S4E10 PBtT- Family Passwords
PCs: Agnes (Duane), Katja (Geoff), Brandywyn (Tony), Rega (Bill), Ymath (Brian)
Rats’ Nest: Still in the sewers hearing
chanting and screams. They move forward, checking side chambers. Curtain hides
a statue to The Horned Rat, another chamber empty except for pegs holding one
remaining white-robe with blood stains.
And a side tunnel too narrow for human… but wide enough for skaven! Rega
and Brandi set a bomb-trap between the 2 chambers before the group moves
forward towards the chanting. A rope bridge just at the edge of Ymath’s
lantern. Light that betrays their presence and invites a volley of arrows.
Ymath storms across the rope-bridge that strains at his
weight… the support posts groan but hold. But the huge ogre blocks the path for
others. Thus, HE faces skaven blasts from warpstone-guns! Rega readies a bomb to
hand to the brute but Gary next across foils that idea. [Besides, it would have
been Ymath’s Range(Engineer) which he doesn’t have.]
As if 2-dozen skaven within the chanting chamber wasn’t
enough, a skaven sorcerer stands behind a vat of blood, with the sacrificed
child hanging limp overhead. And the sorcerer casts… and the child springs to
zombie-life. And other sacrificial forms rise from the chamber floor and amble
towards Ymath, plugging the path beyond the bridge. And if that not enough,
everyone hears the “click” from a bridge post. And hears mechanical grinding
and slip above and to the side as a HUGE pendulum begins its long-arm swing
towards the bridge. [Yeah, just piling it on… you’d think the GM trying to tell
us to run. But us led by an almost-intelligent ogre and evil-slaying
war-priestess. Nope, we stay and fight.]
Green projectiles splatter upon shield or armor as the
skaven fire and reload. Signaling an urgency to stop their volleys. Gary fires
his ‘griffonfoot’ pistol to take out a few zombies and skaven foot-soldiers,
and squats to allow Rega to fire his own ‘griffonfoot’ to weaken 3 others. The
sorcerer inhales warpstone gas to then cast fireballs at Agnes’ Orphans.
Katja, Brandi, and Agnes twang arrows and bolts at the sorcerer. Another fireball
blast versus impaling arrows and bolts… and the sorcerer flees. Which breaks
the morale of its foot-soldiers who follow. Allowing Agnes’ Orphans to
dash back across the bridge JUST before the pendulum slices the bridge. While
Agnes heals the wounded, Rega and Katja return to the side chamber to destroy
the skaven’s statue of their ‘Great-Horned Rat’ god. Earning corruption for
their efforts. Corruption too for those hit by warpstone projectiles.
Midnight: Sleep delayed as Agnes
contemplates directions for the morning: confront Emmanuelle, or Ar-Ulric, or Chancellor
Sparsam. Or seek out the guard who allows the green-eyed woman passage. Or
Agnes befriends Luigi to gain access to the Graf’s son Stefan. Or search the
missing Law Lord Ehrlich’s home for clues.
Morning: First up- Agnes to the Shallya
Temple to brief the High Matriarch about Emmanuelle humping the Graf and
Ar-Ulric. And about Kommissar Wallenstein’s true identity and Jade Scepter
necklace. The matriarch warning not to spread rumors till solid evidence and to
give the accused time to confess. She disappointed since Wallenstein is a major
Next up: chat with the Watch Commander, Ulrich
Schutzmann. Agnes tells of the sewer encounter with skaven that included
destroying a statue to their god, while also suffering at the hands of a skaven
caster. Not to mention the new warpstone-guns. Ulrich surprised since he
commissioned the Rat-Catcher Guild to patrol the sewers. “I’m also trying to
convince the dwarves to step in and aid in that endeavor.” Group request to
speak with the night guard at the private gate. Ulrich consults the records and
provides the name “Josep Grafius. Off duty so should be in the barracks.”
1030 am: Josep remembers the strikingly
green-eyed Frau Kennar, “She had the family password of Hilde who can give to
other members of the family. I actually tried to follow her once but lost her
in the seedier side of the city.” The allies recognize the area as where they
sold their illegal rhinox powder. But the guard continues, “She only used that
password once. Afterwards, she used Chancellor Sparsam’s password.” Obvious
change once she began supplying him with ‘Ranald’s Delight’.
11am: They arrive at the
‘Square-of-Marshalls’ in time to see Dieter fight. Which he won. But during the
bout, Gary chats with the Ar-Ulric. Seeking his opinion about the taxes. Vague
conversation with hints of bedding women but no outright accusation. So, when
that conversation peters out [pun intented], Gary steps into the ring to fight
Dieter. Despite Dieter being hungover, he wins, “Good fight but I guess I’ll be
the Graf Champ another year.” Gary offers, “I’ll give my apologizes to Kirsten
as your wedding delayed another year.” Agnes invites Dieter to the tavern
later, after the Garden Party, which pleases Dieter. “Oh, I hope there will be
more dwarves. That was fun.” Brandi tries to hasten the wedding by stepping
into the ring to challenge. Despite Dieter twisting a wrist, he soon pummels
the barge captain.
