S3E13: Death on the Reik – The Inner Bailey

Recap: Brandiwyn slowed by a major wound, only Hilda and 2 outlawmen left, and a dwindling supply of Mallorhan’s arrows. At least enough crossbows and bolts left by the soldiers to resupply Katja. “Surely the alarm has been sounded. We best hurry. No telling what else roams the castle grounds.” “What?” Rega slapped his ears, still ringing from his bomb blast inside the church.

Rega (Bill) dwarf Investigator

Brandiwyn (Tony) RiverWarden

Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger…absent

Gary (Matt) Warrior/Cavalryman

Sister Agnes (Duane) noble, Warrior Priestess of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) noble, Entertainer/Bounty Hunter


On edge: They crept along the stone bridge ever wary of archers surely prepared behind the walls of the [1] guard tower between the castle baileys. Chains implied a drawbridge which encouraged them to rush the tower before it could be raised. Maybe the heavier rain and lightning flashes hid their movement for no attack came. The tower proved to be empty. Cobwebs dressed the rusting chains, “These haven’t been maintained nor operated for decades. It would take weeks labor and a barrels-of-oil to get them working again. Maybe the guards line the ramparts ahead.”

From the tower’s upper floor, Gary scanned the [2] inner bailey ramparts with his spyglass. He winced when green lightening repeatedly struck a [6] large building to the rear of the distant courtyard. “Looks clear…so far.” Again, they crept forward in the shadows of the bridge’s sides with weapons readied and shields raised against a rain of crossbow bolts. Only the steady heavy ‘Plink, plink, plink” of rain assaulted their shields as they reached the ramparts and confirmed it too empty.

Once again Gary scanned the courtyard with his spyglass. “Some kind of corral to the left. Movement. Birds? Larger than condors but no beaks…holy shit! Some have human faces. Not like those harpies that attacked us when we claimed our first barge. These are some kind of experiment.” Agnes borrowed the glass, “Looks like a temple to the right. Once to Sigmar but now defaced. That 4-story manor [6] across from that pit has metal rods atop it. Green lightning is striking the rods!” Hilda spoke up, “That storm of 2-years prior called down Morrslieb’s green touch! What evil is being summoned now?!”

They advanced to the right to avoid the corralled ‘birds’ to the left. Katja peered into the [3] greenhouse glass, “Potted plants. Deformed tomatoes, cucumbers, a large plant in the middle...WHAT THE?!” She jolted backwards as green tendrils stretched from the large plant and stuck to the inside of the glass. What looked like a green human hand but with suckers. Agnes was already counting her vials of oil to cleanse the unholy abomination. Brandi stayed her hand, “It can wait. There may be worse to come.”

They stood before the defaced [4] Sigmar temple where they could faintly hear organ music inside. “Someone’s home.” Agnes led the way ready to avenge all that is holy. A worshiper of Shallya but she still honored Sigmar. As they opened the doors, a 2-foot-deep mist spilled from inside along with the sweet stench of sex. The original statue of Sigmar now held a phallic symbol instead of his hammer. 

Beside it, they gazed upon an androgynous (half man, half woman) statue. Before Agnes could curse it “Slaanesh”, Agnes’ Orphans and the outlaws were assaulted by its spell. Most fought the temptation [resolve] as naked humans rose from the mist and began to dance. Katja and Hilda joined in the dance as organ music flowed down from a floor above. Gary slapped Hilda out of the spell while Brandi grabbed Katja’s collar and dragged her out. Only when they slammed the doors shut did Katja regain her composure, “What happened?”

Rainwater flowed down into the excavated pit before them. “Don’t get too close. The side may give way.” They could see a cage in the bottom. “Something is moving down there. More blob-like without appendages that I can see.” They edged around the pit to the adjoining [5] tower. Harpsicord music flowed from upstairs windows. “Maybe all this music drowned out our bomb and bullet blasts in the outer bailey? No-one is expecting us.” Rega added, “Or they consider us too insignificant to worry.” Gary puffed, “Then there-in lies their mistake.”

Gary led them into the adjacent tower and immediately felt and heard crunching under his feet. “Cockroaches! Dozens if not hundreds.” The outlaws followed only because of the threat of being left alone. Stairs beckoned them to climb to the music above. Portraits lined the stair walls. “I remember the picture the Wittgendorf ghoul doctor carried of Lady Margritte. That’s her in the 2nd picture. The older woman in the first might be her mother.” The 3rd portrait was titled ‘Ludvig- Head of Family’. Strange black teeth. Till Katja realized, “Not teeth, but antenna like the cockroaches!” The 4th portrait was labeled ‘Gotthard’.

