S6E5 EIR- The Bride Wore Red

S6E5 EIR- The Wedding Started Off With a Bang

PCs: Sister Agnes (Duane), elf Mor (Bill), Cavalryman Gary (Matt), wizard Venegral (Tony), Katja (Geoff), ogre Ymath (Brian)

Wedding Preparations: Agnes, bridesmaid, aided and reassured Katarina anxious for the coming wedding. Katja spent the day getting her hair styled and dress tailored. Venegral spent time cleaning his finest wizard robes. Even Ymath took time to patch his own fancy clothing since he couldn’t afford new. Gary escorted Mor in search of Elvyra (the personal physician to Volkmar) in hopes she knew something about the emperor’s care. Gary still disbelieved the elf’s claim the emperor at the parade false, “He agreed with my tactics. You saw the soldiers this morning marching east towards the goblin threat instead of north to deal with the rebel Nordlander threat to Middenheim.”

They spent most of the day tracking her down, finding her at a pharmacy getting potions and herbs for “Dr. Kapenmueller treating the emperor for a fever. I myself am getting Volkmar his allergy meds. Yes, I’ve seen the emperor and even his fabled hammer. Yes, he has stand-ins; he can’t attend everything. The doctor? He came from the south highly recommended. Licensed by the Physician Guild. The emperor was quite sick before the doctor arrived. Hallucinations and fever but the doctor has done wonders; almost cured I’m told.”

Wedding Day: Crown Prince Wolfgang Holswig-Abenhauer stood at the front of the Sigmar church, awaiting his bride-to-be, Katarina, escorted by her father, Graf Boris Todbringer. Agnes stood near the prince as the bridesmaid awaiting the princess to climb the dais’ steps and stand beside her beloved. Gary (with ceremonial armor and sword) was assigned to walk with the Graf while carrying a banner of Ulric. The other members of Agnes’ Orphans sat in the pews. The elf and ogre relegated to the rear of the church.

Pomp and circumstance still Malthe Barthelm stepped to the end of his pew, nearest the procession, “Death to the Todbringers and oppressors of Nordland!” A pistol shot echoed thru the church as Katarina slumped dead beside her father, now bathed in her splattered blood.

At the same instant, Venegral and Mor could feel the winds of Dhar ebbing from a side door, where they saw Law Lord Karl Von Wasmeir with arms wide, channeling. They sprang into action, hindered by the mass exodus of frightened wedding guests. Mor climbed over and around the pews trying to reach the magic caster while Venegral rose about the crowd on his magical ethereal stairs. Gary dropped his banner and charged Malthe with his sword raised high. Agnes stepped in front of the prince in case he next targeted. Katja tore at her restricting dress so she too could take action. Malthe tried to raise another pistol but that knocked aside by Gary as the Nordlander screamed, “Freedom from the Whitewolf, freedom from Middenheim!”

And that’s when swirling pink bolts erupted from Wasmeir’s fingers aimed at Venegral on high, setting the wizard’s arm ablaze. The evil wizard just as quickly opened a gate to summon Fiery Horrors as he turned his focus on Mor who now stood within arm’s reach, the elf’s dagger raised as a threat. Meanwhile, the prince ignored Agnes’ words to seek safety, “I’m not a coward in the face of the murder of my beloved.” He followed the war priestess who rushed toward the evil wizard. He puzzled at the chaos before him and the waterfall from on high as Venegral cast ‘Spring” to put out the fires dancing across his arm and robes. Katja swung at Malthe, severing his arm and thus splattering those nearby with arterial blood as the attacker collapsed from blood loss.

As Mor chased the Law Lord outside the church, Ymath lumbered around the pews to confront the horrors. Gary pulled his own pistol and charged to get an unobstructed shot as Agnes stopped in her tracks to protect the prince from the summoned chaos. She directed, “To your Father-In-Law then; protect him!” Meanwhile, Venegral cast at the horrors, blinding them as they attacked the ogre. Ymath ducked and rolled to put out the flames dancing along his arm, then stood to chase after the Law Lord. Gary’s pistol shot rang out and Katja swung her own dagger at the horrors. But it was Venegral casting again who dropped the horrors with another spell. And it was Ymath standing triumphant over the bleeding Law Lord who begged, “You have me at my mercy. I’ll give you the name of…” silence as he bled out.

