S4E7 PBtT- The Dwarf Comes up Short

PCs: Agnes (Duane), Katja (Geoff), Gary (Matt), Brandywyn (Tony), Rega (Bill)

3pm (Royal College of Music)- They hustle from the ‘Elven Gymnast’ event to this ‘Bard/Poets Matinee’ where they run into Rallane in the company of princess Katarina (and her chaperone Hilde), Kirsten Jung, and Dr Luigi.

·         Rallane excuses himself to climb on stage and play his lute as he sings a fanciful song.

·         Katja+Brandi enter the competition as a duet: Katja playing her harp while both sing “One Eyed Fella”. They are “Boo”ed off the stage.

·         Gary hands the doctor a wine, “What brings you here?” Luigi answers, “Best place to learn new dirty limericks.” For the next hour, Gary learns: Luigi scoffs at members of Shallya. He was hired 6 months ago to care for the Graf’s sickly young heir. “Stefan is doing better but will never be as strong as his father. Graf fell into a funk when his wife died. She died from exhaustion romping in bed.” Gary admits, “That’s the way I want to die.” Luigi dares Gary to say something offensive to Hilde to make her mad. Gary in turn tells Brandi that Hilde likes brash jokes and maybe that will help him get audience with the princess. Brandi knows better.

·         Gary introduces Katja to Luigi, “What do you think of my song?” Lustful Luigi replies, “Better uses for your mouth.” When Katja asks where best parties are, Luigi prefers rougher locals, such as “the Pit.”

·         Rega approaches Kirsten, telling how he escorted her sisters into the city. Soon she’s telling how she hopes Dieter will lose so they can marry, and he become a horse trader. She’s opposed to the taxes. Dieter tolerates her opinion. Rega mentions Dieter’s curious reaction to “taxes” as he talks monotone as if hypnotized. [Rega was trying to see if Kirsten too went monotone at the topic. He reasons since Dieter IS Graf’s champion, maybe he too has the Graf’s ear. Logical that whoever controls the Graf would want to control anyone with influence.]

4pm (Bernabau Stadium)- They hustle from the matinee to the stadium for the ‘Minotaur Fights’, where they find the military leaders and Dieter.

·         Everyone shocked when Rega enters the competition. They bet against him. The betting windows close when people see the dwarf carrying a bola into the pit to face the minotaur who swings a 2-handed club. Doesn’t help that Glugnur, the Trollslayer, gets him tipsy before the fight (-10%), “Drink up. Maybe today we die honorably within the pit fighting worthy foe.” If the audience blinked, they missed the fight. Rega misses with his bola, “Oh fuck!” Can’t outrun the beast; so, he closes between his legs and tries (and fails) to headbutt his nads. The minotaur pounds the dwarf’s left leg with his club then stomps on his right leg. Rodeo clowns rush out to distract the beast as others drag Rega to safety.

·         Brandi and Agnes chat with Dieter. Confide they escorted Kirsten’s sisters from the south. He admits the elf Avandril told how he invited Brandi to a hunt, “Maybe my betrothed and I can join you.” He explains how the elf is responsible for capturing the minotaurs used in the pits, “Not alone; he brings others. Only a drunkard or suicidal idiot would enter the ring alone and without armor.” Which describes Rega. Again, Dieter explains his desires to wed and move on, but throwing the Graf fight would be dishonorable. Dieter offers some of his fighting strategy in the ring: whack blades to numb his opponents’ arm muscles, then a quick pommel bash to the temple.

·         The Watch-Commander Ulrich congratulates the bandaged and limping Rega, “I salute your valor.” Rega mentions honor for Sigmar which pleases the man. As for taxing the dwarfs, Ulrich is displeased and admits the army hasn’t seen any tax money directed its way. General Johann also congratulates the dwarf, “Fine showing. But short.” Rega mentions accompanying Father Marcus from Nuln and how he was murdered in Kemperbad. “Sounds like the Fly Lord’s doing. Have you mentioned this to the Grand Theoginous?” Rega tried to get audience but failed.

