S3E11: Death on the Reik – Storming the Castle

Recap: So, the rebuilt signal tower once was Dagmar’s observatory. Where Agnes’ Orphans used the 6 keys to open a wizards’ den in its basalt basement, where they found research books and his journal that explained his actions. Such as taking the warpstone meteorite downriver (in a lead-lined box) to his Castle Wittgenstein. Where he stored it in a magically-reinforced chamber. Safe and secure. Till 2 years ago when chaos befell the surrounding area. An analysis of the Wittgendorf ghoul doctor vial proved to be pure warpstone dust! Someone, Lady Margritte perhaps, must have opened the chamber and began experiments on the neighboring villagers.

Thankfully, Dagmar’s journal included the password needed to open the secret door to the castle. Over a month since they’d last been there. They sail back to Wittgendorf to coordinate with Hilda’s father and allied villagers ready and willing to storm the castle to end their misery and hopefully restore their home and lives.

The Prisoner: “Brandi, it’s your girlfriend Hilda! Taken prisoner.” Restrained in a neck-brace, 6 soldiers on horseback led her towards the castle. 

Rega (Bill) dwarf Investigator

Brandiwyn (Tony) RiverWarden

Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger…absent

Gary (Matt) Warrior/Cavalryman

Sister Agnes (Duane) noble, Warrior Priestess of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) noble, Entertainer/Bounty Hunter

Unhand that woman! Rega readied the aft cannon. He’d studied and practiced but never actually shot this cannon before. Just in case, he aimed ahead of the lead riders. “BOOM!” [critical] The ball exploded where aimed, knocking the riders off their mounts that galloped away. Brandi used the surprising result to boldly demand, “That was just a warning shot. Release the woman now or be fired ON!” The saddled soldiers whipped their horses in a mad gallop for their own safety, almost trampling the prone men who scuttled off the road while cursing the departing “cowards!” Katja’s crossbow bolt dropped one soldier who stood in defiance. Gary fired the forecastle cannon at the departing riders killing 2 more. As Agnes assured Hilda “we’re coming”, Katja cycled her repeating crossbow and dropped the remaining soldier.

The barge’s stern scrapped against the dilapidated dock allowing most to jump ashore. Meanwhile, Gary reloaded the cannons while Brandi fought the current to steer the barge to the far shore for anchorage and hiding. Finally, they rowed across to join the others who had released Hilda from her neck-brace. “Thank you but they will be back with more troops. Since you killed the ‘doctor’ last month, the Lady invited the sick to her castle for healing. No-one returned. Who knows what they are doing with them in there. They grabbed my father just days ago. At least he had time to command his followers to hide in the woods. Follow me; I’ll take you there. Careful! Step where I step as there are traps.”

Before leaving, Agnes confirmed the dead soldiers WERE living but with necrotic skin. Not ghouls as Henryk claimed the doctor to be. Indeed, warpstone effects. She quickened her pace following Hilda and the others thru the woods that were too reminiscent of the blighted lands around the Barren Hills and its fetid undergrowth and twisted tree branches. Putrid sap wept from these trees too. As they climbed these hills, [failed Athletics] Rega slipped and fell. He quickly washed off the sickening fungal ground rot. Almost an hour before they spotted movement up in the trees and realized these natural woods, free of blight.

Hilda announced, “We’re here.” But the people looked despondent, without hope. Their leader, Sigrid, spoke, “I and my outlaw followers can barely eke out a living. Scrounge for food as Hilda did and we risk capture by the Lady’s men. Seek sanctuary elsewhere and we are put to the torch for witchcraft; us accused of the Lady’s own doings. As much as we desire revenge, it would be suicidal to storm her castle.” Brandi gave them hope when he told the story of the Barren Hills and showed Dagmar’s notes, “Here is the ‘key’ to unlock the secret passage Hilda’s father spoke of. Let us bring down the Wittgensteins! May Lady Margritte rot in hell.”

Cheer and smiles erupted as Sigrid ordered a feast, “Let us plot revenge.” Battle plans. “Best to not split our forces.” “But too many and we lose surprise.” “Diversion? Flame arrows to lite the fields and make them think men toil. Or better, torch a house in the village to suggest someone home. Draw out soldiers to thin the ranks we’d face inside.” They debated throughout the night. Agnes tried to rally the men with speeches of honor. Brandi went for the heart of the matter, “Death to them all! Reclaim your lands! But if you prefer, come work for me as I build up my shipping fleet.”

Sigrid set guards around their camp as they rested for their morning attack. “Snap.” “Hoot, hoot.” Brandi reached for his sword when a hand clamped over his mouth. Sigrid whispered, “Hush. We have visitors.” Brandi woke the others before dawning his armor. Rega helped Gary strap on his heavy armor. A trumpet sounded. The woods became alive with soldiers and beastmen. Brandi fired a pistol at the closest attacker. Sigrid climbed a tree and commanded, “Guards, fall back and defend. To the trees.” Katja jabbed her rapier at an attacker and came away with a patch of loose skin skewered on her blade. “Rotting flesh! Corrupted in flesh and soul! Living undead!”

Agnes prayed for the men as she strapped on her armor. Beastmen charged and clawed at the outlaws trying to climb for advantage with their bows. Screams as long teeth shredded those who fell. Meanwhile, 2 retreating guards were set upon by a lone rider who entered the glade swinging a flail. “Clang.” One fell and was trampled as the other fled into the woods. The lieutenant cavalryman turned his attention to the cluster of men around campfires. Armored, Gary leveled his pistol at the rider, “Blam”, drawing his attention and charge. When in range, Rega threw his axe [critical] as Brandi stood ready with his longblade as Gary busied reloading his pistol.

