S4E2 PBtT- Personal Agendas

Recap: So much for Mattis Blucher and Albrecht Oldenhaller’s claim of “fancy silverware.” The crate contained a vile-Nurgle gem used in ceremonies to create more diseases. What would the likes of “Capt Scharlach at the sign of the Crossed Keys, Hoffenstrasse, Middenheim” want with such corruption? The same Scharlach in league with the Purple-hand cult and Kastor Lieberung who worship Tzeentch. Could Nurgle and Tzeentch be in league under the green-hue of Morrslieb? What is the significance of the end-of-the-year Hexenstag carnival?

Rega (Bill) dwarf Engineer

Brandiwyn (Tony) RiverWarden

Ymath (Brian) 8ft tall ogre

Gary (Matt) Cavalry Sgt

Sister Agnes (Duane) Warrior Priestess of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) Entertainer/Bounty Hunter

Preparations: Rega delivered the original vile-Nurgle gem to the Altdorf temple of Sigmar for proper disposal. The replacement fake gem was inside Mattis Blucher’s crate for delivery north. Agnes stopped at her Shallya temple to secure earth-root poultices to deal with diseases they might encounter along the way. Brandi appeared with another wagon full of cargo to sell north. Gary cinched the straps on his warhorse saddle, while Agnes and Katja checked their animal’s horseshoes for the long road ahead. All horses brayed at the arrival of Ymath; he could walk faster than the wagons. And his girth would strain the wagon-wheels; so, yes, he’d walk. Rega grabbed the reins of the wagon carrying Bertha (Josef’s betrothed) and Ulrike Jung. Their bodyguard Gunder rode his horse alongside. Brandi and the halfling Dumpling Harfoot rode in the cargo wagon. Brandi’s cat along for the ride. Hissing when Ymath got too close.

Departure: Only a 400-mile trek; 7-10 days. A gentle snowfall began to paint their winter clothing white as they left Altdorf. Chatter as they rode. Katja announced, “I learned from Altdorf gossip a Josef Aufwiegler is believed to have procured the material for the Nuln opera bombing. A fellow bounty hunter, Ursula Kopfgeld, thinks Josef hurried north, maybe up here in Middenland. If we can beat the other bounty hunters to the prize catch of this agitator, it would be quite the feather in my cap. And coins and recognition for you too.” All agreed to keep their eyes and ears open for the man.

It was a steady, slow pace as they traveled, occasionally passed by a faster carriage. Bertha took note, “I’m more accustomed to traveling in that style. My sister and I are originally from Middenheim. My other sister Kirsten is still there as a ‘lady-of-the-court’. She’s betrothed to Dieter who is the graf’s champion of Boris Todbringer of Middenheim. [Nobles detested personal duels and thus used champions (stand-ins) to spare themselves the indignity of trial by combat.] Anyway, we left about a year ago to deliver their wedding announcements to the Altdorf court. I only met Josef a month ago. Maybe not as rich as I’m accustomed to, but he has a certain… ahem… charm.” Agnes and Katja smirked, knowing ‘lady-of-the-court’ only meant Kirsten was a ‘comfort-girl’. Too rude to call her a whore.

Fruderheim: Agnes was anxious for their first stop, “I’ve heard this is home to the largest and best Shallya hospice house in the land.” They left the girls at the Dove Coaching Inn before journeying to Agnes’ temple where the attendants were dressed in white robes. “You’ll have to leave all weapons to enter, but yes, we were expecting you. Sister Agnes, if you will accompany me for your audience with the high priestess.” Mysterious; especially the comment “we were expecting you.” Meanwhile, another sister acolyte gathered their weapons in a box, “I’ll watch over them. Meanwhile, please be kind to our patients within. They have suffered enough.” Rega thought little of the knuckledusters and bolas he kept. He’d soon regret that: 9 days of surprised fatigue.

