S6E1 EIR- You Call Yourselves Diplomats?


PCs: Sister Agnes (Duane), elf Mor (Bill), Cavalryman Gary (Matt), wizard Venegral (Tony)

ReCap: As the others flew back to Middenheim on the airship, Mor walked/ran and encountered a smoldering village, pillaged by the Nordlander marauders. Evidence of their brutality as an Ulric priest trampled by horses as if a game, and children and babies slammed against the walls, their brains mush.

Welcome back: As the airship approached Middenheim, they saw lines of refugees stretched toward the horizon. The dwarves set the airship down, outside the city. Natissa disappeared into the crowd as Baron Henrich wanted to proudly walk into the city amongst the people. City folk cheered and parted the way, as most refugees stood their ground unaware his status. “Don’t you know who he is? Step aside for the Baron of Middenheim.” The baron was greeted at the gate by the captain of the Knight Panthers (Capt Veiran Thugenheim), “Sir, we need to talk. They arrived without warning. They seem desperate.” Henrich held up his hand to silence the man, “I need to talk with father first.”

Thankfully Agnes’ Orphans had their own villa as all inns were filled to capacity and the streets still jammed with refugees. Anti-Sigmarite signs were posted on almost ever corner. Gossip flowed, “I heard the Graf titled himself Wolf Emperor.” “About time we separated from the southerners.” They came upon a woman rabblerouser talking sedition which seemed to confuse the baron and the captain, “Extremists. I thought we banned these people from the city!” Baron Henrich shook his head at the turn of events, “Add this to problems between Ostland and Talabecland and The Empire is going to rip itself apart.”

Audience with the Graf: The Graf in discussion with 2 Sigmarite priests, smiled at their arrival and dismissed the priests, “We’ll discuss this later.” He turned his attention to Agnes’ Orphans, “And what news do my esteemed advisors bring?” The words surprised baron Henrich for he didn’t realize their important to his father. Venegral wanted to put down the talks of sedition in the streets, but the Graf had more important matters, “Altdorf sent diplomats concerned by the rise in belief about the Sigmar heresy… such talk about to tear the empire apart. I think you should attend the meeting I’ve scheduled for tomorrow.” Agnes asked what Ar-Ulric Emil Valgeir thought: “He thinks we should kick them out now.” Gary pointed out, “Didn’t the prior Ar-Ulric suggest kicking out the dwarves and wizards? That turned out badly and proved to be misguided advice based on lies. Perhaps more lies flame the fires… there is rumor you plan to crown yourself Wolf Emperor of the north. Is that true?” The Graf ignored the question. Katja reasoned, “Sounds like you need a new Ar-Ulric. If you’ll just authorize a bounty on Valgeir’s head…” Thankfully the Graf believed Katja only joked.

More discussion: rumor the Altdorf delegation expects the Graf to acknowledge the Emperor’s decree to accept mutants. Comment that the Ar-Ulric not supposed to be involved in politics. Debrief of the happenings around the Brass Keep and skaven plot in Karak Skagg. News of marauders across the eastern lands. “At least baron Karzburdger raised his banners in defense of your lands. His daughter in town? Yes, I think you should invite Commander Emmiline von Karzburdger to the meeting in respect of her father’s actions.”

They left the Graf as they needed to debrief the Commander-of-the-Watch, Ulrich Schutzmann. The commander noted, “Things have divided while you away. The Purplehands continue to reference a Kastor Liebrung. Something about him proposing consolidating the various branches of the cult and a mention of the 9 eyes… to produce the Champion in the Shadows.” Ulrich spat at mention of Valgier, “I preferred his brother, the prior Ar-Ulric. Valgier is too vocal. Surely you’ve seen the Anti-Sigmarite postings in the streets. Most non-noble Sigmarites have already begun to flee south.”