Slow motion scene: the axe sank into the riders’ chest [major chest wound] as Brandi cleaved the horses’ legs causing the rider to tumble forward. The lieutenant already dead when he struck the ground that rammed the axe further into his chest. With Gary raising his pistol at an empty saddle.

The battle raged on with relentless beastmen snarling and snapping and clawing as arrows decorated their thick fur. Soldiers with flaking skin continued their assault. And dead outlawmen littered the battlefield. Gary charged into battle blazing with his pistols and blunderbuss while Katja emptied her repeating crossbow. Brandi swung his dwarven sword ‘Barrakul’ while Agnes stormed into battle with her silvered Warhammer. 

And Rega heaved another throwing axe [critical] that castrated a beastman. Finally, Gary stood over a prone beastman while aiming his pistol in memory, “For Henryk’s honor!”

Morning sunlight shone on the 7 dead outlawmen among the 6 dead soldiers. Agnes was already busy stacking and torching the 6 dead beastmen. “Change of plans. Send the 2 most wounded to Wittgendorf to start a diversionary fire while we enter the cave.” It was a long trek thru a corrupted forest where tree branches wavered without the aid of wind. Spooky. They would have walked past the cave had Sigrid not known its location. She moved brush to reveal the opening. Agnes traced the Dagmar symbols upon the stone block. As if etching with fire, the symbols blazed in unison as the block slid to the side. “That’s strange. I would have expected a musky scent and fetid air. Someone or something has been this way before. Recent.”

Rega noticed queer tracks (if you want to call them that) inside. “See all the fungus and mold on the natural cave walls? Yet notice these strange circular prints void of such mold. As if the mold removed with the end of a pole. On the floor, walls, and even ceiling. Sets of 5 at about 10ft span.” Agnes suggested all cover their mouth and faces with bandana to avoid mold sickness. Torches for the humans as they entered the cave and followed the single passage till it branched right. Rega commented on the slight downslope of their trek. Gary doubted this the way, “The castle is atop the mountain. We need to go up.”

A gasp for air had them turn to puzzle at Sigrid who had already composed herself, “Nothing.” She thought best to not suggest herself crazy at briefly seeing a face up in the ceiling. A faint light ahead drew them forward where Rega recognized “luminous mushrooms. Not poisonous but they will give you the shits if you eat them. Trust me, I learned the hard way as a kid.” They rounded the bend to the left and found a cavern with 4 sets of beady eyes penetrating a faint greenish glow. Not skaven; just LARGE rats. Rega inched around the corner to guard against true threats while the others dealt with the rats. That scampered into crevasses at the first arrow impact. Agnes gathered combustibles to start a fire within, “In case they try to return and attack our backside.”

Brandi and Gary resumed the lead, moving around Rega. Gary suddenly thrusted his arm out stopping Brandi in his tracks. “Careful, lash worms!” Four filaments dangled and swayed from the ceiling. “Nasty razor-sharp hooks on their ends.” Brandi was willing to call Agnes forward to torch them till Gary had them backtrack and go around them. “Just keep a lookout for more.” More tunnel branches continued to lead down causing Gary to doubt his way.

Till one side passage was intersected by a shallow river with the far side seeming to angle upwards. Katja puzzled at a side alcove filled with white bones. Stripped of meat and marrow. “AAAHHHH” A blood-curdling scream pierced the air and the fortitude of many. [failed Cool test - broken] Katja panicked and ready to run. Till Agnes blessed her and others, removing their fear. “What was that?!” Sigrid found her voice to tell them about the “face up in the ceiling back in that passage.” No one found voice to suggest they backtrack and find the thing. Gary pointed across the river, “That way goes up.”

Damn freezing-ass cold! Gary allowed Rega to climb on his shoulders since “I need to keep my bombs dry.” Single file as each gasped at the ice-cold waters shriveling their balls. They gathered around the torches to gain warmth. Only then did they realize “Where is Sam and Eric?” Only the outlaws at the rear of the ‘train’ saw “a long-necked mutant rose from the waters and lashed out with talons. It had suckers on the ends of its 5 appendages. Sam and Eric were drug under without chance for a last breath. That must be the creature that left those circular tracks!” Sigrid noted her force dwindled to 11 outlawmen besides herself.

Agnes said a silent blessing for the departed as they continued onward and upward. They came to another large cavern where 6 huge bats hung from the ceiling. But Gary ignored them as he also spied the spiraling staircase climbing upwards. Once again, single file. A heart-pounding, mouth-breathing, exhausting climb up well over 300 feet! Gary finally poked his head into a cramped 2-cubic-yard room without exits. He called Rega who inched around the others as Gary backed down out of the room. Pause till the dwarf found a counter-weight section that pivoted to open a side door. The dwarf led the way into a building whose doors had rotted away. With finger to his lips, he silently pointed beyond the doors to the others that entered, “Shush.”

Rega pointed into the castle courtyard where dozens of beggars ambled around in the muck and mud of the now falling rain. The brewing storm spoke thru the crack of thunder and flash of lightening. Those were the missing villagers who had come to be cured. Except them now mutants sprouting abnormal growths: extra limbs, arm or leg, humps on their backs, or long distended arms. Even a third eye on one. Sigrid and her men seethed with disgust and hatred for the Lady who had mistreated her serfs. "Let's find and kill the bitch!"

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/01/s3e12-enemy-withindeath-on-reik-castles.html


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