S2E4: Shadows Over Boganhafen - the Schaffenfest


“Altdorf's zoo has been shut for weeks. I heard Deathclaw, the Emperor's Griffon, went on a rampage. Probably because the emperor hasn't been to see him for months.”

“The emperor has a relative locked up in a tower.”

Cyphered letters, signed “M” from Altdorf, found in Corporal Tylo’s upper-middleclass apartment.

Who was Tylo talking about in his letter, “Heske Glazer will doom us all.

Were the blue wizards, Sybille and Carolus, acting for a good cause when they constructed and used the glass-beam weapon? It was aimed elsewhere.

Who was the glass-blower for the lens weapon? Where is Sybille now?

Why would a man, Kastor Lieberung, about to inherit 20 thousand gold, waste his time attacking a carriage and be in league with ghouls?

Who are the men of Nuln who signed the affidavit proclaiming Kastor the true heir? Are they in league supporting a false heir? Are they also members of the ‘Purple-Hand’?

Who is this “Q.F.” who wrote the letter to Adolphus to eliminate Kastor? Did he want Kastor dead because of his cult association or because of the inheritance?

Kastor Lieberung is known to some in Altdorf as the ‘Magister Impedimentae’. What is the significance of that title?

Plans: Gary had retrieved the coachman Jan’s ring. Now with plans to deliver it to his widow in Boganhafen. Does he still plan to carry out the impersonation of Kastor to collect the inheritance from the Boganhafen law firm?

Henryk (Bill) noble career change: Ranger/Witch-Hunter

Brandiwyn (Tony) career advance: Riverman with trained feral cat

Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger…absent

Gary (Matt) career change: Warrior/Cavalry Horseman

Sister Agnes (Duane) noble career advance: Nun, worshiper of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) noble career change: Bounty Hunter…absent

Out-n-About Boganhafen: It was another 3-day barge ride down the Bogen before they arrived at the Boganhafen docks. Nothing eerie about the prior night bathed in the green glow of Morrslieb approaching a full moon status. Haggin’s Wharf was relatively quiet, thanks to the Schaffenfest setup outside the city walls already underway. Joseph hit the docks running, “Need to contact my wine buyer and get those barrels delivered. Look for me at the Spotten beer tent and I’ll buy a round. Otherwise, I’ll see you aboard ship when you return for free bunks.”

The elf took off to deliver a message. Katja headed to the festival in hopes of finding employment at a tent as signer/entertainer. Agnes accompanied Gary per his plans to deliver the deceased coachman Jan’s ring. “Let’s check in with the coach company to get his address.” Jan’s widow Edith stood in the doorway of the house nursing an infant while 3 other rug-rats tugged at her skirt. Gary embellished the story of Jan’s “honorable” death while Agnes offered prayers of Shallya. Edith took the news hard, “I’m unable to pay the bills. Surely my children will become orphans. Unless I can find another husband.” She smiled a 2-tooth comely grin at Gary, “I can cook and sew and bed ya proper.” Gary shuddered.

Awkwardly exiting the house, Agnes checked in with the Shallya sponsored Mercy House soup kitchen run by her holiness, Mother Marleen Rubenstein. “Yes, send the family this way. We can provide. We have been blessed with steady donations ever since Johanne Teugen took over as mayor of the town.” And that’s when 2 nobles entered to contribute their monthly donations. Agnes was dumbstruck by the generosity. Marleen explained, “That was Friedrick Magirius and Frans Steinhauger of the ‘Ordo Septenarius’ merchant guild. They too believe in our mantra, ‘Take care of the poor today, and there will be less pickpocketers and urchins on the streets tomorrow.’”

Meanwhile, Henryk headed for Sigmar’s Temple to check-in. Where he learned an unbelievable new edict from the emperor, “There are no mutants within the kingdom. Just birth defects. It is now illegal to kill mutants.” Henryk contemplated, “Maybe there is truth to the rumor of a relative of the emperor locked away in a tower. Probably a mutant. And now an edict to save his bloodline.”

It was late afternoon when they arrived at the Schaffenfest tents. Gary joined Joseph at the Spotten beer tent. Agnes and Henryk ran into each other at the Stocks: the nun there to offer prayers for those locked up; the hunter there looking for cultists. Street urchins tugged at their waists, “Care to buy rotten tomatoes to throw?” A familiar red-headed dwarf [Gottri Gurnisson] struggled to lift his head in the stocks, “I’m innocent I tell ya. I didn’t accost the man; he knocked the beer outa my hand first; so, I simply took his as payment. Two shilling fine for that?!” Henryk questioned, “I thought you were to sell your home-brew at the festival. Did you drink your profits?”

Agnes took pity on the dwarf and offered to pay his fine. The guard directed her to the magistrate in the adjoining tent. Henryk playfully took the opportunity to buy some tomatoes which he handed back to the urchins, “Another 2 pence if you can hit him in the face.” His hands locked in place; the dwarf could only swipe his tongue at the juices dripping off his bulbus nose. Once he was released, he gave Agnes a great hug, staining her white garments. She tried her best not to recoil at his stench as she announced his penance, “You must do one good deed per shilling fine. Else I’ll return you to the stocks.” Gottri offered, “Then for my first good deed, let me buy you a round of drinks.”

