S4E13 PBtT- Finally Time to Enjoy the Carnival

PCs: Agnes (Duane), Katja (Geoff), Brandywyn (Tony), Rega (Bill), Gary (Matt), Ymath (Brian)

As reward for thwarting Law Lord Karl-Heinz Wasmeier, the group was given his estate. They wasted little time moving in. And Gary wasted little time searching for the man’s safe, where he found almost 500 gold in coin and jewelry. As a castle bookkeeper gathered the Law Lord’s person records, he mused at a few entries. “He seemed fixated on someone called Kastor Lieberung. Pissed that he didn’t deliver some kind of inheritance from Boganhafen.” Gary asked for a copy.

Carnival Day 4: The last morning for the Graf’s Champion challenge! Still suffering beatdown from the Minotaur fight, Rega spent most of the day healing at the Shallya Temple per Agnes’ offer. Enroute to the Court-of-Martials (for the challenge), Ymath made his daily trek to the halfling bakery and learned his companion, Dumpling Hayfoot, was engaged to be married. “Invite your friends; in 2 weeks. That will give me time to bake up a batch of pies.”

As a non-drinker, Agnes had paid attention to Dieter’s imbibing the night before. So, she felt confident stepping into the ring to challenge. Surprising she lasted as long as she did. In fact, Dieter surprised as he started to wane, his blocks slower and his own swings weaker. Not that Agnes faired any better… but she had a clearer head to seek fortitude with prayers to Shallya. Even though most of the crowd had bet on the prior champ, they now cheered on the challenger. And roared approval when Dieter finally collapsed to the dirt. The biggest cheer came from his betrothed, Kirsten. They soon learned the 2 to be married in a couple of months, “We have to move out of the castle. We’re already looking at a house on the northside of Middenheim near the gate. Dieter hopes to open a stable to both care for visitor’s horses and also offer horses for sale. I’ve never seen him look so happy.”

“Not so fast, sister.” Brandi stepped into the ring for the final challenge. “You have orphans to tend and forgiveness to seek from Shallya for letting us down too many times.” The jeering had little impact as Agnes waited the 2 hours till the final match. Time to regain her stamina. Brandi gave his all, cheered on by Natasha eager to go up in rank within the castle in support of her man. But Agnes had her goddess supporting her… Brandi looked up from the dirt as Agnes offered her hand, “Well played, captain, but you have a business to run and cannot be bogged down in support of the Graf.”

For the late afternoon and evening, they gathered to bet on the Snotball games. Rega made a short appearance at the Court-of-Martials to ride an elephant. Thankful he wasn’t at the games to lose bets at the rate Gary gave up coins. Seated at the stadium, they did find Law Lord Ehrlich who confided, “Per council from Ar-Ulric, I’ll be stepping down. There will be a temporary replacement till the Graf selects a permanent replacement.” Brandi tried to talk him out of it, “Stay until the Graf replaces you. A temp will only muck things up.” But Ehrlich was resolved, “It is for the best. Time for family matters.” As they looked around the stadium, and other venues throughout the day, it became apparent noticeable absence of key players: Emmanuelle, Gotthard, and of course Wasmeier.

With time on their hands, they visited Ar-Ulric to return his love letters Emmanuelle stole. Boxes were stacked in the entry way. They were surprised to see the Ar-Ulric without his wolf-cap. “I plan to step down. My brother is to take my place. Those are his goods being delivered. As for me, I plan to go north into the wild to face another wolf unarmed to reclaim my honor.” When Agnes mentioned her own plans to start a school north of the city, Ar-Ulric warned, “Hammers are not welcomed within those lands. Any Sons-of-Ulric finding you bearing such will confront you.” Brandi was more interested in his replacement, “What can you tell us about your brother? Imel Jarick? Him a loyal Ulrican and more proactive promoting Ulric. So, not as lenient as you. Hope the Sons of Ulric don’t stir up troubles.”