The doors were closed behind Agnes as the high priestess ushered her in, “Have you been chaste and abiding of the laws? What stories are there of the south.” Agnes settled into a recount of trailing the warpstone, the skaven attack of Castle Wittgenstein, and the discovery of the Nurgle gem within the Nuln shipment north. Taking up arms as a warrior priestess against Chaos. The priestess interrupted, “But what have you heard about our patients here? Rumors the Emperor’s sister stays with us? No? Good, princess Isabella has been asking for you. Come. But do not tell anyone of her presence. Disastrous if the wrong people found out.”

Ymath quickly found the kitchen, to the displeasure of Shallya acolytes preparing noon meals for the patients with their meager supplies. Meanwhile, Gary, in his captain’s hat, was called forward by a commanding admiral, “Avast ye mate, raise anchor, set sails, and whip the scurvy crew into swabbing the decks. Prepare to repel boarders.” Brandi backed out of the room to leave the 2 wanta-be captains alone. Hospice? This was more an insane asylum!

The priestess chatted as she led the way down secret halls, “We’ve heard the emperor is ill. Disturbing his court has not asked for our help.” Upon arrival, Agnes curtsied before the princess who acknowledged, “I saw you coming in my dreams. I rely upon you. If the city falls…find the man who is not the man he is. He portrays himself chaste yet pleasures in the flesh.” She continued, “How is my son Wolfgang? Have you visited him in Castle Reikguard? It would be a rare audience, but such would surely raise your status within the realm.” Agnes bowed to exit, accompanied back by the high priestess, “Seek the high matriarch Begenard of the Middenheim Shallya temple. She may be able to provide more.”

On the road: It was a restful night (except for Rega) before morning departure. Katja revealed gossip learned at the temple of a mercenary Bollen Blizgrumfen who thought he might be sent to Ostland to join in raids. Which fit other gossip they’d heard over the days about Ostland on the brink of war. “Surprised they’d be willing to leave their cities considering rumors of rats in the sewers 6ft long and able to stand. Even clothed. Yeah, rats. No one wants to admit Skaven lurk under and within their cities.”

Agnes found opportunities along the way to discretely tell her allies about the riddle of the man they needed to find in Middenheim. Rega considered, “Man who is not the man … could be Lady Wittgenstein’s brother Gotthard mutated with a claw and who knows what. Or your tales of Boganhafen and that doppleganger Gideon that got away.”

Kutenholz: Sight of the Wolf’s Head Inn did little to appease the girls grumbling about the road-dust and cold from sitting on a wagon versus inside a carriage. All eyes turned toward them when they entered the tavern filled with mountain men.  Clothing and signets of Ulric versus Sigmar. They DEFINITELY were not in Reikland. The barkeep challenged them, “Got your card yet? No? Then step up and prove yerselves men and chug our finest Middenland-Special drink. Keep it down and I’ll sign yer card as officially welcomed.” He pulled out a god-awful colored bottle from which he poured drinks (Agnes declined, “Tea please.”). Rega didn’t even get half down before he painted his beard and shoes. To make matters worse, he was standing in front of Ymath who also couldn’t keep it down. The whole tavern erupted in laughter as a soaking wet dwarf ran outside to bathe in the horse trough. When he finally re-entered, they patted/pounded on his back, “No card but yer still welcomed.” Rega wasn’t sure if the patting was welcoming or just trying to help him expel the rest of the drink.