·         Gary joins the group and asks Ulrich what he knows about the doings of ‘the Purple Hand’ within the city; how they killed a pack. Ulrich suggests the topic not meant for public discussion, “Let’s meet tomorrow; say 4pm. As for funding for the army, you’d have to ask the Chancellor who controls the coffers.”

·         Rega brings up the topic of the last day plan to have wine freely flow from the city’s tavern fountains. “That was Kommissioner Wallenstein’s idea. Like salty peanuts at a bar makes you drink more, he figures free wine will get the people into the merchant shops. Increase the economy. If it works… He supposedly has extra wine stored in a warehouse. You’d have to ask him who he’s appointed to oversee the operation.”

·         It’s time for Glugnur’s fight. Everyone bets. Rega has Katja place his as not to let taxmen see a dwarf with extra coins. Unlike Rega’s cautious advance in the ring, the Trollslayer charges and is already face-to-face with the beast. Glugnur grunts as he swings, knocking the minotaur prone. When the beast stands, he pounds it again. Glugnur blocks the beast’s desperate swing and drops it with a body-punch. The crowd cheers… those that bet on the dwarf. But Glugnur is pissed, “I didn’t die gloriously.” Rega consoles him, “There’s always next time. The least you can do is buy the drinks.” Glugnur scoffs, “I’ll let you spend some of your winnings.” Rega retorts, “Who says I bet on you?” Laughter and drinks flow.

Templar’s Downfall: Two hours between events, they decide to follow-up on the rumor wine will first begin to flow at the fountain of the Templar’s Downfall tavern.

·         A man staggers out, cursing. His eyes glazed as he sweats like a pig. And soon begins to spasm. His eyes bleeding as he collapses. Agnes rushes to heal him. [fail] She realizes he needs to throw up whatever ails him, but she is reluctant to ram her finger down his throat in fear he might bite down. Too late to react, he dies in her care. Agnes calls for a city-watch to come get the body, “Take it to the morgue. I’ll want to inspect it later.”

·         Gary enters the tavern to ask what the man ate or drank. The barkeep Ervin mentions, “He ordered a beer. Tried to stiff me by claiming it wasn’t beer despite him guzzling the full mug. Pulled a gagging/heaving act.” No remorse when Gary points out the man dead in the streets. Ervin carries the keg to the back alley as he complains how he just tapped a new keg, “Must have been a bad batch.”

·         They inspect the keg, stamped with “J. Thijksson, Marionburg.” Katja opens the tap to sniff a drip, “Clear unlike the amber color of beer. Smells oily.” Agnes guesses “poison” and calls another city-watch to report their finding. Gary pours a sample into his flask for later analysis.

·         They re-enter the bar to question Ervin. “I bought 3-barrels from some pretty lady with brown hair, named Addice.” Brandi flashes his Riverwarden badge, “I’d hate to charge you with complacency. Show us the other barrels.” Rega realizes that for her to deliver direct, she needed a letter. They plan to check records at the Office of Kommission.

·         They search the cellar full of 20 barrels. They find the other 2 ‘Marionburg’ kegs stored in a corner behind most of the other barrels. Morrslieb’s misfortune the bar-hand grabbed the wrong keg. “Obviously placed with the intent them left for the last day when the streets would flow with wine. But they are in beer kegs, which means workers in each tavern must be in on it to mix this poison with wine in the streets.”

Office of Kommission: They hustle to find Ulrich who is miffed at their interruption, “I said tomorrow!”

·         They explain finding poison and suggest he direct soldiers to the other taverns to look for similar stamped kegs.

·         Ulrich suggests, “Take your sample to the wizards to analyze.”

Wizard’s Guild: The place empty except for a lone Janna Eberhauer, Deputy Grand Wizard (Lore Metal). “We are closed for the carnival.”

·         Gary pulls out his flask, “We need this analyzed. We think it poison.” Janna calls forth an apprentice who collects the flask and retreats to another room.

