S4E1 PBtT- Night at the Opera

Recap: While Brandi was being hospitalized, Gary stood on the deck of the barge in his captain’s hat. And accepted commission from the merchant Mattis Blucher, “500 gold, 250 up front, to haul a shipment north. It’s just fancy dinnerware but quite valuable; so, you’ll need to protect it.” And while they waited for Agnes to read over the contract, Mattis suggested, “While we wait, would you like to join me at an opera? You can bring your associates. Formal affair.”

Rega (Bill) dwarf Engineer

Brandiwyn (Tony) RiverWarden

Ymath (Brian) 8ft tall ogre

Gary (Matt) Cavalry Sgt

Sister Agnes (Duane) Warrior Priestess of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) Entertainer/Bounty Hunter

All the World’s a Stage: Katja and Agnes drew many a stare as Mattis greeted them in front of the opera house. Sergeant Gary, in his regal uniform, gave introductions. Rega fumbled with his new cloths, bought 2nd hand, as the shirt was too tight. “Ping!” Katja swatted the flying button from her face and returned it to the dwarf, “Practicing your artillery I see.” Ushers rushed to stop Ymath from entering the theater till Mattis waved them aside, “They are with me.” The ushers pleaded, “PLEASE, at least have him duck so he doesn’t destroy the doorframe.”

As they stood near the entrance, Mattis introduced them to a fellow merchant, “This is my business partner, Albrecht Oldenhaller.” Albrecht gave approval, “I can see why you chose them to protect our shipment. So nice of you to take time to sample our nightlife. Have you attended an opera before? Tonight is ‘The Tragedy of Oswald’.” Katja beamed, “I’ve heard of it. Isn’t he the hero who brought down Castle Drachenfels? I was a study alternate on stage in my earlier days.” Gary added under his breath, “I brought down a castle once. Just recently.” Mattis asked, “What was that? Couldn’t hear for all the throng of revelers. Let's step inside and get away from the rift-raft.”

Inside was even more boisterous as the nobles tried to one-up each other with their latest exploits and gossip. They could easily see themselves being studied as whispers became loud comments, “New members of Mattis’ vulture clan. He’s ruined many a businessman with his underhanded tactics. Honest but a cutthroat. Ropes ya in with a promising deal only to up the stakes. Best stay away from them and that Oldenhaller also in league with him.” Agnes elbowed Mattis, “What’s that all about?” Mattis only grinned, “Tileans. Don’t know how to barter. Lousy business minds. Not my fault they are easy pickings. Their loss is my gain.”

A clatter in the background drew their attention. Ymath had disarmed a server from his tray of snacks being offered to the crowd. And opened his mouth wide to pour the content down his gullet. Mattis only laughed, “Thank goodness I didn’t hire him by the pound!” Other servers made it a point to avoid getting near Ymath.

More rumors filled the air. “I wonder if the countess dare show herself tonight. The gall to switch allegiance from the Toppenheimers to the Pfaufreichers for favored rule over the Sudenland to the south.” “I’m surprised she hasn’t been dethroned yet.” “Haven’t you heard?! She’s the childhood friend of Emperor Karl Franz. Protected she is.” Other gossip, “Have you heard they prepare for war up north of Kemperbad? Stockpiling weapons.” “War? I heard it’s the emperor’s nephew, the Grand Duke Wolfgang Holswig-Abenaur, who lives in Castle Reikguard, plans a coup on the Empire.”

Loud conversations suddenly became a quiet buzz as all turned at the sound of carriage wheels rolling into the brick-laid courtyard. “I’ll be damned! It’s Lady Emmanuelle Von Liebwitz herself. The countess.” Gary excused himself from the others as he made his way to the carriage for introductions. But the lady’s entourage ushered him away. 

All eyes starred at her immaculate outfit as she stepped out of the carriage. Cat-calls erupted, “The newest fashions. How scandalous.” Jealousy. By tomorrow, they’d be clamoring throughout Nuln’s linen markets trying to emulate the same outfit.

Agnes’ Orphans were surprised when Mattis was allowed to approach the Lady, “We are honored by your beauty and grace, my Lady.” Agnes stepped forward to offer her own greetings, “What a lovely dress. You wear it well.” Lady Von Liebwitz took time to speak with Agnes and even Katja. Once more Gary tried to step forward for introductions but was shunned by her escorts, “She has enough bodyguards.” At least the Lady gave him a smile and courteous nod. Or was she nodding to others behind him?