The girls quickly retired to their rooms to get away from all the boisterous noise of celebration and drinking and sharing news of the world. “I hear Baron Heinrick, the graf’s diplomatic son, travels south to barter peace. Flew. Not a griffon like the emperors; no, a dwarven crafted mechanical machine.” Rega perked up on that idea. Someone else added, “Many a person has passed thru here on their way to the Middenheim festival. Excited to join in honoring the professional rat catchers the city of old employed to rid the sewers of the rats spreading the Red Pox pestilence. Aye, the 1812 Overcure is worthy of celebration.” [Ba dum pa]

To Delberz: Despite his fatigue, Rega was excited, “Just beyond the next town is a shrine that is holy to both Sigmar and Ulric followers. According to legend, the unarmed god Sigmar (or Ulric depending on who is telling the story) was ambushed by Chaos.  The god took a boulder to fight with. The boulder shattered leaving a sword-like-shard he wielded, slaying 500 followers of Chaos. The shard, which is several yards long, still lies where the god dropped it.” But first they stopped at the Great Oak Inn in town. Where Rega pulled Agnes aside to tell of his unnatural fatigue. When he confessed bringing knuckledusters into the Shallya temple, Agnes explained his need to seek forgiveness, “Prayers, coins, donations at the next Shallya temple may absolve you.”

The next day, they angled the wagons to the side of the road as a large procession of troops and carriages approached. All recognized the banners announcing the Grand Theoginous of Sigmar (Volmar the Grim). Rega tried to gain audience, “Maybe he can intercede for me.” The dwarf got a mouthful of road-dust for his efforts. And when they finally got back on the road… deep, muddy ruts (left by the long train of men and carriages) hindered their travel.

The Shrine: At least the dwarf’s spirits revived when they saw the sign announcing “Shining Rock”. One half of the sign was etched with a wolf head (Ulric). The other half – a twin comet tail (Sigmar). Rega knelt before the shrine trying to seek Sigmar’s intervention on his behalf. Gary tried to lift the shard-sword, only to almost get a hernia. As they turned to leave, they noticed and overheard Sigmarite witch-hunters asking other travelers who approached the shrine, “Do you believe Sigmar was a god?” The Ulric followers denied such belief and suffered the harassment of the hunters.

Outskirts of the Drakwald Forest: Near Brockel, they came upon the Forest Hearth Inn surrounded by 20ft tall walls. Poles spiked with beastmen heads were planted at the gate. Coaches were parked inside the wall. Ymath perked up when he saw another ogre (with a huge black sword at his waist) inside the Inn. “Golthog’s the name. On my way to Middenheim to join in the minotaur fights. Need some practice; care to join me on a hunt tomorrow? A worthy animal roams the forest threatening the Inn.” As Gary played darts (98- hit his opponent’s leg), Agnes overheard the hunt conversation. And was opposed. And said as much, “Sounds more for pleasure rather than need of food.”

The Hunt: Ymath and Rega walked as the others road their horses that had finally become accustomed to the scent of the ogre. But not a Rhinox. An enormous boar with huge tusks! And chewing on the foot of a dead man hanging by a noose. The horses whinnied in fear, but the riders controlled them. The Rhinox charged at the new sounds. To include the protests of the others seeing Rega pull out a bomb, “NO!!” All braced for its charge, giving path for its run-through. Ready to shoot or swing as it passed. Agnes prayed for its safe escape. Not to be; Katja’s bolt dropped it in its retreat. Gary and Brandi were already planning to harvest its tusks, “We could grind them and sale as an aphrodisiac.” Ymath and Golthog saw it as a great feast, “We eat good tonight.” Rega saw its hide as armor, once tanned.

But Agnes was the one concerned with the hangman. Two of them. The witch-hunters they’d seen on the trail days ago, now stripped naked and chests carved with wolf heads. And emasculated. They failed to find tracks of the killers. “Axe cuts. I’d say they found true followers of Ulric.” They buried the men before returning to the inn.

More Days: They continued on thru Sotturm and hours more to turn left at Grubentreich as Gary had desire to visit a winery at Pritzstock. An abandoned cart with broken wheel, set everyone on high alert for bandits. Signs of struggle but no body or tracks. Only a skull cleaved in half lying beside the wheel. Agnes reasoned the owner at least 4 years dead. But most concerning was the charcoal etching ‘In Constant Jade’. Katja had already surmised the cart ran over the skull to split it. Rega studied the cart, “I’d guess it broke down 1-2 days ago. We can use our spare wheel to fix it and bring along. No horse though to pull it; unless you can talk Ymath into the chore.” Agnes was distracted, “Did anyone else see those 2 red glowing dots in the trees ahead?”

