S5E19 tHR- Who Invited You Aboard?

PCs: Sister Agnes (Duane), elf Mor (Bill), Cavalryman Gary (Matt), Bounty-hunter Katja (Geoff), wizard Venegral (Tony), ogre Ymath (Brian)

ReCap: They entered the overrun Karak Skygg fortress in search of the corkscrew weapon fired at the Brass Keep. And in the process found the Deputy High Wizard, Janna Eberhauer, with her tongue cut out and thus unable to cast spells. But also in her prison chamber, a magical mirror with the brief visage of an unknown human skaven conspirator.


 Baron Heinrich Todbringer

Welcome aboard: Most sputtered at the sight of Ymath, “Last we saw, you were still carrying that box around.” The ogre admitted, “Couldn’t see where I was going. Must have climbed a boarding ramp. Next thing I know, airborne. And no food!” Baron Heinrich Todbringer was caught off-guard, “You mean the thing can talk? You know him?” They paused to scan the crew: the baron, Natissa, and 3 dwarves manning the mechanical engine at the rear of the gondola slung beneath the airbag that gave lift. Agnes marveled at the engineering, as Gary took in its weaponry, “Only long-rifles? No cannons?” Katja wondered how the thing stayed airborne while Mor looked over the side as he estimated the fall, “No wings to keep it airborne? You rely only on hot air? Well, at least you have a bountiful source of lift provided by the dwarves.” Meant as matter-of-fact of engineering. Taken as an affront to the dwarves, “Who let this elf aboard?!”

News: Heinrich called them into his cabin, “What did you find at the Keep and why were you at the Skygg? And when did you get involved in Middenheim politics?” Gary and Agnes retold the assignment bestowed by Henrich’s sister Katarina, “We were to investigate skaven activity around the keep and witnessed their failed assault. But the use of a long-ranged weapon drew us to Skygg where we uncovered the skaven plan to bring down Morrslieb.” Katja injected, “Agnes here is the Graf’s new Champion. We have been toiling in the background uncovering sinister plots to overthrow your father’s rule. We revealed a few members of his council who worked for the skaven, such as the Law Lord, Karl-Heinz Wasmeier, who proved to be one such wizardry mastermind. But he escaped.” Agnes continued, “We’ve followed many leads from as far away as Nuln and Nurgle agents, and Purplehand cultists from Kemperbad and Altdorf.” Gary added, “We tracked a member of the Von Wittgenstein family to Middenheim who you might know as one of your stepmother’s suitors (Kommissioner Gotthard Wallenstein). But he only proved to be a hedonistic distraction.”

Heinrich added his own news, “Natissa tells me how you are known as the ‘Heroes of Middenheim’. For that I am grateful. But things have grown worse since your absence. You blamed the attack on father as cult doing but the Ar-Ulric and others disagree, blaming the Sigmarites. I’m sure she informed you of my task to quell the border disputes between Talebeckland and Ostland. There is no evidence the Krieglitzes of Talebeckland had anything to do with the death of the crown prince of Ostland but his father will not listen. Thus open war between the two is underway. Talebeckland is lining up with Middenheim, with rumors declaring my father new Emperor of the North. Meanwhile, it is troubling that two of the city’s most influential posts were filled by cultists. The Watch are rooting out the rest of the Purple-Hand cult, along with the Jade Scepter cult to which Wallenstein belonged. Nor does it help him being a Reiklander. Rumor has it Witch-Hunters of Sigmar plan to prove every Ulrican a servant of the Ruinous Powers, which only bolsters the Ar-Ulric’s claim Sigmarites were behind the attack on father as a means to discredit the faith of Ulric and weaken the north.”

Wings on the Horizon: And that’s when the dwarf entered without knocking, “Seems your guests were followed.” Gary stood at the railing with his spyglass, “From their size even at distance, I’d guess at least 6 griffon. Something on their backs.” Mor added with his own keen eyes, “I count 7. And can see flesh hanging loose. Undead. Closing fast!” Mor braced as he loosed an arrow at long range. Gary sighted and fired one of the mounted long-rifles: all could see one griffon spiral toward earth, spilling its load. “Soldiers? I think skeletons!” Katja readied her crossbow as Agnes barked commands (Leadership). Venegral channeled his magical energy. 

The deck tilted rearward, causing everyone to brace, as Ymath moved to the rear to fire his leadbelcher: another undead griffon spiraled out of the line, dumping its load.

The dwarves stoked the fires to increase speed yet the assault too fast. Suddenly, Ymath jerked sideways from impact as missiles hit the deck. Turned out to be flying skulls! Another volley erupted from the deck but the griffons too fast and too close, as they swung overhead and dumped their skeletons atop the balloon before flying off to angle for another approach. Hissing could be heard over the sound of the steam engine. “They’re puncturing the airbag! Stop them!” Venegral cast: and suddenly Gary and Agnes lifted off the deck with knowledge how to fly.