Carnival Day 5: Katja was anxious to track Gotthard, but considering he rarely if ever was seen in his Kommissioner office, his staff had no clues to his whereabouts.  Meanwhile, Agnes used the time to send correspondence (of all that had transpired) to the Shallya temple of Fruderheim where the High Matriarch Begenard presided. Caring for a “special” guest, princess Isabella, who had foretold “Seek the man not the man he is.” More snotball games for Gary to thin his coin purse.

Carnival Day 6: The Pastrami’s choir promoters insisted the boys “not castrated! It’s the Liturgical Castrates Choir. They just haven’t reached puberty yet.” Not that they stayed to listen; more pressing matters as Gary and his soon-to-be squire Brandi (considering change to a knight order) entered the Jousting tournament. Where both won their first rounds… with Agnes’ blessings.

Carnival Day 7: The city came alive with the cessation of taxes. Citizens cheered as the Graf made more appearances. The dwarves busy unpacking. Even the dwarves running the School-of-Engineering cleared away cobwebs and lude anti-dwarf graffiti in preparation for beginning classes. An unfortunate side effect: because they stopped Gotthard’s plan to flood the streets with spiked wines, the wine they had brought to the city weeks ago stayed in storage. When they tried to collect on their IOU, they barely broke even. Most of the problem was explained by the tax officials, “We don’t know what happened to all the tax coffers.” At least Brandi had the vision to seek other venders packing up leftover ware. He bartered a few good deals for potential shipment and sale south.

Carnival Day 8: The last day of festivities. And the last chance for Gary and Brandi to test their horsemanship in Jousting. Gary added another banner to his lance as Brandi couldn’t get his armor off quick enough to evaluate his bruised chest.

Day 9: Time for serious matters, they called upon the Commander-of-the-Watch, Ulrich Schutzmann. “What can you tell us about the Purple-Hands within the city? A safehouse in the Altqurtier?” Ten city guards accompanied them, but as they stood in the shadows across the street, another guard watching the place delivered grave news. “Someone tipped them off. They are readied.” Rega offered a solution, “We know they use the sewers to move around the city. Possible escape route if you try to break-in. Give us time to secure the sewers and possibly surprise them.”

Down a manhole cover in another street, they cautiously tread the sewers on the lookout for traps and tripwires. Rega navigated the way. Gary offered a grease to block the smells… Ymath ate it. It wasn’t long till they found the discharge drain underneath the warehouse which ended in a dump hole without cover. Wide enough for Ymath to lift them one-at-a-time into the warehouse. Rega the stealthiest the first to be lifted… “CLANG!” So much for surprise.

A few cultists across the room turned at the noise and advanced. Rega moved toward them in hopes his allies would have time and the freedom to join him shortly. The fact the dwarf had been ‘Drilled’ in Ironbreaker maneuvers meant the 3 cultists did not outnumber him. But his training did not address the wizard across the way casting darts at him. Brandi was the next up and shot at the wizard (missed) before joining the dwarf’s side. Just as Rega blasted 2 of them with his Griffonfoot Pistol. The blast encouraged the 3rd to flee.

Gary was the next lifted up… in time to see the wizard cast a net that entangled Rega and Brandi. Brandi able to break free just as other cultists arrived to outnumber him. Rega broke free too, but not before a cultist wacked his tangled leg. Gary too outnumbered, stuck his blade into one, killing him. Unfortunately, his blade hit bone and was yanked from the cavalier’s hand. Which actually freed him to draw his pistol… the close-range shot missed. By now Katja was lifted and shooting a bolt at the wizard who staggered at the impact.

And that’s when the cultists gasped at the sight of a war-priestess rising above the fray… on the shoulders of an Ogre! But the cultists still pressed their attacks (spilling blood) as they outnumbered their foe. For awhile. The cast magical dart sticking from Brandi’s arm vanished as the river-captain continued his attack upon the 2 cultists before him. He slew one and followed-thru at another (blocked). Rega killed one but his follow-thru also blocked. Gary dealt with his attackers by wielding his own Griffonfoot Pistol: the shot spread against both… wounded, they ran.