·         Agnes asks about the wizards’ position on the taxes. “We are doing all we can. The High Wizard Albrecht Helseher is actually seeking audience with the Graf. He WAS sympathetic to our cause till the Law Lords passed their decree. We don’t know why we are targeted, although, Ulrich is suspicious.”

·         Rega asks about the Graf’s current love interest. With Agne’s charming, Janna suspects “The Lady Petra. She’ll be at the play ‘A Knight’s Midsummer Dream’ this evening. 7pm in the Royal Garden. I’ll write you a letter of introduction, but you will need proper clothing.”

·         Rega brings up Brandi’s report that Dieter spoke normally till the topic of taxes was mentioned and he became monotone. “Hypnosis, charm… dark magic! Those performing such witchcraft are usually heavily perfumed to hide their stench.”

Back to Ulrich: he awaits his guards’ reports.

·         Gary brings up the topic of the Purple-Hand cult, “We actually killed a clutch of them within the city.” Ulrich explains how he is looking for the heads of their cult, “Remarkably unorganized to maintain secrecy. But I am looking for leaders known as Ordo Impedimente, Ordo Novitiae, and Ordo Terriblis.”

·         Brandi mentions how they already killed one known as Magistar Impedimentae, “He went by the name Kastor Liebrung.” Rega repeats the group’s story of finding letters to Kastor signed by a “QF who lives here in Middenheim.” But Ulrich has never heard of anyone with those initials.

·         Katja asks about bounty on the cult members. Ulrich explains, “I’d prefer you bring in the whole body, but at least the skin section with the Purple-Hand tattoo.”

·         Agnes asks what Ulrich would do if someone higher up was known to do drugs. “Drugs are illegal. If they are in a position of power, then they are in a position to be blackmailed and manipulated. But you would need hard evidence to accuse a nobleman. You’d need to catch him in the act.” Thankfully no-one mentions it is the Chancellor himself rumored to be addicted to ‘Renault’s Delight’.

·         Gary asks if Ulrich has heard of any noble mentioning their child missing. He shows the doll and ‘prisner’ note. But Ulrich hasn’t heard anyone ask for help.

·         Brandi asks if Ulrich concerned all the protectors of the city being targeted with taxes as if to be driven out. He shows his large rat-tail collection as suggestion something lurking under the city as witnessed by the dwarfs. Ulrich cautions, “Careful! You are in the city of the fabled Rat-Slayer, Count Mandarin Von Zeit who wiped out all of the skaven. To say or imply skaven exist could gain you admittance to the dungeons.”

·         Gary asks what Ulrich knows of Wallenstein. “Shady dealings. I hear him a horse thief and slaver of women. But as a noble, he’d have to be caught red-handed by another noble.” Gary asks how the man came to power so quickly. “I could say he bed his way to the top. VERY familiar with the Graf’s wife before she died.”

Back to the Wizard Guild: “Your sample is poisonous if drunk in large doses. It is known as ‘Estalian Mosca’. A liquid used in small doses to lower inhabitations. Prostitutes are known to use it to get their clients off quicker. Yes, possibly associated with followers of Slanessh. Very expensive. And you say there were barrels of it?!” All ponder the prospect of the last night of the carnival and treated wine following thru the streets now full of naked lustful people. “To what end? This can’t simply be a plot of the Slanessh cult. There has to be more to it.”

Royal Garden Play: Nobility everywhere which means everyone searched (no weapons allowed) when they enter the grounds so near the castle. Brandi’s 6th sense is off the chart! No assigned seating: everyone mingles and whispers so as not to interrupt the on-stage play.

·         Attending: the High Wizard Albrecht Helseher, the Law Lords Karl-Heinz Wasmeier and Joachim Hoflich, military members, various Ladies-of-the Court, and of course princess Katarina and her chaperone Hilde.

