S5E1 tHR- Where Oh Where is Gotthard

From the Beginning:  https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/06/s0e1-introductions.html

PCs: Agnes (Duane), Katja (Geoff), Brandywyn retired and replaced by the White Wizard Venegrall (Tony), Rega (Bill), Gary (Matt), Ymath (Brian)

KITUM’: Kommission for Inquiries into Threats Unknown to Middenheim.

With half-priced merchandise purchased from vendors closing tents after the festival, Brandi set up his own local and wagon caravan trade with Altdorf to supplement his barge trade.

As for the others: Days to heal up after encountering the Pink and Blue Horrors during the raid on the Purple-Hands’ safehouse. Days that kept Agnes busy at the Shallya temple treating the influx of peasants suffering from the ‘itching pox’. Once it reached ‘blood-rot’, it was fatal. More and more official (and unofficial) rat-catchers on the streets now tasked to catch cats proposed at the source of the plague. Protesters outside the care facilities claiming the plague a hoax. Are they wearing that scarf over their face to protect their identify or as ward against the fake-plague?

Hero’s Villa: The others settled into their new home: ex-Law Lord Karl-Heinz Wasmeier’s old estate. Despite the protesting stairs, they thought it best NOT to let the ogre take up room on the 1st floor…near the kitchen. Knock at the door proved to be their old contact Natissa and Janna (Deputy High Wizard) who introduced a new wizard dressed in white. “This is Venegrall of the White order. He’s been studying demons of Tzeentch and offers his help.” Natissa scanned the house, “I see I hooked my horse to the right wagon. You’ve proven yourself loyal to the Graf and thus to my interest, his son Henrich still on diplomatic business. If you need anything else, you know where to find me.” Janna stated she was leaving the city to head to Altdorf on a fact finding mission.

No sooner Janna’s and Natissa’s departure than another knock at the door: a butler delivering a message. An invite to discuss Gotthard Wallenstein. One look at the last entry and glance at Ymath and all broke out in laughter, “A meal of lark’s tongue and pickled venison?! Let’s accept if for no other reason than to watch the ogre eat them out of house and home.” Rega asked the butler, “Your master… Herr Felix Von Rosam, Merchant’s Guild… any particular business?” Just a minor businessman of low order. But high enough to live in the Brotkoff district.

But first: Rega’s swearing into the dwarven ‘Order of Ornfraga’ (Ironbreakers) with his friends in attendance. Mostly to carry him home because this would be one-hell-of-a-drunk’fest! With each “Do you swear…” and pounding of the armor piece, he and those watching lifted their mugs of ‘Bugman Ale’. Rega staggered as his breastplate heavily set into position and confirmed with a double-fisted chest pounding. Still upright when his helm fitted over his ears and ‘hammered’ into position. Ale poured down his throat with each piece of ceremonial Gromril armor fitted. Allegiance to the dwarf clan and their realm: “To your last breath, never retreat, swear if you dishonor your name or kind you will take up the Oath-Slayer mantel.” Only Agnes and Venegrall sober to direct the dwarves carrying the bodies of the others to be deposited in their villa.

Morning: “STOP that damn banging on the door! Damn it, we need our own butler!” Allavandrel kicked the dwarf still snoring on the porch. Cats who sought his warmth scurried away as the dwarf rose to open the door, “Master elf, time for the hunt already? You missed a good… ‘BELCH!’… party.” The elf pinched his nose at the foul odor of the dwarf’s fart, “I can imagine what you drink but what the hell did you eat?! Even the animals of the forest will run from your scent.” The others staggered into the lobby none the better. At least the elf gave them an hour to regroup, each with their own hangover remedy.

The Hunt: They rode out on horses into the Graf’s Drakwald Forest. Neither Katja or Rega up to the task of tracking. Allavandrel had to point out the wild-boar prints. The elf called a halt as they crested a hill and came upon a deer before a majestic tree. A HUGE deer! At least 20 points! The elf in awe, “He is the Great Hart of the Forest!” They approached with reverence; the elf approached with wonder at just who these humans were to be honored by such a sight. For the deer transformed into a huge elf with horns whom Allavandrel introduced as, “This is Kurnous, the god of the forest.” Kurnous looked down upon those before him, “I ask your help with a mission. Chaos has tainted my forest. Ole’ Grimmleback, once king of the razorbacks, has mutated from the touch of the chaos moon. Once an old, dear friend, I ask you to lay him to rest with my blessings.” And at a blink, Kurnous gone. Allavandrel in even more wonder of the others, “Who are you? To be blessed by an elven god!”

