmanuelle Von Liebwitz (elector count from Nuln) arrived just before the parade began, commenting to the emperor, “Reminds me of your 16th birthday.” Agnes approached and showed her the halfling letter from her area. Emmanuelle grabbed it in fury and stormed away, “You bore me.” 

Others mingled. Gary told the Graf about successfully delivering the Carroburg banner. Later, Volmar/the Grand Theogonist/and Malthe expressed displeasure the banner returned. Ymath asked about the missing prince... slipped away for prayers. Mor read the lips of Emmanuelle conversing with the Graf... “How did you convince the Emperor to move against the Jungfreuds in Ubersreik? Stripped them of their right.” She showed the letter taken from Agnes as proof of another rebellion. The Graf agreed to bring it up after the enclave. 

V+A Rushed to the Temple of Shallya where the prince was praying, not wanting to flaunt his nationality, “I plan to open a soup kitchen for the people to earn their trust.” Agnes rushed back to report his location while the wizard stayed to help, getting permission to cast create water to aid the soup creation. [Permission for a minor cantrip to be used as general blessing to cast later on]. 

Mor lip-read to learn the colonel disbelieved Emmanuelle’s mention of skaven, “You have no proof.” She retorted, “Skaven who almost burned down our city!” 

Gary got involved in the debate whether to send soldiers north to deal with the Nordlander invasion or east to deal with the goblin/Orc threat. His view soon expressed to the emperor who saw wisdom in his opinion: send arms north to deal with the human invasion. Send soldiers against the non- human threat. 

Emmanuelle was surprised by Ymath, “Fascinated to meet a man's gut first. We're you blessed to join the Graf's company by eating his sick son?” 

Katja overheard Malthe/Vieran/ Emmanuelle, “What tactic did you use to suppress the Ubersreik rebels?” They are being dealt with. 

Those on the viewing stand broke into separate prayers... those to Sigmar, others to Ulric. Yann stood alone, before he hopped from one group to the other joining in prayer. As if enflaming the separatism. 

Only Mor overheard (read lips) when Emmanuelle walked past the guards to confront the emperor, “Come now sir, did Graf Holzkrug fed you your lines? Where is the true emperor?” She left in contempt. 

When the parade advanced to the steam tanks, Graf Liepmund Holzkrug approached the emperor who complained, “I can't keep this up.” The Graf expressed how the doctor needed to up the emperor's dosage, “He's getting worse.” 

When told, Gary disbelieved him a false emperor, “He agreed with my tactical assessment. He must be the true emperor.” Soon Gary was called to join the demo as he faced off with Maximillian Steel. Soon Gary stood over his counterpart in victory and bowed to the emperor as he asked, “Now where's my prize?” 

As the parade ended, the crowd slowly dispersed. Sigmarites and Ulricians went their separate ways. And Yann smiled. Mor pondered what part Elvira played in the treatment of the true emperor. He and the others were invited to discuss the matter with Emmanuelle who added, “If the emperor authorized overthrowing Ubersreik, then surely I should be allowed to get rid of those Toppenheimers who sow disconnect in Nuln, as per that Solland letter you showed me.” 

The wedding was but 2 days away. Many questions to ask and issues to solve. 

Mor was no diplomat nor expert on human matters, but he did worry about the real emperor. He remembered Elvyra the others rescued from the Thieves Guild and recently ran into her again at the Shrine. As now personal pharmacist for the Grand Theogonist, what part does she play in the Emperor’s treatment? Strange how that Immanuel fella (supposedly the emperor’s uncle) didn’t let on about the man on the dais a stand in. He in cahoots. All this mention of a Gideon shapeshifter… could that be the Yann fella who seemed to take glee at the infighting? If not he, someone, some group was fanning the flames of discontent that would surely fracture the empire. 

Next Sessionhttps://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2023/03/s6e5-eir-bride-wore-red.html


  1. Great writeup! Gary was honored to get a chance to meet the Emperor and give him tactical advise. I'm sure it won't come back to bite him in the ass or anything. Also, it was totally the real Emperor.


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