·         Agnes and Katja find Albrecht whose cloak reveals him too of the Lore-Metal school of magic. They learn… “I was hoping to speak to the Graf but he is under-the-weather and couldn’t be here. Maybe I can get my friend Karl-Heinz to intercede for me; he has the Graf’s ear. The Ar-Ulric? Poor choice as an advisor; he tolerates the misguided such as the ‘sons-of-Ulric’ who bully non-believers.” Katja mentions finding barrels of ‘Estalian Mosca’ which Brandi equates to followers of Slanessh. Albrecht sneers, “If we find them, we will wipe them out.”

·         Brandi introduces himself to Kirsten Jung as another who escorted her sisters into the city. And tries to use her to introduce him to Petra Liebkosen. [failed charm] Except she not impressed with his career, “Oh, lower class.” But Natasha Sinnlich (money chaser) perks up when Brandi digs out coin to buy more drinks, “You say you own a fleet of boats? And also a fleet of cargo wagons?” Gary approaches in his calvary uniform with a bottle of wine. At least he catches Petra’s eye, “Would you be so kind as to escort me to my seat?”

·         Gary and Brandi try to gossip but learn little. A variety of topics go unanswered. “Gotthard who?” “A green-eyed woman in the court?” “Drugs within the court? That could give someone of lower status a swayed (i.e. blackmail) voice within the court.” At least Petra admits to wanting the illegitimate heir Henrick to sit on the thrown when the current Graf passes. “Most within the city feel that way. Although the nobles might be offended if a bastard child sat on the throne.”

·         Gary repeats the rumors of the Graf’s deceased wife pleasuring with other lovers. Petra points out the Graf guilty of “dipping his stick outside the marriage. His favored bedmate is Emmanuelle Schlagen. Not that he openly spends money on her. Although, she DOES have a lot of jewelry. Notice the Graf is absent; so is she.” Gary and Brandi both remember Agnes telling about trying to chat with the woman earlier in the day but how she turned her nose up at Agnes. Snooty. All of the ladies admit the Graf seems depressed at his wife’s death. “He was fond of the green she wore. Now he’s worried gossip about his wife’s indiscretions might come out.” As if it’s a secret.

·         Petra reacts to the question of taxation, “The Graf wasn’t fond of the idea, but he only agreed with his advisors. His primary influencers? That would be: his lover, possibly the Ar-Ulric since he IS a religious man, the Law-Lords of course, and his family… those still in the city.”

·         Feeling left out of the conversation, Kirsten speaks up, “The Graf respects his champion. Surely he’d ask for my Dieter’s opinion.”

·         Hilde approaches Agnes, “The princess would like you to escort her to her booth.” Hilde looks down her nose when Agnes asks to bring Katja; but reluctantly agrees. Hilde begins to like Katja when she asks the chaperone to distract Siegfried Prunkvoll. “So, you agree him a disgusting man.”

·         Turns out princess Katarina is a follower of Shallya. Agnes asks about her purple earrings. “I don’t really talk with the Law-Lords, but these were gifted by Joachim Hoflich. He thought it would be a good way for me to step out of the shadows of my grandmother who wore green. But I’ve grown bored of purple; the entire city now purple. I’m thinking to change to orange but feel I should wait till after the festival. Purple-hands? Really, the lengths my people go to mimic me.”

·         Katja inquires about Katarina’s brother Stefan, “I understand he is getting better, under the care of Dr. Luigi.” Hilde flinches at the name, “He could be Siegfried’s brother the way the two are so disgusting in their wanton perversions.”

·         Rega sits near the Law-Lords to eavesdrop. He overhears Karl-Heinz, “I’m not sure about collecting taxes at the end of the month. Not a good idea.” But Joachim wants a unified front.

As the evening draws to a close, only the Opera still being performed at the Royal College of Music, Brandi asks Natasha to be his city guide tomorrow. Natasha agrees but with the stipulation, “Only if you’ll escort me to the Royal Gardens tomorrow for the ‘Elven Lightsingers’ performance.” 

Next Session:  https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/05/s4e8-pbtt-barfight-to-silence-ogres.html


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