Gary happened to overhear, “I can’t believe that harlot chose the Pfaufreichers over the Toppenheimers.” Gary confronted the man, “Need I protect the Lady’s honor from your foul words? Who are you?” “Conrad, of house Toppenheimers if you must know. You’ll remember me after tonight.” Conrad walked away. More swept away by the crowd.

Mattis interrupted Gary’s thoughts, “Shall we retire to our suite? I have boxed seats near Lady Von Liebwitz’s.” Of course, they allowed the Lady’s group to be seated first. Further delayed as 4 men carried a large potted plant to adorn the Lady’s outer chamber, “Ambiance for the reception during intermission.” They had to squeeze past Ymath in the narrow hallway, who snarled at their intrusion into his space. But they ignored his attempts at intimidation. They shunned Rega’s offered help but at least nodded at Agnes as she held the door open for them.

Once allowed to enter their box, Rega stopped Ymath, “Not so fast big guy. Let me inspect the construction to be sure it can support you.” Ymath was relegated to the back of the booth. Along with Rega…something about not enough perfume. Rega grumbled, “Who picked these seats? Can’t see even if I were up front.” Mattis laughed, “Seating is not for us viewing. It’s for us to be viewed. The opera is more about appearances. Thus, why I selected the booth next to the countess.” Gary made it a point to sit near Mattis, “I’m curious to see how your opera compares to our Bretonnian.”

The Curtains Open: Once the curtains rose and the opera began, the fight broke out. The fight to keep one’s eyelids open. Boring! Gary snickered at the sight of a female dwarf on stage, “Damn Rega, I thought you’d snuck on stage.” Meanwhile, Ymath snarled at a black-cloaked man who appeared beside him, in an empty chair. But the man only ignored the brute. Meanwhile, Rega, too short to see the stage, tried standing in his chair. His foot got caught in the folding seat. All eyes turned back at the source of the noise, “SHHHUSH!” Rega made just as much noise getting free before he stepped out of the box.

But not before Gary excused himself to wander the halls and find a booster seat for the dwarf. Where he ran into a busty attractive woman in a fashionable cape. Close enough to wince at her overabundance of perfume. Edwina gushed, “I just love a man in uniform.” Conversation and drinks quickly led to Gary escorting her to his box seats. As he handed the booster seat to Rega outside the booth, the woman fell into the booth, into the black-cloaked man, “Oh, I’m so sorry. Excuse my clumsiness.” Agnes turned at the interruption and immediately disliked what she saw. And tried to get Gary to keep her out. But Gary countered, “Sister Agnes, we rushed up here to tell you someone is hurt down in the lobby and needs your help.”

Agnes harrumphed as she left the booth, accidently purposefully bumping into Edwina. She was 10 steps down the hall when she spun around. Something wasn’t right. Womanly intuition. She returned to Gary’s surprise, “Back so soon?” It was Katja turning to hush them as she held her opera glasses in hand. And quietly mocked the stage, “You call that performing? I could do better.”

Finally, intermission. Edwina invited all, “Let’s have drinks. On me. Even you Mattis and sister Agnes.” They had to hustle as a line of patrons were already forming outside Lady Von Liebwitz’s chamber box. “The hobnobbing is about to begin.” As Ymath unfolded himself from the tiny chair to follow, he knocked over the man beside him. Who collapsed to the floor, passed out drunk. Till Agnes came to his aid and realized the man was dead. “There’s a thin rod of metal stuck in his ear. Probably rammed into his brain.”

Only then did she notice she was only talking to Gary and Rega as Edwina had led the others away for drinks. And that’s when Agnes realized, “I thought there was something strange about your Edwina! Remember how she ‘fell’ into this man when she entered the box? She killed him!” They rushed out of the box, fighting their way thru the growing crowd of patrons awaiting facetime, as they began to search for Edwina and the others.

Meanwhile, Ymath noticed a growth on Edwina’s neck. And another boil on her forearm. He poked at the pustule on her neck, “That hurt?” His touch removed some of her heavy makeup, revealing even more pustules. 

