S4E11 PBtT- FINALLY, The Garden Party

PCs: Agnes (Duane), Katja (Geoff), Brandywyn (Tony), Rega (Bill), Gary (Matt)

Garden Party: Late getting there, as coming from Rega’s loss in the Minotaur ring. 



Graf Todbringer was on the royal dais along with his baron son Stefan while princess Katarina’s seat was empty. Almost all of the courtly nobles and military staff were present. After quick intro to the High Wizard Albrecht, Agnes’ Orphan’s joined the processional walk/greet past the Graf. The Graf’s aid dismissed Albrecht’s attempt to converse, “Not today. Move along.” Wouldn’t have mattered as the Graf seemed distracted (his mind elsewhere). “He’s been that way since his wife died, even if that was 4 months ago.”

Gotthard arrived late, pestered by another dwarf at his heels about the taxes. Guards intervened. Rega sought him out. The others re-engaged with the other nobles and potential suspects inviting them to the Templar’s Arm Tavern afterwards where they had coordinated with Dieter. Agnes and Katja had no problem inviting Luigi who perked up at 2 women personally inviting him. Maybe that’s why he spiked their drinks. Katja noticed and got Gary involved who confirmed thru the wizards and a local halfling that indeed the drinks spiked. A stimulant [versus a roofie] In fact, now that they knew, they saw the doctor spiking his own drink and that of the elf Rallane who followed Luigi into the hedge-wall maze.

And that’s when they noticed the sexist Knight Eternal Siegfried talking to a grey-haired woman with strikingly green-eyes! Who apparently put the man in his place as he stormed off. Giving opportunity for the others to approach the Baroness Marlana Klochmann. What? Another green-eyed woman? Not Frau Kennar nor Elise Kaltbultig who reportedly have different colored hair. Perhaps the woman has many disguises and titles. Elusive in her answers but relentless in her questions. “Where are you from? What’s your business? Who are with you? Where are you staying?” And Katja clueless to Agnes’ coughing trying to get her to avoid answering. Agnes tried to question the woman, “Do you know where we can score some drugs? Chancellor Sparsman confided he has a source.” But all that work up in smoke as Katja answered the original questions, “That dwarf over there is a friend, that cavalry officer too, and an ogre but he’s tending a box right now. Oh, we’re staying at the Templar’s Arm.” At least Agnes noticed stray pigeon feathers on Marlana’s clothing. Conversation with answers, “Yes, I raise racing pigeons. Exciting sport. Excuse me, I see someone I must speak to.”

6pm when princess Katarina arrived which signaled suitors to line-up, first inspected/filtered by Hilde. As for other women in attendance, they noticed the princess with new ‘orange’ earrings. Many discretely pocketed their purple earrings now out of fashion. Agnes gained access to Katarina’s ear and asked about baroness Marlana. “Never met her before. If a baroness, then a minor estate.” Hilde overheard and asked, “Should I revoke her attendance?” Which Agnes favored. Such that when the guards escorted the green-eyes woman out, they pointed out Agnes.

Since Rega had also noticed the woman, and was briefed by the others, he followed her out, staying in the shadows. [Alley Cat and Shadow talents] He also lost her as they passed the Square of Marshalls which hosted the elephant show. But he successfully followed her southwest into the seediest part of town: The Ostwald sector. A 1-story house with boarded windows and 3 locks she keyed before entering. A flash of torchlight to say it occupied. Rega melted into the shadows when he heard thugs approaching. Him unarmed per Garden Party rules and dressed in his fancy clothing. Ripe picking for muggers. First chance he got, Rega soiled his clothing to hide any glitter. [ probably both inside and out] He quickly reconnoitered the house: blacked front as if a past fire, 2 entrances (front and back), and a 6” peek hole in one of the boards covering a window that let some light out.

Back at the Garden Party, it was also noticeable when Kommissioner Gotthard arrived. No man seemed to notice or care. Puzzling for a man of supposed high position. And Gotthard more focused on the women in attendance. Then there was Emmanuelle’s arrival. The Graf noticed and perked up, most animated. 

Until he saw the Ar-Ulric arrive and exchange notice with Emmanuelle. She with a slight smile, the Ar-Ulric with slight wink, then a feigned nod to the Graf whom he noticed watching the exchange. The Graf now back into depression. Agnes asked Hilde if she noticed the exchanges. “The Ar-Ulric USED to be one of his advisors but now seems shunned.” Agnes’ Orphans engaged with Emmanuelle , “We see you know the Ar-Ulric.” She admitted, “I’m of the Ulric order. The poor man under a lot of pressure.” They bold enough to repeat, “Rumor has it, you have been… fluffing the sheets with the Ar-Ulric.” Emmanuelle now angered, “WHO repeats such lies!” She stormed off.

They approached the Ar-Ulric, “You asked about a green-eyed woman. She was here earlier, Baroness Marlana Klochmann. His reply, “Who? The woman I seek is blonde and goes by the name Brunhilde Klaglich. She has something of mine. If you must know, Emmanuelle seduced me. I stupidly wrote her letters I signed ‘the Big Bad Wolf’. Somehow, Brunhilde has those 4 letters. If you can retrieve my letters, I can reward you. The church of Ulric would be MOST grateful.”

And that’s when Rega returned, a drown rat leaving a trail of water in his wake. “I had to jump in the fountain to clean my clothing. I was almost mugged in her neighborhood.” Attempts to enlist the Watch Commander Ulrich failed as the man busy. So, Rega approached the other dwarf, “Gather some men and follow. We think we’ve located the one who has seeded the Graf with the taxation mandate.” 

Next Session:  https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/06/s4e12pbtt-unraveling-threads.html


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