On the hunt for new prey. Another hour till they came upon the smell of rot and decay as they entered a clearing. The horses snorted in fear causing the riders to hold the reins tight. At the far edge of the clearing stood an enormous boar with a sickly hump upon its back. He’d heard the clanking armor of the warriors among the hunters yet feared not. Ole’ Grimmleback snorted before he charged. Except… Allavandrel (critical) raised his elfbow first and sank an arrow into the beasts’ front leg. [Critical: torn muscle- hamstring: half move… so much for its deadly charge.]

Rega kicked his horse forward but the animal protested… it and its rider paused with fear. The wizard cast his magic-missile (critical- stun) hitting the beasts’ head, causing it additional pause. The mutated boar howled in contempt causing the horses to jitter. Ymath howled back as he closed. Turns out it wasn’t much of a fight. The beast hobbled from the start never stood a chance. Gunfire, arrows, bolt, and more magic ruled the day. Allavandrel carved up the beast, offering its stomach as a bag-of-holding. Gary and Katja prized its tusk as more ‘Rhinox aphrodisiac grounded powder’. Ymath asked for its hump for crafting into plate armor. It was midnight when they returned to the city.

Next Day: A growing line of patients stood outside the Shallya temple seeking aid. They cursed the protestors (Mad-Catters) and their signs. “Hoax?! Stand still and let me lick you and tell me you still a disbeliever. As I thought, begone!” Peddlers wandered the streets pushing their own cures, “2 silver for my ‘Essence-of-Cat’ and you can be cured. Just bring your cat, any cat, to be boiled with my secret ingredients.” The peddlers ignored the jeering of the Mad-Catters.

Meanwhile, Gary and Katja took the horns to their drug contact, Bruno (Hilde’s nephew) who protested, “Why should I deal with you? You ran off my best customer. Yes, the green-eyed woman!” But he quickly relented when shown the horns and promised it “as good as Rhinox.” Meanwhile, Rega visited his investment in Dieter and Kirsten’s stable.

Dinner: They arrived at Herr Rosam’s house where they were greeted by Felix and Blanca. He, “Please, sit, relax before we discuss business.” She, “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH GOTTY?! He said you were hounding him!” Agnes ignored the rant and ordered “tea” from the butler, Helmut. Gary also ignored her and asked, “How is it you know Gotthard? Perhaps his Slaneesh Social Club? Or perhaps members of his Jade Scepter group?” Felix ignored the questions and replied, “Life is boring without him. Find him and I’ll repay you. The last we saw of him was at the Garden Party.” Blanca unrelenting, “Quit playing us for fools! I know you took him, return him NOW else I…” Helmut with a platter of appetizers never made it past Ymath who scarfed it all down. The ogre followed him back to the kitchen to help himself to larger portions. Gary was willing to barter, “Yes, we are good at finding things and people. How much are you offering? 20 gold? That’s not worth our… each? Hum.” Blanca erupted in more protest… still ignored.

They left the house without having committed themselves. But at least with Gotthard’s address. And smart enough to pull Helmut aside as they exited, “Who else attended the Rosam’s parties? Who is Emerich? A minor noble… like your master. I see, Gotthard organized most of the parties. Maybe we will look into it when we have the chance.” Agnes was distracted, “I’m sorry, were you talking to me? I was busy wondering how much oil needed to burn this temple to Slaneesh to the ground.” Venegrall offered, “You need fire? I can cast a minor blaze to get it started.” As they returned to their own estate, they passed more peddlers bellowing, “Bring out your cats. Do your duty.” Obviously preying on the people to give them cats THEY could turn in for reward. Katja ran them off the streets.