Meanwhile, Brandiwyn took his whares [goods bought in Altdorf] to the tents to make a profit of his own. As he made the rounds, he quickly learned most folks migrated to one particular herbalist. “Elvyra Kleinestun of Wiessbruck. Those other charlatans sell snake-oils and other home-brews. I sell the real thing. Even the nuns of Shallya buy from me.”

Brandi ran into the nun and hunter entering the Spotten beer tent as Henryk questioned how the dwarf would pay, considering his inability to pay his fine. Yet it was Joseph handing his friend Brandi coin to buy a free round. Gottri offered, “Then at least let me help carry them.” When the dwarf gulped 2 at the bar before he ran off, Brandi was left using his own coin to pay the difference. Sister Agnes was ready to track down the dwarf and return him to the stocks, until Brandi laughed it off, “Let’s see what activities they offer besides the joust. I heard there are races, wrestling, and throwing competitions.”

Gary, Brandiwyn, and Henryk lined up for the race. “Why compete against each other? What say one race while the others block for him?” The crowd cheered at the starting whistle. And cheered louder when Henryk’s elbow ‘accidently’ broke another racer’s nose. While Gary hip-checked another into the crowd, allowing Brandi to take the lead and win. All under the prayerful assist of Agnes. For the next race, Gary took an early lead and never looked back. His partners’ feeble blocking wasn’t needed. For the last race, Gary disguised himself in a dress. While he failed to block, he did distract. Henryk held a slim lead… neck-n-neck, till the last 10 feet when his opponent tripped on his own loose shoestrings. Three winnings split 4 ways.

Still enough winnings to cover their wrestling entry fee, “10 gold for the winner who can last 18 rounds.” The last entrant tossed over the ropes. But the champion slumped in his chair breathing heavy. Gary jumped at the chance, paid his 2-shilling entry fee, and climbed into the ring. He actually held his own those first 6 rounds. Till he and his companions realized the champ was holding back. Faked exhaustion. Gary sailed over the ropes. His butt and ego bruised. Henryk only faired a little better; actually made the champ break a sweat. But he too was soon airborne. Brandiwyn came the closest to the prize. He at least made it to the 12th round before his flying exit.

Gary tried his strength at the anchor throw. Actually got it to flip 3 times but he still lost. Henryk stepped up for the hammer-throw. [00] Only to lose his grip… the hammer flew into the crowd, nailing the same unlucky fella with a broken nose. The crowd let out a loud “OOOUU.” Then silence which allowed them to hear the barker drawing patrons to the Zoocopiea tent as he twisted the ends of his long mustache, “Come one, come all. Dr. Malthusius has gathered the marvelous, the bizarre, the disgusting. Dare you step inside?! Have you the stomach, the courage? Will momma let you?”

And that’s when a goblin-head peeked out of the tent, before the thing tried to run away on its 3 legs. Gary grabbed it. Dr. Malthusius emerged from the tent and rewarded him a shilling. “Thank you. Here are free passes for you and your friends.” They were provided front-row seats. Another 50 spectators crowded in behind them. The candlelight dimmed. Eerie silence was broken by loud animal grunts and snarls. Dr. M stepped on stage, “Fair warning. What you are about to see may shock you to the core.” The crowd gasp when a huge, hairy gorilla was led forward. He grunted and pounded his chest before heaving a handful of shit into the crowd. Next came a cyclops. Women shrieked. But Henryk was close enough to realize it was a mutant. The human’s original eyelids were sealed below the new 3rd eye. The hunter gripped his pistol and had to fight instinct… the emperor’s decree hindered his actions.

Other creatures were paraded forward. A ball of squig. An owlbear. Till the dwarf handler drug forward the 3-legged goblin. Which bit his hand. The dwarf yelped and dropped the chain, allowing the goblin to escape out the tent. Agnes’ Orphans jumped to their feet and followed. Outside, shrieks erupted at the sighting, guiding their pursuit. Then quieted when the goblin escaped into the sewers. Thus, they returned to the tent.

Back at the Zoocopiea tent, Agnes treated the dwarf’s hand, “Sit still. Those things are known to be rabid and cause fever if not infection.” Meanwhile, festival guards arrived to question all. “Is the thing dangerous? You say it was a mutant with a 3rd leg? How does the emperor’s edict apply?” The guard’s questions panicked the already frightened crowd. Dr. Malthusius stepped forward to calm all, “I assure you, we have the matter in hand. It is harmless and defanged [a lie].” He turned to Agnes’ Orphans and beckoned them into the tent. Where he offered, “1 gold each for its return.”

They stepped out of the tent in time to hear the local magistrate offer, “5 gold for its return, dead or alive.” They returned to the sewer entrance and peered into the darkness. The green moon Morrslieb bathed the land in its eerie glow.

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/08/s2e5-enemy-withinshadows-over-boganhafen.html


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