Afterwards, a bruised Brandi puts on a fake Ulric symbol and
engages Ar-Ulric about the taxes. “On the contrary, we pay. I am just a humble
servant with little influence on the Graf on the matter of taxes. But I must
say taxing the dwarfs caused an unintended impact of them leaving the city.”
Gary joins the conversation and brings up the green-eyed lady. The Ar-Ulric
admits haven seen one, “We met a few times. Much to discuss. She would know
more about the taxes. Seems everyone is trying to move up in stature. Step on
and over those above and ahead of their status. Such as that Nuln princess who
is rumored to shun her wealthy backers now that she in higher position.”
2pm: Katja, Brandi, and Agnes attend
the Improv Theater for chance to engage in noble conversation. But
apparently, those they seek are busy getting ready for the night’s Garden
Party. Ymath, Rega, and Agnes attend the Dwarven Choir where they too
hope to converse. At least Agnes is, for she approaches Princess Katarina. But
first has to talk to the chaperone Hilde. Which provides opportunity to mention
use of Hilde’s family password. Hilde confesses, “My nephew. Sister, may I ask
a favor? Could you possibly sway my nephew Bruno who has stumbled onto the
wrong path? Could you help set him straight, as I hear he deals drugs.” Agnes
realizing BRUNO was the dealer Brandi and Gary encountered when selling their
rhinox concoction.
Agnes gains access to the princess, giving her a set of
promised earrings, to replace the purple earrings she now wears. “Oh, these
look so much better. They match your eyes.” Inquiry about the Graf; how is he
doing? “Hopefully tonight’s’ Garden Party and all the visitors will help get
him out of his funk. As for Stefan, Dr Luigi is doing great things. The Doctor?
Probably at the brothels.” Agnes asks the princess to speak to her father about
the taxes. Explaining its impact on the dwarves and wizards about to leave the
city. But Katarina uninterested in politics, “You should talk to my
half-brother Henrich when he returns. Although I do dislike the churches being
taxed. The churches do a lot of good deeds for the poor and destitute.”
4pm/Minotaur fight: Let’s just say Rega
lasted a little longer. Left his bola at home and entered the ring with an axe.
Weathered a pounding by the charging minotaur, gave a few solid hits, survived
a stomping and dealt another blow. But the beast was too much. The last Rega
saw was the minotaur hoof hovering above his head, just before the lights went
out. When he awakened, he actually heard some cheering. His fellow dwarves had
bet on the minotaur but were actually impressed the young guildman turned
fighter gave a decent showing. Really, you’d think the dwarves came forward to
pat his back but really to get a closer view of the bruises and damage the
minotaur dealt, “That definitely left a mark. Perhaps you should consider
joining the Ironbreakers who could properly train you.”
the Chancellor
Schmiedehammer, the Graf's Champion
the Court Minstrel
Katarina Tödbringer, the Graf's daughter
Stefan Tödbringer,
Graf’s legitimate son.
Henryk Tödbringer,
Graf’s illegitimate son away on diplomatic mission
Katarina's Chaperone
von Genscher, Knight Marshal
Commander of the Watch
General of the Defensive Armies
High Wizard
Deputy High Wizard
Jarrick Valgeir, High Priest of
Ulric & Elector Count
Kirsten Jung, Petra Liebkosen & Natasha Sinnlich:
Ladies at Court
the Knight Eternal
elf, Master of the Hunt
Chairman of the City Komission & Head of the Merchant's Guild
Luigi Pavarotti, Physician of Baron Stefan, the Graf's
ailing son.
Law Lord gone missing
Law Lord
Law Lord
Kennar and Elise
Kaltbultig, green-eyed women of concern
Natissa, source of information
Glugnur, dwarf Trollslayer
Purple-Hand positions: Ordo
Impedimente, Ordo Novitiae, Ordo Terriblis,
Magistar Impedimentae (Kastor)
New laws can be proposed by various means, depending on their demand: one of the myriad guilds or Kommissions of the city, one or more of the above courtiers or, in many cases a combination can propose a new law. The Law Lords then gather in private to hold a secret vote. If this vote is in favor, the law is proposed to Graf Boris Tödbringer, who then rejects or instates the law as he sees fit. And he too can repeal the law.
Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/06/s4e11-pbtt-finally-garden-party.html
Gary could have taken Dietre if it wasn't for the GM rolling 4 times in the 0s and 10s.
ReplyDeleteLikely excuse. LOL