S4E6 PBtT- Let the Games Begin

PCs: Agnes (Duane), Katja (Geoff), Gary (Matt), Brandywyn (Tony), Rega (Bill)

Rega led the group to the Chapel of Grungi to chat with the dwarves. They too packing to exit the city. “Fools. Centuries of us protecting and supporting and they turn their back on us. We’ve petitioned but no one listens. It’s that elven minstrel that whispers in the Graf’s ear to tax us. The mountain tunnels call us. Let them wallow in their stupidity.”

Mention of skaven to the south brings forth Cragbrow Hammerback who describes encountering skaven in the tunnels beneath the city. “Found one carrying this doll and gold. What does a rat want with either?” When Rega determines the doll of royal quality, Gary inspects it and finds a note stuffed inside, “Help. I am a prisner of beestmen.” Human fingerprints on the paper. Purple ink? Maybe the gold bribery? Cragbrow explains finding the doll weeks ago, “Kid’s either dead or sold into slavery by now.”

They return to The Brettonian House to meet with the half-nose Alfric. He has not heard rumors of any nobleman reporting a kidnapping, “Hushed by blackmail? Probably a bastard child considering how often the nobles romp with the common ladies.”

Alfric directs them to a nicer bar (The Bleeding Lizard) a few blocks over to meet with his expert on noble matters, Josef. Ushered to a backroom where a woman puts blade to Brandi’s throat, “Look me in the eyes. Are you agents of Chaos?” Natissa being Josef’s bodyguard. Brandi smitten by her beauty and gruffness. But lip-reading reveals SHE is the true expert. Josef just her front. “We work for the Graf’s bastard son Baron Henrich. To make sure no-one overthrows the Graf while he is away.” They sell information of the doll only to learn no-one has reporting any child missing. Natissa recognizes it of rare quality- professionally crafted. “Probably owned by a Lady of the Court. Only the Graf seems concerned for his bastard child. Any other noble probably willing to let the kid rot.”

They learn Kommissioner Gotthard Wallenstein fooled around with the Graf’s wife before her death. “Now that you mention it, her death was strange. Maybe the Graf used her infidelity as excuse to rid himself of the barren woman.”

Gary recounts the dastardly events of the Boganhafen Festival, “Maybe it was a dry run for the coming Middenheim festival. We’ve heard rumors of plots to occur on the Hexenstag. And with the city turning its back on its past protectors (dwarfs, wizards, priests/priestess), it only stands to reason the foul green hue of Morrslieb will grin upon the city that night.” With that news, Natissa sends a message to Baron Henrich in Ostland via carrier pigeon.

They pay for additional news. Natissa explains Chancellor Sparsam gets his additive ‘Ranald’s Delight’ from Frau Kennar. Agnes describes her as a green-eyed woman per Alfric. Natissa interested in another green-eyed woman, Elise Kaltbultig, “The Ar-Ulric was opposed to taxation until Elise caught his ear. Continue you search and rumor gathering. Let us meet again on Aubentag (carnival day 2).”

As they make their way back to the Templar Arms, the kid Karl appears with news, “I saw your green-eyed woman. She entered ‘The Pit’ but soon exited with a heftier backpack. I followed her to the palace where she entered a side-door. The guard knew her and let her in. Attractive, blonde hair, blue cowl. I wasn’t close enough to hear the guard say her name if he did.” Rega suggests they seek the Jung sisters they escorted to the city, “Their sister Kirsten is a lady-of-the-Court. Maybe she knows the woman we seek.”

But it is already Wellentag, the 1st day of the Festival. And the common folk excited. Servers set out a huge breakfast feast. Agnes arrives to gather food to deliver to Karl on watch. Gary and Rega go to the Engineer School to pickup the Griffonfoot pistols they ordered. But upon exiting, they see a kid accost Agnes: steal the hammer off her back. Karl nearby laughing and giggling. And bumping into Agnes who raises her bow. Other citizens gather to interfere with pursuit. The kid’s colorful feathered hat betrays his hiding. Turns out to be a prank orchestrated to announce the beginning of the fest. To reclaim her hammer, Agnes must chug a beer; Gary not allowed to be her stand-in champion.

With Agnes’ belch, Chancellor Josef Sparsam, standing upon a dais announces, “Let the carnival commence!” The Watch-Commander Ulrich Schutzmann steps forward to slap Agnes on the back, “Glad you played along. But warn the other newcomers to our city that weapons must not be drawn during the fest.” Meanwhile, Gary notices another upon the dias: Kommissioner Gotthard who raises his hand in salute to the crowd. Gary aghast when he recognizes the heraldry of Castle Wittgenstein upon his ring, “Son-of-a-bitch! Family resemblance. He’s Gotthard Von Wittgenstein! Here we thought him mutated with a clawed hand. But playful words on his part in the letter to his sister.”

