S4E4 PBtT- Separating Chaff from the Wheat

Recap: Let me see if I’ve got this correct: Nuln residents Albrecht Oldenhaller and his merchant business partner Mattis Blucher are followers of the ‘Purple-Hand cult’ who worship Tzeentch. [Kastor Lieberung (Gary’s look-alike) was also a ‘Purple-Hands’ agent.] They stole a Nurgle gem (by accident or purpose) that they are shipping to Middenheim with planned arrival before the Hexenstag carnival (that begins in 3 days). To be delivered to another ‘Purple Hand’ agent: Capt Scharlach at the sign of the Crossed Keys, Hoffenstrasse. And Agnes’ Orphans just happened to become the transporters of said foul and evil item. At least its fake version: they ditched the real gem in the Altdorf temple of Sigmar for proper disposal.

Agnes stopped at a famous Temple of Shallya where she learned: the Emperor’s sister, princess Isabella, is hiding out there. Isabella had a vision and thus warning to “seek the man who is not the man.” The temple mother suggested, “Seek the high matriarch Begengnen of the Middenheim Shallya temple. She may be able to provide more.”

Meanwhile, the group travels with riverman Josef’s betrothed Bertha Jung and her sister Ulrike. Who have another sister, Kirsten, who is betrothed to Dieter. The current Graf’s Champion of Boris Todbringer of Middenheim. Rumor that Dieter is willing to throw the Hexenstag carnival’s Graf Champion contest so he can elope with his betrothed and lead a simpler life. The same contest that Lady Isolde Von Strudeldorf (of Altdorf) plans to enter her challenger, Bruno. With instructions to win early: against all logic as he’d then have to defend against all remaining challengers.

Another travel companion is Gustof Reikhandler: Rega offered the lawyer protection from priests of Morr (Order Ultima- tattooed with a jade scepter) who pursued him. Assuming he gets the job at the Kommission for Commerce/Trade/Taxes, Gustof could be a potential contact within the city walls.

Another Hexenstag carnival event will be the Minotaur fights. And they’ve met one such challenger: the ogre Golthog. At least they’ll have someone to cheer on.

So many rumors of war:

“I heard it’s the emperor’s nephew, the Grand Duke Wolfgang Holswig-Abenaur, who lives in Castle Reikguard, plans a coup on the Empire.”

“The Grand Duke of Talabecland is angered at the attacks on his borders from those who blame him for the death of the crown-prince Hergard Von Tasseninck of Ostland in the Grey Mountains campaign.”

“I hear Baron Heinrick, the Graf’s diplomatic son, travels south to barter peace. Flew in a dwarven crafted mechanical machine.”

Welcome to Middenheim: They joined the long line of inbound traffic hoping to enter the ‘City of the White Wolf’, home of the Cult of Ulric. Even witnessing a regal wagon also in the line. The same Altdorf flag signifying the ‘The Plenipotentiary to the Emperor’: Count Otto Boorman himself. “Don’t want to portray Altdorfians more aloof than Middenheimers. But since you are here, join me at the Graf Garden Party to be held on the 3rd day of the festival.”

But soon the separation began. Gustof and the Jung sisters (and their guard) rode the chairlifts to enter the city while Agnes’ Orphans drove their wagons thru the viaduct.

Another checkpoint separated them from their goods, “Coins or chit?” They chose chit for the IOU+10%. “Deliver the wine to the Kommission of Kommerce. On the last day of the festival, all of the wine will be pumped thru the city fountains for all the town to enjoy. Come back after the festival for your pay. Move along.” Bad feelings of not getting paid, “They’re going to pump the wine for free?! Where’s our profits?!”

Another checkpoint separation, “Wizard or priest? You dwarf and you sister to the right line.” Where they were separated from the others and their hard-earned coins. “Ten percent tax?!” Eventually they re-joined the others at the assigned Templar Arms Inn. The others taxed “One crown per leg. Look on the bright side. Had we taken immediate coin for the wine, you would have paid even more taxes for your take.” But Agnes expanded, “That poor dwarven family behind us. They charged them 10% PER child too. 20 gold! Outrageous! We’re being bled dry.”