Agnes tended the survivors and puzzled at the tattoo left where Gary had been burned by the purple fires from the horrors, “Almost makes you look like Kastor of the purplehands.” Gary sneered before leaving to console the grieving Graf and escorted him back to the manor. Mor held aloft papers recovered from Wasmeir’s bodies, “Forged letters to stir up distrust among the populous.” Agnes escorted the prince back to the castle to keep others from corrupting him. Everyone busy in their own actions to not notice Ymath consuming the body of Malthe. But they could guess when they saw the ogre licking his greasy fingers. All could only reason the stupidity of the courtly ruling that nobles not searched upon entering the church, “That’s how Malthe was able to sneak in his 3 pistols!”

At the palace, they were greeted by the High Wizard council as the Knights-of-the-Flaming Heart guarded the prince. The wizards announced, “Tell the Graf and his council the conclave (to decide what should be done per the current situation) has been moved up to this evening.” Prince Wolfgang handed them a sealed letter to deliver to the Graf, “I am just as distraught, but we must do everything to keep the empire together.” Agnes’ Orphans bowed and departed to the manor where they found the Graf and Ar-Ulric concurring, “Folly to come to Altdorf. We should return home immediately.” Baron Henrick was just as upset, “It was a trap; wolves walking into the griffon’s den.” But Agnes pleaded, “Show up to the conclave. Show strength in the face of chaos.”

Ymath surprised all when he suggested, “You could send an emissary to Goldtooth (ogre overlord) to form an alliance.”

Conclave: 8 chimes were sounded as each electorate was announced: grand baroness Toppenheimer, Emmanuelle, Bildenhopen, the grand duke of Carroburg, the grand Theogonist, Immanuel Holswigschliestein, Volkmar the Grim, Graf Holzkrug, Graf Todbringer, Ar-Ulric, Baron Henrick, the high wizard of Altdorf, and even Quintus Fassbinder. 

The emperor was the last to be announced as he strode forward to place his grand Warhammer, Ghal Maraz, upon the circular table before sitting. Minutes later, the doors burst open as the head wizard, Thyrus Garmann, took his place as the invited high patriarch.

Small talk, food and wine flowed as delicacies such as eel were placed before them. Ambassador Graf Holzkrug approached Agnes' Orphans, “I’ve heard so many rumors of you.” His chat interrupted by the elf, “Rumors proved truth much like your false emperor at the parade.” Mor was escorted out of the proceedings. When Gary offered insight, “Evil from within”,  the graf referenced , “Much like Ubersreik’s rebellion.”

Table talk ebbed and flowed till all could hear Emmanuelle’s loud claim, “Your majesty, I have proof in this letter that the Toppenheimers are spies within your realm. If you don’t authorize action against…” Her words cut short by the emperor’s comparison, “We have demons within our city that are a greater threat.” The topic soon turned to a cat-fight between Emmanuelle and the grand baroness Toppenheimer. Meanwhile, in the background, Quintus excitedly chatted with Venegral in whispers, “I have much to show you. See that hammer… it’s not the real one.” But Venegral and his allies scoffed as they could see the magical aura flowing about the mighty hammer.

It devolved into 3 hours of petty squabbles till Graf Boris stood defiantly, “We’re being ridiculous. They attacked my family and yet the emperor belittles it.” 

He raised his own magical sword, Runefang, and charged the emperor who raised his hammer in defense. Sparks and flames of light radiated from the clash of weapons, as a thunderous boom resonated within the hall. And grand Warhammer, Ghal Maraz, lay as shattered pieces. And Quintus erupted in cheer, “I told you it was a fake!” Meanwhile, the head wizard, Thyrus Garmann, began to channel in defense of his emperor. Gary raised his voice, “This is what Chaos wants. The splintering of the empire much like the hammer.” Thyrus calmed before tossing a chair out of his way as he departed. Emmanuelle was at a loss for words.

Graf Boris called them to follow as he departed. A grin crossed Ar-Ulric’s lips as he concurred, “My lord, you showed great judgment. The splintering of the hammer proof Sigmar was not a god.” But Boris corrected him, “Shut up you fool!” And in the background, Quintus smiled as he whispered, “I think I know where the real hammer is.”

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2023/03/s6e6-eir-boatful-of-bull.html


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