Next Day: It was midday when Mor finally made it to Middenheim. Well, end of the growing line of refugees. He raised his cowl to cover his ears as he listened to the chatter: “I heard the Emperor is dead, replaced by a double who parades in the streets of Altdorf.” “Well, I heard his son, the crown prince is locked away as a mutant with tail and wings. No wonder the Emperor’s decree to accept mutants.” Soon people began to stare at him… at 6’5” he did tower over them! He slipped away and stealthfully climbed over the wall. Agnes was the first to greet him, “You’re late. We have a formal meeting in an hour. Clean up and put on your best clothing.” Mor settled for drab clothing to best hide in the shadows.

The Meeting: Gary dressed in his cavalry armor while Agnes wore her warrior-priestess white. 

They knew most of the city’s representatives: Graf Todbringer, his bastard son baron Henrich, his bastard daughter Katarina, the recently met captain of the Knight Panthers (Veiran Thugenheim), Ar-Ulric Valgeir, and Commander Emmiline von Karzburdger. All aligned to the Ulric religion. 

It was another 5 minutes before the Altdorf contingent arrived, “May I present: Graf (Altdorf term for ambassador) Liepmund Holzkrug, baron Ewald von Laue, Gravin Luciana von Eckstein, Quintius Fassbinder, Yann Zuntermein, and Volkmar ‘The Grim’ von Hindenstein.” All aligned to Sigmar. A lot of tension and many themes to any conversations.

It quickly became apparent the group divided by religion: Ar-Ulric Valgeir and von Hindenstein stood on opposite sides, staring daggers at each other. The heroes soon learned ‘The Grim’ was 2nd-in-command of the church of Sigmar in Altdorf. And within the first hour, it became apparent the Altdorfians not proper diplomats: Yann became a drunken wallflower, von Eckenstein flared at the slightest accidently spillage of wine (“An affront to my honor. Besmirch of all Altdorf! This means WAR!”) Quintius was an oddball who rushed towards Gary to question his name, “You?! You’re dead! You sure it not Kastor?” Quintius fingered Gary’s face and tugged at his ears and nose as if to pull off a mask. He finally accepted Gary for who he said he was. But he had no clue why/how he selected, “The High Chancellor (Secretary of State). Maybe because the Emperor learned I set in motion a plan to expose the Purplehand cult. It was I who drafted a fake news announcement of inheritance to one Kastor Liebrung after I discovered he was a worshipper of chaos.  I found out due to a small man named Gideon. But he avoided my trap and avoided the witch-hunter I put on his tail.”

Soon members began to pair up or be approached by the heroes. Agnes tried to talk with the Ar-Ulric, “Your brother was an honorable man. Tried to do good for the realm.” But Valgeir spat, “He was a weakling. Didn’t promote Ulric like he should. Like the Sons-of-Ulric preach. Heavy-handed? Maybe, but them venting can be good. They keep respect for Ulric alive. Wait till the spring when the Wolf hunt begins…”

Katarina was happy to see Agnes, “This is my first meeting where I’m not just a pretty face. Although, I’m not sure my purpose.” Agnes pointed to Ar-Ulric, “I think the man shamed for his brother’s chastity indiscretion. He’s allowing the Sons-of-Ulric to get out of control. Any idea how we can calm him down?”

Mor stayed in the shadows listening. He overheard and lip-read the Graf and Thugenheim discussion: “Sir, you should be concerned about sending the right message. Might I suggest breaking out the Carroburg colors?” When Thugenheim left, Agnes approached. The Graf reasoned, “Religious conflicts within the walls. But first, I must get the surrounding lands and crops under control. Who knows, we might soon be under siege from those Nordlander marauders.” Agnes suggested sending the Sons-of-Ulric out to kill the scourge riders, “Put their venting to good use.”

Venegral chatted with Quintius and asked what he knew about “the 9 eyes.” Quintius happy to explain, “They are associated with the Lord-of-Change. I hear his followers want to bring forth the Champion-of-Shadows who in turn will bring about the End-of-Time.”