A giant cockroach, well-dressed in human attire, sat playing the harpsicord. It turned at the interruption of more bugs crunching underfoot. “Hello. It’s been so long since I’ve had visitors. Please, sit.” They carried on normal conversation. Rega behind all the bodies could only hear, not see as Gary asked, “Your picture downstairs does not do you justice. You must be Ludvig.” The bug answered, “Thank you for not being repulsed by my looks. I wish I could blame the warpstone; instead, the Von Wittgenstein curse. My wife keeps the stone in the basement. She became fascinated by my great uncle Dagmar’s studies and opened the iron box years ago to enhance her own experiments. Ironic how she locks me away while she lets those things go free.”

When asked, Ludvig drew a map of the manor but noted, “Margritte has the key to the basement gate. Basement, dungeon. Standard castle fixtures. Ours has an ogre interrogator.” And that’s when Rega finally pressed forward enough to see the speaker. And revolted at the calmness around him. Are his allies mesmerized?! He drew his axe to throw, but Brandi grabbed the handle to restrain him as he whispered, “I’m repulsed too but the thing freely offers information. It’s no threat. Yet.” As they exited the tower, Rega made it a point to stomp on ever bug he saw. And almost slipped down the stairs in the process.

The manor lay before them. The main entrance with its huge knockers or the servants’ entrance? 

Two servants looked up at the interruption. One with a very small head, the other with 3 eyes and no tongue. Gary spoke, “What time does the lady take dinner? Her husband invited us to dinner.” The servants carried on without a care as they pointed to the kitchen. Where a blob-sized man thing stirred a pot. Getting into the act, Rega grabbed a tray and offered to carry the bowl of stew to the lady. Agnes knocked the bowl off when she saw the human leg dangling over the edge, “Oops. My mistake.”

They rounded the corner to a door that opened unto a storeroom where salted meat hung: sheep, cow, villagers. They had to restrain Agnes from burning the place down. Another room contained over-sized beehives. They quickly moved on, into the great hall. More family portraits (past and present) lined the walls. Which one was Dagmar? The table full of molding food served as an ottoman footrest for a snoring man who occasionally scratched his nose with a bird-claw hand. The butler woke, “You hungry? I should announce you. Don’t bother? Oh, her husband invited you. Will he be joining us?” Brandi guessed right, “Have the other guests arrived?” The butler responded, “Ulfhednar with his pet. Big, fury, bull-faced. No, his pet. The ogre downstairs? His name Slagdar. The doc is down there too.” The butler fell back asleep.

That’s when Agnes and Katja noticed, “The portrait faces have moved. Eyes seem to follow us when not looking.” Rega stood on his tiptoes trying to look into each portrait for carved-out eyes to suggest peepholes and a secret passage behind the walls. Nothing. Brandi had to restrain Agnes from torching the place. They started down the steps toward the basement. Locked gate. Rega couldn’t open, “It’s magically sealed just like the secret cave door. We’ll need to find the key. Didn’t Ludvig say his wife had it?”

They climbed the grand staircase lined with 4 statues in ancient plate suit. The visors open to reveal embalmed faces. Rega had to ask Hilda, “Anyone you recognize? Your father?” Three doors lined the balcony landing. The 1st proved to be an overflowing toilet. They couldn’t reseal the door tight enough to contain the stench. The 2nd room contained broken musical instruments. “The lady must have gone mad with Ludvig’s playing.” The 3rd room contained 2 stuffed beastmen. One missing its head. “The outer guard lieutenant must have retrieved its head.” A human body lay upon a table. Its chest opened with a “Y” incision. Another body with extra arms lay upon another table. And sat up! “I’m Kurt. Are you my friends? Would you like to be my friends?” They noticed him holding a scalpel. It took more than Gary to put the man down.

As they climbed the steps, they heard loud whispers, “Hey, they’re coming up.” Weapons readied, they inched forward onto the 3rd floor. Nothing. No one in sight. A snicker. Realization the walls were talking and answered their questions, “Lady M is in her tower. Her mother Ingrid is here with all her cats. And Ulfhednar …nice man. Heavily armored.” Brandi asked, “Are you the portraits who starred at us down in the great hall?” They replied, “Are you crazy? We can’t be 2 places at once. Jack, get a load of this fool.” Now Agnes had to restrain Brandi.

They crept toward ‘mothers’ room. Rega opened the door holding the empty serving tray. The stench of cats and their litter was overwhelming. Cats lounged everywhere as a VERY old woman sat in her chair petting a hairless cat, “Who are you?” Rega gagged but managed to offer, “Dinner is ready.” Gary spoke, “Where’s your daughter?” Ingrid looked with contempt at their lowly status, “Where’s the butler? At least he knows how to dress in front of royalty.” When Gary pressed the issue, she drew her rapier. Katja responded with her own (duel 94). Ingrid not impressed. Gary swung his sword and cleaved the old bitch who collapsed dead. The cats advanced to lick her wounds and flowing blood. Gary pushed them aside to collect treasure: diamond necklace, gold earrings, coins. Rega cautioned, “We’ll need to melt anything with royal stamping. Don’t want to be accused of robbing the nobles.” Only then did they notice the stuffed heads lining the room: imperial tax collector, peasant, politician, Sigmarite priest.