They arrive early to the Square of Martials for the ‘Graf’s Champion’ matches. Agnes and Gary allowed entrance into the tent to chat with Bruno. Who is laughing and joking with the current Graf Champion, Dieter, to the ire of Lady Isolde. Dieter admits this his 4th year defending the title. Dishonorable to throw a fight. Enjoys being the champion as the only way a non-noble could possibly rub elbows with the haughty. His opinion of Gotthard, “Owes me money! I sold him 2 horses and he’s yet to pay me.”

Awkward conversation when they ask him about the taxes. Boastful and exuberant before, now monotone and repetitive, “For the good of the city.” Is he hypnotized? Too scripted and coached in response. In answer to his chances, he becomes more boastful, “The toughest fight is near the end when bruises pile up and become more painful when struck.” He does reveal everyone dressed in purple, mimicking princess Katarina’s dress.

Meanwhile, Brandi chats with the elven Master-of-the-Hunt, Allavandrel Fanmaris, who recognizes the boatsman’s Ubersreik accent. Brandi talks river trade and his upstart wagon trade to eventually get around to taxes. The elf disapproves but “the law lords recommended it. So it is.” As for the elven minstrel, “Rallane is a good friend. Taxes? Business savvy? He’d rather hunt fine wine and ladies.” Brandi mentions bringing down the Rhinox which impresses the elf, “I manage the Graf’s hunting grounds in the Drakwald Forests. Perhaps you can join me on a hunt someday.”

At the same time, Katja plays ‘dumb blonde’ to the chauvinist Knight Eternal, Siegfried Prunkvoll.  “My brain is so tiny. Perhaps you could explain the taxes simple enough for me to understand.” Siegfried tries, “Dwarfs are less than noble, living underground. They deserve to be taxed. Wizards cowardly attack from range; so, they too taxed.” Katja pries more. Siegfried replies, “Gotthard? Never heard of him. Merchant? They are below nobility. The Chancellor? The Graf appointed him to spend the income as best for the city. Don’t worry your pretty little head about such heavy topics. Stand beside me as I remain visible. It gives the people peace.” Katja excuses herself with a headache.

The first match is the challenger, Conrad. Gary (who heard it from the horse’s mouth) loses his bet; still sure Dieter would throw the match. Only Rega wins and he was smart enough to have Katja do his betting to avoid others seeing a dwarf with fresh coin and thus ripe for more taxes. Agnes and Gary return to the tent between fights to congratulate Dieter (Gary biting his lip). Dieter explains, “It’s not just fighting. It’s showmanship. Entertainment. I can’t be too quick to put my opponent down.”

Between the fights, Brandi is shunned by the Watch-Commander. And Katja too fails to strike up conversation with General Johann Schwermutt. But Brandi is close enough to hear enough of the rejection to step in with news of troubles along the road to Middenheim. The general perks up, “Flying skulls south you say in the Winery village? Need I take out the whole village? The Chancellor? My army hasn’t seen any of the tax money! But yes, the huntsman elf does have a taste for his Meade. Perhaps I’ll see you again at the Minotaur fights.”

12:30 for the 2nd fight in which Katja loses her bet on Bruno. A quick hit to the temple and Bruno crumpled. Apparently, Gary forgot to share his inside information. And Rega was too tipsy to get to the betting window in time.

After a break to the beer tents, the men return to the Square of Martials for the ‘Archery Tournament’ while the girls take in the ‘Elven Gymnast’ event at the Royal Gardens. The girls meet the Court Minstrel Rallane LaFarel and 2 Ladies-of-the-Court, Ladies Petra and Emmanuelle who are followers of Ulric. While Emmanuelle is stuck-up, Petra offers warm chat, “My purpose is to escort visiting nobles. Count Boorman? What a bore; typical Altdorfian. Gotthard?! A disgusting man! A follower of Slaneesh if you ask me by the way he seeks orgies! Probably bisexual too. Our escort Rallane?  Chases skirts. Politics? Surely you jest.”

Katja eventually arrives at the ‘Archery Tournament’ to join in the event along with Brandi. Rega reads the champion cup has Allavandril’s name “3 years running.” The elf welcomes the competition. Brandi resolved, “You can’t win if you don’t enter. May the best man contestant win.” Katja actually does better than the riverman. After the match, the elf congratulates them, “At least you hit paper all 3 times. Surely you weren’t too intimidated by my skills. Next time might I suggest aiming.”

Meanwhile, in the shadows as dwarfs seem frowned upon, Rega eavesdrops. And overhears the peoples’ excitement about the end of the carnival, “I can’t wait for the Hexentag when the fountains will overflow with wine. I hear they will begin at the Templar’s Downfall bar fountain to the north.”

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/05/s4e7-pbtt-dwarf-comes-up-short.htm


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