8pm, The Proposal: Volkmar ‘The Grim’ (the High Capitulator) had waited long enough, “Ladies and Gentlemen. The Grand Theoginist journeys to Delberz to stand before the Shining Rock. I’m sure all of you know it as holy to both Sigmar and Ulric followers. The Theoginist challenges both Ar-Ulric Valgeir and myself (ordered) to join him as a sign of solidarity to the empire.” Volkmar turned toward the Graf and his daughter, “Furthermore, crown prince Wolfgang Franz (the Emperor’s son) extends his hand in marriage to Katarina. Such joining would strengthen the realm. I’ll have your answer in the morning.” Agnes could see the displeasure in Katarina’s reaction.

Once the Altdorf continent left, the Graf turned toward his advisors, “What say you? As for the marriage, I’ve always told my daughter her suitor is her choice.” Most of the heroes supported the idea, “It would help restore order and show solidarity within the Empire.” The Graf nodded, “My troops are thinned what with the flood of refugees and the war to the east. An influx of Reikland troops would help quell the war.” Mor questioned, more to himself, “Yes, but what does his daughter think about marrying a rumored mutant?” Maybe Agnes overheard the elf as she asked, “Does the Emperor have any daughters? Perhaps your son Stephan could propose marriage to the Emperor’s daughter?” Agnes was crushed to learn the “Emperor’s daughter hiding in the Shallya Temple at Fruderheim” was not a true princess. Only a mental patient.

Later that Night: Katarina knocked at their villa door, “Interesting evening. People calling for father to rise as Emperor of the North. At least father has convinced Ar-Ulric to journey to the shrine. As for the proposal… I don’t even know the man. Since you are journeying that way, could you give a look and report back to me? I know it might be best for the empire, but I would like to marry someone I COULD love.” Mor chose that moment to ask, “What can you tell me about the Carroburg colors? I overheard mention someone plans to show them off at some point.” Gary answered that question, “Every Reiklander knows that a captured battle flag. For a Midlander to display such would be a great afront!”

Next Day: Agnes spent time shopping for a new bow. Unaware Mor stayed in his room crafting an elven bow as a gift for the healer and supporter of his griffon egg return. Meanwhile, the others met up with their favorite info source, “Good morning Half-Nose. What can you tell us about the crown prince of Altdorf? Are the rumors true?” Half-Nose only chuckled, “They are only rumors till you can actually pull the tail. As for the Altdorf delegation, that info will cost you. You didn’t hear it from me, but word on the street is the Sons-of-Ulric plan to spring an attack when the group travels thru the Warrenburg district. The Ar-Ulric foolishly believes he can control them.”

They tried to warn the Graf of the pending attack. Except, he in conference with the Ar-Ulric. So, they told his baron son Henrich instead who assigned the Knight Panthers to escort and enlisted the heroes to also escort. The Altdorf caravan neared the area where the woman rabblerouser enflamed the crowd. Chants of “Sigmar is not a god” wafted thru the Altdorf parade as it continued on. Till it reached the Warrenburg district. Venegral’s 6th sense pinged… just before 2 peasants leaped forward and slung shit at the carriages. Then ran off. All their preparations and heightened alertness for naught. 

Except, they knew more was to come. Perhaps somewhere on the trail to the Shing Rock? Where during their journey north, they encountered Sigmarite witch-hunters harassing Ulric believers.

Could this be a “tables turned” moment? They’d find out in 3-days travel. Three days to ponder the reminder about Gideon: responsible for including the awkward Quintius as a delegate. Has Gideon found a wormtongue to sow discord in Middenheim about the Graf elevating to Emperor of the North? Perhaps Gideon also spreads false rumors about the prince of Emperor being a mutant as a barrier to any marriage ideas that might heal the empire. Or he inflaming the cult of Ulric to keep the churches at each other’s throats. Humans ARE so easy to manipulate. Such as enticing the prince of Ostland on a hero quest that resulted in his death rumored to be Talabecland doing. The seeds of war.

Next Sessionhttps://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2023/01/s6e2-eir-we-all-must-make-sacrifices.html


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