 Albrecht Oldenhaller

Edwina spun away, grabbed Albrecht and push him toward 2 men (also with boils) who grabbed him. They put a wet cloth over his nose and began to drag the now unconscious Albrecht out of the theater. From behind, Agnes called out to her allies, “Don’t let them get away. They are agents of Nurgle (chaos god).” When Edwina spun to face her accuser, Agnes’ leather armor melted from the witch’s glare.

The kidnappers were slowed by their unconscious captive, making it easy for Agnes’ Orphans to close and attack. Agnes and Katja faced off against Edwina as Gary went after an abductor. Rega entangled another with his bola. It wasn’t long for the Nurgle cultists to be dispatched. They searched the bodies and found sketches of Albrecht. [it would take 2 days for Ymath to realize his melee contact with Edwina caused his itching pox.] Agnes took time to pray for those corrupted by contact with such evil. [A scary prospect of healing corruption]

They splashed water to awaken Albrecht, “Why did they want to kidnap you?” It took a while for the man to regain thought, “They are scoundrels of Tilea who believe I wronged them. It was I, not Mattis. It was a fair business dealing. Blucher is MY client. My face to the people to protect me. Now, let’s return to our seats to finish the opera. We must put on a good face.” As a bounty-hunter, Katja interrupted, “Word on the streets is you stole something from them. Or you at least have something of theirs.”

Yet when they returned to the box, guards were waiting. “Do you know the dead man? We found this repeater crossbow on him. He’s a known assassin.” Confusion as Rega pondered, “I don’t get it. Edwina killed the assassin who was hired to kill you Albrecht. Why didn’t she just let him finish his assignment?” Albrecht could only guess, “Maybe she just wanted to see me suffer at the hands of her god rather than a bolt.” Mattis appeared and ushered Agnes’ Orphans into the countess’ booth, “My Lady, these are the heroes who saved Herr Oldenhaller.”

Servants entered to light candles in the wall sconces as the countess took time to thank each one of them. FINALLY, Gary got his chance to present himself with flair. Only to receive her weak smile and cordial gratitude, as she’d shown the others. Even the ogre. And that’s when Rega heard a familiar “hiss”. He searched and soon found a burning fuse sticking out of the large planter. “A bomb! Protect the countess! Get her out!” Yet her guards were slow to re-act. At least Ymath heard and put his back between the planter and the countess. Fortune that Rega realized the bomb was crudely constructed. He pulled out the fuse and snuffed it out. “Never mind, I disarmed it. Quality material just poorly constructed.”

Lady Von Liebwitz remained calm but declared, “I think I’ve had enough opera for the night.” As her entourage departed the theater, other patrons saw no reason to stay. The place emptied fairly quickly, leaving the group alone. Giving Gary the excuse to ask, “So what exactly is in the box we ship north? I think you’ve put our lives at risk and should pay us more. Double.” Herr Oldenhaller smiled, “We have a signed contract. But I will at least offer you horses and a wagon out of Altdorf for your journey to Middenheim. And free tickets to the Hexenstag carnival.  And I’ll even offer you room-and-board tonight in my warehouse so you can begin guarding the box.” As they exited the theater, Rega made it a point to find Herr Conrad and return his burning fuse. Conrad scowled, “Care dwarf if you ever enter Sudenland.”

They stood in the warehouse inspecting the crate. A 2ft cube with a wax-sealed letter affixed to the top. “Deliver to Capt Scharlach at the sign of the Crossed Keys, Hoffenstrasse, Middenheim.” Agnes scratched her chin, “I’ve heard that name before. Humm." While Albrecht retired to his office upstairs to sleep, the others studied the crate, “We could build a decoy in case someone tries to come aboard our barge to steal it.” “Why don’t we just open it now and find out why we risk our lives.”

“Cast off the Lines”: Morning mist blanketed the river. The halfling Dumpling Hayfoot was already aboard the LostnFound cooking breakfast. Brandi was aboard, returned from surgery a new man. With profits from the sale of their last shipment and more cargo loaded for sale in Kemperbad and Altdorf. They couldn’t help but notice Mattis and Albrecht on the dock watching them depart as they slipped into the current that flowed north. 6 days from Kemperbad and another 2 days on to Altdorf. And then onward to Middenheim further north. Cold country. Thank goodness they bought heavy winter coats already. But Agnes was busy tending to Ymath, “Stop scratching and let me doctor your arms. Remember touching Edwina? Well, you caught itching pox.” Gary shuddered at the realization he would have tried to bed the wench.