Agnes charged around the fray to attack the cultists from behind. She must have slipped in spilt blood as she lost grip of her Warhammer that sailed over everyone’s head. Luck that it did not hit an ally. Even more luck that it did not fall into the sewer opening.

And that’s when the wizard cast ‘firestorm’! Agnes’ Orphans withstood the raining fire. The surviving cultists did not. They collapsed as the purple fire danced across their skin. But the wizard grinned in his knowledge of what was to come. 

Pink Horrors rose from the corpses! Brandi/Katja/Agnes/Ymath shuddered in fear at the nearby threats as remaining cultists closed the gap to continue the attack. At the rear of the mass, Ymath circled the Horrors (too afraid to advance on them) and charged toward the wizard who only now realized the BIG threat coming his way. But Brandi was closer and reached the wizard first. One swing of his Zweihander blade and he cleaved the magical threat.

They dispatched the cultists easy enough. The Horrors presented a more difficult task. Even when they hit… they most of the time missed. But enough pistol reloads, bow and bolt reloads, amid the maniacal laughter of the Horrors, they finally took one down. 

Having forgotten their prior encounter with such devils… that split into 2 Blue Horrors! Shaking off their fear, then closed for melee against the remaining Pink and now Blue Horrors. Blood pooled with devilish ooze as the battle raged on. Standing near the warehouse door, Brandi removed the bar and called in the city watch, “DON’T SHOOT! We broke thru the sewers and have them engaged.”

But by the time the guards finally made it inside, the battle was over. They stood in shock at the sight of Agnes scolding the ogre who held one gravely wounded cultist aloft. “Down! Put him down! We need to interrogate him. You can eat the dead ones. You men, take this prisoner to Ulrich for questioning. And for gods’ sake, keep him alive.” Agnes turned to her allies and began prayers to remove the corruption they had been exposed to. Healing could wait till they got to the temple.

As for the unlicensed wizard: they turned in his cloak/ceremonial dagger/staff to the Wizard’s Guild.

Day 10: An itching pox broke out within the city. Fortune none of Agnes’ Orphans caught it. The Kommission-Of-Public-Health blamed cats. Flyers advertised reward, “10 brass per cat.” Of course, the flyer was mostly pictures as citizens who would even seek such pittance reward could not read. But Katja had other ideas, “Cats are healthy and needed to address the rats in the streets. Help me start a secret orphanage for cats. We’ll rescue them.”

And that’s when watch-Commander Schutzmann knocked at their door. “Follow me. I’ve something to show you and a proposition to offer.” He led them to the Templar Arm tavern where they found Dumpling Hayfoot and her betrothed dead, along with the bartender. Anger grew into spittle as they questioned, “WHY?!” And that’s when they noticed the bare spot on the wall. A poster that once hung from the place, missing. Musing to remember, “It was a blueprint of the Brass-Keep. I didn’t pay much attention to it before. What exactly was it and why would anyone be interested?” Gary remembered the lore, “It was the place in the Middle Mountains where Sigmar conquered evil almost 2500 years ago.”

After ushering his guards outside, Ulrich added, “We also found the body of two large rats. The same kind you mentioned seen under the city. We removed them to avoid fear spreading throughout the city. Professor Hause has them now in her lab with plans for a public dissection. Evidence to prove they DO exist. I want to appoint you to run a kommission to handle such threats. Two gold per week salary. Here are badges but you must not flash them to just anyone. They are not like your coins commemorating you as ‘Heroes of Middenheim’. These… too many spies within the walls. Only show them when truly needed. I’ve named your service KITUM’: Kommission for Inquiries into Threats Unknown to Middenheim.

Next Session:  https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/06/s5e1-thr-where-oh-where-is-gotthard.html


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