Flying Dinosaur: Everyone had assumed it just another griffon in trail. Turned out to be a huge flying Triceratops with a single rider. Mor and Venegral’s 2nd sight flared at recognition of dark magic aura as a purple streak in the shape of a skull arced from the rider’s hand and flew towards the dwarf engineer, who collapsed in convulsions. They recognized the rider, “It’s the GraveLord!” Mor twanged 3 arrows [2nd and 3rd per advantage markers] in succession at the beast since its rider hidden behind the Triceratops’ neckplate armor. Gary fired a pistol at it. Agnes flew to the top of the airbag wielding her Warhammer, “It’s hammer time!” She took out one skeleton from the dozen hacking away at the leather surface. But that’s when Venegral landed beside her and cast (Chain Lightning): most skeletons crumbled to piles of bones which slid over the side.

Mor fought off the fear of being hit by magic missiles cast from the GraveLord. [Fate to avoid certain death] Mor ducked as a Triceratops horn sliced the space his head once occupied. By now the undead griffons had swung around and swooped in for attack. Gary blocked his attacker with shield (critical-causing damage) while Katja parried her attacker (critical-broken rib). Mor raised his 2-handed Wildwood Sword and cleaved his horned attacker. [2nd attack per advantage markers] And swung again. The stitched-together Triceratops fell apart in its earthward death spiral. An echo from the jumbled mass of bones foretold the GraveLord’s fate, “I’ll be back!”

Venegral flew down to dispatch the last griffon as Agnes handled the last skeleton atop the airbag. With the air assault stopped, they regrouped on deck. The dwarves complained, “We were doing fine till you showed up. Don’t just stand there… fly back up and stitch those holes shut!” Gary pointed out, “It’s your contraption; you fix it. Land if you must.”

Griffon nest: And that’s when they spied a nearby mountain ledge bristling with intertwined branches. And saw the griffon hatchlings. Mor was already asking Agnes for the bag-of-holding with the griffon egg. He not wanting to reveal such in front of the baron for fear the noble wanting the egg to raise himself. Just like Gary was insisting. Backed by Venegral. Thus, when the dwarves were convinced to lower the airship to get closer, and a rope thrown over the side, Mor climbed down… and jumped off. “You fool! How are you getting back?!” But the dwarves saw the opportunity and fired up the engines to lift away, “One less body; we’ll fly faster.” In no time, Mor was long out of sight.

Smoke on the Horizon: As they flew westward across the countryside, they first saw smoke rising from distant villages. And soon began to see movement of military units. [heraldry] Gary lifted his spyglass, “I see the lion banner of the Karzsburdgers but also the eagle banner of Nordlanders.” Baron Heinrich grumbled, “My stepmother was a Nordlander, married per alliance necessities. But ever since she died, the Nordlanders want to separate from father’s rule. The baron of Nordland himself, Theodric Gausser, is rumored to be organizing an upstart to reclaim his noble right of sovereignty.” Agnes reasoned, “Land and we can lend aid to fight them off.” But the baron dismissed her, “We have more pressing matters in court.” And the dwarf engineers agreed, “Ships already damaged. Get closer and they could bring us down.”

Hard Pressed for Home: They flew onwards throughout the day and night. Come morning, as if the dwarf comments an omen: the steam engine began to belch black smoke. Grinding noises rose in volume as the dwarves hustled to fix things. Covered in soot and grease, the dwarven engineer soon reported, “She’ll hold but we’ve lost half our speed and maneuverability.”

And as if foretold, within a day of Middenheim, those topside along the railing spotted corkscrew trails of smoke coming their way. Other trails came straight at them. “Someone is firing rockets at us! Look, I can see a Hellstorm Rocket Launcher!” Venegral raised his hands and spread his fingers as sparks flew forth (magic missiles) that intercepted a few rockets, knocking them off course. Gary steadied his pistol and shot down another. The baron barked orders, “Fly lower but keep going.” But the dwarf engineer protested, “We’ll never outrun them. Any closer we’ll be a sitting duck if they reload. I say land and deal with them.” Agnes seconded the motion, “Let us down. We’ll take them out.” Gary tapped Ymath on his shoulder, “Food’s down there.”

Most slid over the railing by rope; Ymath jumped. The airship suddenly rose at the loss of weight. Trees blocked their view as they tried to stealth inland. A pistol shot rang out, shattering the branch over Gary’s head. And that’s when they saw the rocket battery being cranked lower. “They’re aiming for the airship!” Gary shot at one of the battery crew while Ymath charged at another on guard, ripping his arm off, “Get in me belly. I’m hungry.” Shots fired back and forth. Till Venegral lit up the day with a fire bolt that cooked off the rockets: one launched in a corkscrew trail before impacting a nearby soldier. Another blew up in its tube, disintegrating the entire launcher and remaining rockets. The explosion deforested the immediate area and sent shards into the nearby soldiers. If not killed by the wooden shrapnel, the soldiers killed by Agnes’ Orphans.

Gary interrupted Ymath’s meal, “At least strip them of clothing so we can search.” He recovered a map with writing that he offered to Agnes to read. “I recognize the handwriting: Karl-Heinz Wasmeier! He knew our flightpath and directed this rocket battery to bring us down. Says all of Nordland would sing praise at their accomplishment. How the hell did he know us aboard and our flightpath?! Does he have a seeing-stone? Did the GraveLord tell him?”

Next Session:


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