They remained alert as they rolled on, coming upon the vineyard. Just over a hill, was a small village surrounded by a shallow ditch. “That’s not going to deter anyone.” House windows were boarded closed while dead flowers hung on the nails. “Garlic? Vampires?” They approached a crowd gathered round a speaker, “Calm down. Go home. The village elders will figure this out. At least the road is open now as we have guests.” Brandi stepped forward, “What’s going on?” Andrey Philip (a Britonnian by accent) spoke up, “Kurt didn’t make it? We have the wine barrels ready to load for delivery to Middenheim as promised.” Mention of the abandoned wagon and skull set Andrey on edge, “Come, stay the night that we might seek your help and explain our dire circumstance.”

Brandi jumped on the business opportunity, “We are headed to Middenheim and can sell your wine.” He and Andrey haggled. “I’ll sell it to you half price if you can find out why our village is haunted. I’ll sell it to you for 30 gold if you can stop it.” Brandi was already calculating the profit, expecting to sell it for 200 gold. He set his investigative team into action. They learned Sigman Albert also saw such skull with glowing eyes. “My wife Elizabeth’s sister, Rita, was attacked by a skull. Flew of its own accord. But let’s not haste. Come, tell us of news from the world. And you must sample my wine. I brought clippings from Ubersreik years ago. Thus, its unique Britonnian flavor for this region. I call it Pritzstock Limited.” As Elizabeth served them, she answered their questions, “‘In Constant Jade’. Humm. That was the favorite quote from a young man, Hans Grauber, journeying to Nuln years ago. Said he was going to study under a Father Marcus.” Rega flinched at mention of his mentor in Nuln. Killed in Kemperbad by cultists.

“Probably best if you go talk with my sister Erita. Learn firsthand.” As Elizabeth led the way, Rega peeled off to consult with the crazy man dancing in the street. He had learned crazy usually resulted from sanity shocking encounters. Maybe this man saw more than he could handle.

Erita greeted them at the door sporting a large welt on her forehead. “I don’t know why it attacked. Just flew at me and bashed into my head. Even bit my shoulder. See the marks? I grabbed it and threw it away and took off running. It’s red glowing eyes followed. The skulls only began showing up 2 days ago. The young man Hans? He was run out of town 3-years ago. My husband and others dunked him in the trough first for hitting on Elizabeth.”

Meanwhile, Rega danced alongside Wuder Lechart, “Why so happy?” He didn’t stop, “Can’t you see the lights? The green lights in the sky? I’ve been seeing them ever since I got this tooth filled by a doctor.” Rega tried looking in his mouth expecting to see a shard of warpstone. But the man’s finger was in the way.

And that’s when the others exited Erita’s house to return to Andrey’s house. They laughed at the dwarf dancing alongside the other crazy. Till they saw 4 red-eyed glowing lights flying down the street toward them, torches clenched in their jaws. “The death skulls!” Small, fast-moving targets for ranged attacks. Yet Agnes’ Orphans steadied their aim, waiting for them to get within range. Enough delay that the skulls dropped the torches onto the thatched roofs of some house. It took awhile to dispatch them. Time enough for Brandi to be hit and catch on fire. Stop, drop, and roll.

4 skulls lay upon the road. And written across 2 of the foreheads were repeats of the phrase they’d seen, ‘In Constant Jade’. But the other 2 had a different charcoal etching, ‘Fear the GraveLord’. “Son of a whore! The man or beast responsible for Father Marcus’ death!” Rega just found focus on this adventure north. To avenge his mentor’s death.

Next Session: Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/03/s4e3-pbtt-three-ring-circus.html


  1. I bet that Rhino horn sells for a pretty penny at the carnival.


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