At the same Inn, they found the ogre Golthog. And another minotaur fighter: a head-shaven dwarf, Kurt Glugner. Partaking of powder… Renald’s Delight. “Plan to enter the 1st day minotaur event, 4pm at the Bernabau Stadium. Come bet on me.” They looked at the flyer that listed the entire carnival schedule:

Agnes excused herself to seek out the high matriarch Begegnen of the Shallya temple. “The Graf Boris Todbringer is a broken man. After his wife Anika-Elise Nikse died a few months ago, he hasn’t been the same. Someone is taking advantage of his plight. He used to be a caring leader for his people. His only legitimate son, Stefan, is bedridden. His illegitimate daughter, princess Katrina, is in the city under chaperone escort. His illegitimate son, Baron Heinrich, a giant of a man, flew east in that dwarven machine. They say to barter peace between Ostland and Talabecland.

When Agnes offered the riddle and questioned if the matriarch knew of any odd people, Begegnen offered, “The Kommissioner Gotthard Wallenstein. Power hungry. Into everything. Places to avoid? Be wary of the low-kings (mafia) and the dwarven area to the east of the city.”

Deliver the Box: The ogre carried the box on his shoulder as they headed out to find Capt Scharlach. “Wait here while we scope out the place.” The sign of the crossed-keys hung before the 4-story house in a poorer part of town. Boarded up. They spotted the gutter-snipe on watch. Coins to loosen his tongue, “Witch-hunters came and cleared it out. Some smelly lady pays me to keep watch for a box being delivered. Dressed nice but hood up, couldn’t see her face. Perfume couldn’t mask her smell.” They immediately thought of Gary’s potential hump, Edwina, back at the Nuln Opera, who proved to be a Nurgle agent. More coins for the boy to show them where the box was supposed to be directed. Narrow alleyway… obvious trap. They even spotted men waiting to ambush. They decided to delay delivering the box till they could come up with a plan. Maybe seek out the low-kings for assistance.

Rega found time to visit the Middenheim Engineering School. Where he found the dwarf instructors packing. “Closing shop and heading east to the Middle Mountains. Taxes due the end of the month. Biggest, best stone construct. You can imagine the taxes that will be levied. Outrageous! Sign our petition to abolish the taxes. There is no Elf tax. Thus, stands to reason it’s the work of that elf who has the ear of princess Katrina. The court minstrel, Rallane. Running out us dwarf who built and protect the city. Along with the wizards who defended the city ages ago. Who will be left to defend the city now?! Wet the tongues of the city rat-catchers and they’ll tell tale of rats in the sewers 6ft long and able to stand. Even clothed. Yeah, rats. No one wants to admit Skaven lurk under and within their cities. And don’t get me started on Baron Heinrich who stole our airship!”

The group was now determined to find out who authored the tax decree. First stop: a government building, Guild of Legalists. To learn how laws/decrees are made. “We are just clerks who write it up. Three Law-Lords draft then vote (in secret), then present it to the Graf who signs off on it. Any of the 3, or the Graf himself, or even the various guilds could have proposed the original draft.”

They turned their attention to the Kommission of Taxation. Where they learned Gotthard rarely if ever occupies his office. A clerk, Fran Becker suspected “the Graf proposed the tax to supplement the coffers being bled dry by Emperor Franz. The Graf is currently sick. Being attended to by a physician from the south, who is working wonders with his bedridden son. Chancellor Josef Sparsam is the Chief-Of-Staff in charge of the treasury.”

They had plenty of questions, but few answers. Only more rumors:

“The new tax is to support the Graf who plans to mount a war against the Emperor and his edict about accepting mutants.”

“Graf Boris only married Anika for political reasons. She was barren; no heirs. She was from Nordland. With her death, Nordland now wants to split from the empire.”

“Maria was Boris’ first wife who bore his son, Stefan. The illegitimate kids were probably mothered by court-mistresses who crowd the government buildings like roaches and rats.”

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/04/s4e5-pbtt-consulting-temples.html


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