They returned to the hallway and its 3 balcony rooms. The 1st empty except for an ornate sword hung over a fireplace. They sent the outlaws to ready against the 3rd room as Agnes’ Orphans readied at the 2nd door. Agnes blessed herself and others before they entered. All (except Katja) steeled themselves at the sight of a minotaur before them. “Some pet.” Ranged bolt and axe and melee blades caused the pet to roar. Brandi dodged claws and horns [had to use a ‘Fate’ to avoid a damaging hit to his already critically wounded left arm]. Brandi cleaved with his sword ‘Barrakul’ as Katja impaled the beast with bolt from another crossbow. Another robbed kill for the bounty hunter.

Meanwhile, Ulfhednar responded to his pet’s roar. He laughed at the pathetic outlaws blocking his way. And smiled when Gary emerged from the other room to blast with his pistol. Lightning fast, Ulfhednar’s arms stretched out the 12-foot span to attack Gary. Who barely managed to block the surprise attack. More surprise that the outlaws actually maneuvered behind the chaos warrior instead of running for their lives. Ulfhednar’s magical armor could only withstand so much. Outnumbered, he soon fell. And the walls giggled with glee, “The flowing blood invigorates us.”

Gary entered another room filled with hundreds of clocks. All on different times. Lucky perception to notice the grandfather clock about to strike the hour. “Coo Coo.” He dodged the 2 swinging blades meant to clang the hours. He entered the next room where objects swirled in a central maelstrom. The walls announced, “This is Gotthard’s room.” Distracted by the walls, Gary was smacked side the head by a potted plant.

The last room was a gilded, luxurious bedroom. Complete with dead bodies. Chocked to death with their legs sticking out from under the bed. Gary entered to find a chest filled with a gold chocker, a gold and emerald diadem, and other rich treasure. Rega entered the adjoining room and inspected (engineer) various size lenses. “Didn’t you tell a story about finding a wizard tower with a lens death ray?” Gary remembered, “You mean the first wizard I killed?”

They climbed the stairs, finding a library on the 2nd floor. Spell books lined the walls and were stacked on the floor. Agnes was already creating 2 stacks of her own: those forbidden- too blasphemous and thus needing to be burned, and those legally worth keeping to be sold. Meanwhile, Rega was called over to read a letter on a desk. “From Gotthard to his sister Margritte. Tired of mutilating peasants and has moved on to Middenheim. Mutated with a claw and who knows what else. Yet he relishes in debauchery gathering other followers of Morrslieb. Important and influential people. Mentions ‘inner circle’ and him in charge of organizing something special for the coming Hexenstag celebrations. Anyone know when that occurs?”

They climbed the stairs to the top floor, hoping upon hope that Margritte was there. Indeed, dressed in colorful robes, she worked chains that controlled a table raised to the open skylight where green lightning arcs sparked across lightning rods rising from the roof, hitting the table between. 

Margritte was already pulling the chains to lower the table when Hilda gasp at the sight of the monster atop the table, “Father?!” Maybe only his head for the rest of the abomination was a collection of sorts. But it did sit up in response. Alive. [fear 3] Each who entered the room dared not approach. But that didn’t mean they couldn’t/wouldn’t attack at range. Gary blasted Margritte with his pistol. Surprisingly an easy kill. The monster raged out of control and broke free of its restraints. Thankfully Rega entangled it with his bola. Allowing Agnes to close with her flaming hammer [critical] crunching its skull. Stunned, the beast was slow to break free of the bola. An easy target for ranged weapons and Gary’s fatal sword slash.

Brandi knelt beside Margritte and removed the chain about her neck. “Here’s the key to the basement. You know, with her dead, we could just walk away with the treasure collected and get back to the barge to sell our goods in Nuln.” Agnes protested, “You’ve restrained me every step of the way from burning down this evil abode and its corrupted inhabitants. Shallya willing, I’ll deal with the warpstone myself. Walk away if you must.” Brandi coddled his wounded left arm still needing surgery, “It was just a suggestion. I’m with you.” Rega interrupted, “Anyone know when the next Hexenstag occurs? We best deal with this threat so we can interrupt Gotthard’s plans. I’ve always wanted to go to Middenheim.” Katja was more realistic, “And how many bombs do you still have to deal with the threat below?! Let’s get on to the basement before I reconsider.”

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/02/s3e14-death-on-reik-dungeon.html


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