Gotthard’s House: The largest house in the district. 3 stories and shutters closed even though smoke rose from the chimney. Rega/Gary/Ymath walked to the back while the others approached the front door. At their knock, a servant peeked out a peephole, "Master is not home! Go away." Agnes challenged him, “We are here by order of the Graf. Open Up!” She even flashed her ‘Graf Champion’ badge. The butler wilted under authority as he let them in, “My master has been gone for days. Last I saw him was his return from the Garden Party. Drunk and angry about some note he crumpled. He stormed out.” The butler startled at the noise from the back of the house. Agnes explained, “The rest of the team in case you or your master tried to escape.”

Katja headed upstairs to the bedchamber as Agnes went for the study. Venegrall entered the office hoping to find books, but the butler explained, “My master is not good at reading.” As for the backdoor group (Rega/Gary/Ymath): they climbed down into the basement where they found a sex dungeon. Gary paused a little too long inspecting each and every implement as if deciding “got it, got it, don’t got it…” They eventually climbed up and to the attic to continue their search. Where they found a wall safe behind a Wittgenstein family portrait (before the mutations). Rega picked the safe. Inside: dark-green robe, an amulet to Slaneesh. They left everything in place, “I’m not touching that corrupt thing!”

Meanwhile, Agnes found a letter “from sis… Margarita Von Wittgenstein. Doing well with her experiments. Too many to count or keep track of.” 

Katja found the crumpled note the butler mentioned. She tracked down Agnes to eventually read to the others. “From a Herr Gelb. He knows Gotthard’s a Wittgenstein. Blackmails exposure unless he brings his great uncle Dagmar’s diaries to the Heaven’s Lament.” At news of the amulet, Venegrall went to the attic and cast “banish” to get rid of the foul thing.

Heaven’s Lament: The bouncer blocked the door, “Members only. This is an exclusive (and expensive) cabaret club.” Offer of coins did not sway the man. Mention of Gelb did. “Friends? Why didn’t you start with that? He is not here right now. Heidi will take you to his booth.” They questioned the young girl as she led the way. Silence till coins offered. Silver. “Night of the Garden Party? Gelb met with Kommissioner Gotthard who arrived hours later.” More coins… gold. “I only overheard a little. Gotthard offered excuses. Didn’t bring what expected. Gelb wouldn’t take no for an answer. Actually, he said his master wouldn’t take no as answer. I stayed till closing but never saw them leave.” Everyone seemed to understand as they ordered drinks then told Heidi, “Give us a few hours.” More gold convinced her to leave them to their vices. Not hers to judge.

Little effort needed to find the flagstone release of the trapdoor beneath their feet. Tight fit for the ogre but soon they all descended a claw-carved shaft that ended in a long tunnel also claw carved. Rega reasoned, “Deeper than the sewers.” Gary was about to light his storm-lantern till the wizard Venegrall offered, “Don’t waste your oil. I’ve got it. Several failed attempts later, “Perhaps your oil is good enough. You can shield your lantern. I cannot shield my cast light.” Damp, musky odors filled the tunnel as they marched onward. Ymath in the lead, then the warriors Gary and Rega, then Katja and the wizard, with Agnes as rear guard.

Coughing fit from Ymath when he brushed against the wall and stirred up a yellow mold. “Ssshhh! You’ll give us away! Even Ymath knew that not true as he cringed at the noisy armor of the warriors. But then who is to say what brought forth the 4 large rats from wall openings. Gunfire echoed down the tunnel as the rats soon dispatched. Hopefully the earthen walls absorbed the gunshot noise. Another hour-and-a-half trudge till they all heard lots of squeaking. Rats! Dozens. A swarm by the echoing sound. At least this time the wizard contributed to the fight. Besides arrows, bolts, and bullets, a fireball engulfed the swarm, ending the threat.

Onward they trekked till they saw dancing light from a room ahead. Voices. Rat squeaks but more language. Skaven? Even if their storm-lantern light didn’t give them away as they got closer, their noise did. Across the stone room hung a man in chains with skaven standing before the bleeding man, tormenting him. Torturing him. Parts bitten off, pockmarks of flesh bitten away from his back and chest. The man already passed out in chains. “Once more, where are your great uncle’s diaries?” GOTTHARD WITTGENSTEIN! They found their enemy and now questioned who the enemy.

Next Sessionhttps://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/07/s5e2-thr-does-anyone-believe-in-skaven.html 


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