Plenty of time and opportunity to crack open the crate to Agnes’ disapproval. “We signed a contract saying we’d do no such thing!” Gary reasoned, “If you signed a pact with the devil, would you still abide?” Agnes was about to argue till she squealed, “SCHARLACH! Now I remember. Kastor’s attorney Frederick Bloch in Nuln mentioned the name and address in Middenheim where he’d been sending Kastor’s reports.” Gary stiffened, “The damn Cult of the Purple-Hands again! I thought I was done with them. So, tell me Agnes, can we NOW open the damn box?!”

Rega instructed they flip the box and open the bottom thus avoiding the seal. Inside, among wads of straw and hay, they found junk. A chipped plate, old scabbard, stuffed magpie, cloak, dog skull. And a 2” diameter, sickly-green, bloody-mucus jewel. Agnes warned, “Don’t touch it. Surely it’s the vile works of Nugle. At least find a lead box to put it in. Leave it out of the crate as we don’t want it delivered.” Ymath offered, “Find look alike. Swap.”

Kemperbad: They angled for the dock beneath the elevator buckets. Rega patted Ymath on the knee, “Sorry fella, but I think you’ll have to take the stairs.” But it was at that moment the dwarf noticed some stevedores wearing purple earrings. They had paused in their work to stare at the barge. They must have seen something because they nodded and went back to work. Rega looked around to see if Gary had come topside. Nope. He then spotted the crate. The tarp that had covered it was blown free.

Brandi found necessary merchants to sale the cargo as the others (except Ymath) rode the elevators to the city above. While Agnes and Rega (the only ones who could read) entered the library to research, Gary took Ymath and Katja to a tavern. In no time Katja was drunk and up on stage entertaining. Gary challenged Ymath to arm-wrestle. And won. The fact he kept commenting about Katja’s dancing, distracting the ogre, had nothing to do with the cavalry sergeant winning the match. “Fair and square. You owe.”

While the trio gathered more rumors, the scholars poured over library books. “Nugle is the chaos god. His cult uses such gems in ceremonies to create more diseases. His enemy is Slaanesh.” From the library, they shopped stores in search of a suitable replacement gem. None could be found; so, they returned to the barge. Where Katja repeated a variation of an earlier rumor, “The Grand Duke of Talabecland is angered at the attacks on his borders from those who blame him for the death of the crown-prince Hergard Von Tasseninck of Ostland in the Grey Mountains campaign.”

Onward to Altdorf: All were pleasantly surprised the special crate hadn’t been disturb while tied to the dock. Except Agnes, “I was hoping they’d steal it and get it off our hands.” Two more days to ponder what the purpose was behind the gem inside the crate. They sailed past Castle Reikguard and rode the currents north. 2 days till they once again lined up waiting docking space. And once again, Agnes’ caught the eye of the riverwarden who signaled them forward.

They tied up to the dock and entered the Boatman Inn (no docking fees if they rang up a tab) where Brandi recognized, “Josef you old scoundrel. I didn’t see your barge at the docks. What happened?!” It became a back-slapping-contest as Josef ordered, “A round of drinks for all!” Josef explained how his barge, the Berebeli, was laid up in repairs. And when Brandi explained the group was going inland, Josef jumped at the chance, “I can sail your goods while you’re away. Split the profits. What say you?” And when Brandi mentioned the destination Middenheim, Josef beamed, “Praise be Sigmar! My betrothed Bertha Jung and her sister Ulrike need to travel north also. Perhaps they could travel with you? They have their own bodyguard, Gunder.”

They spent another day shopping for a duplicate stone. Luck they found one. As promised, they handed the script from Albrecht Oldenhaller to purchase horses and a wagon. Unfortunately, no carriage was available. When they finally gathered the morning of departure, Gary and Rega sported repeater handguns. And Agnes loaded a box full of “herbs and potions in case we encounter Nurgle’s agents.” As for Josef: he was not happy they only had a wagon, “You couldn’t afford a carriage for my bethrothed?” Brandi tried to console him, “We plan to stop in villages and towns along the way. Sleep indoors instead of under the stars.” 

Next Session: Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/03/s4e2-power-behind-throne-personal.html


  1. Well, you caught itching pox.” Gary shuddered at the realization he would have tried to bed the wench.

    Best line of the encounter.

    Great job as always!


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