S3E7: Death on the Reik - Nuln and Temple of Sigmar

Decisions: “So much for the halfling overhearing ‘bear pills’. We must have passed Etelka sailing north for the Barren Hills northwest of Kemperbad. Do we turn back or continue to Nuln?” Henryk offered, “We are so close to Nuln. Let’s pursue the backers of Kastor Leibrung. There’s Ingrid Zicherman, a priestess of Sigmar; Oskar Helmut with the merchant guild; and the notary Julius something.” Brandi concurred, “Wherever we can get the best profits for our cargo. But I’d like a little background on Etelka before we confront her.” Agnes added, “The Wittgendorf villagers are at death’s door without their tonic Dr. Jean provided. Maybe Nuln healers have a cure.”

They watched as Gary dug into his trunk pulling out fine clothes, “It’s been so long since I’ve dressed as ‘Herr Kastor Alopsius Lieberung’. I wonder what my backers will think of my return?” Agnes glared at ‘Kastor’, “We know nothing of his backers. I worry Gary only has the looks, not the wits to pull off such sham.” Katja warned, “Let’s not forget Teugan and that deamon Gideon came from Nuln! We didn’t kill him in Boganhafen.” Henryk reflected, “Nor forget the noble coach leaving Altdorf in which I saw Ernst Hidelman with the red-stone lapel. He carried himself more than a simple medical student. He could be in town.” Brandi added his 2 pence, “That card-shark Bretonnian Phillip Descartes is still out there. He knows Gary is no Kastor.”

Henryk (Bill) noble, Ranger/Witch-Hunter level2

Brandiwyn (Tony) RiverWarden

Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger

Gary (Matt) Warrior/Cavalryman

Sister Agnes (Duane) noble, Warrior Priestess of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) noble, Entertainer/Bounty Hunter

[The session included multiple critical rolls both for and against. And a fair share of fumbles. Many an armor piece was sacrificed in battle to avoid horrific injuries.]

Lighthouse atop the mine: Noise echoed down from the 2nd floor of the tower. The halfling Dumpling Harfoot harrumphed, “Etelka’s not going to be pleased those goblins are up in her bedroom.” Which prompted the elf to climb halfway up the curving interior stairs and shoot at the 1st goblin sighted (tinkering with one of the lighthouse mirrors). Another goblin leaned over the railing to spy on the assailants below…he gained Brandi’s arrow in his chest for his effort. Katja loosed a crossbow bolt and Gary rushed up beside Mallorhan and blasted 2 goblins with old ‘Bessey’ (his blunderbuss). Henryk also climbed and emptied both his pistols at goblins. Agnes paused in prayer (failed).

And that’s when the goblin leader appeared thru an upper door. He/she? Dressed in a glittery red gown too long for…it. Earrings dangled from its long pointy ears. A tiara angled upon its head. Hideous! Uglier than…well, almost uglier than Henryk…before he puts on his bird-beaked Henin hat. It mumbled nonsense [spell or commands?] before tossing a piss-bucket over the railing. Piss and wet crap coated the stairs and even splashed on the elf and Gary. Other goblins targeted Gary…most arrows plinked off his armor. But 2 found gaps: an arrow in his waist and another his leg.

[goblins may use short-bows with thus less lethal arrows. They make up for it in volleys and ailment-causing filth applied to their arrows]

“LOOK OUT!” The mirror (one goblin had tinkered with) came crashing down onto the central chamber. “CRASH!” Glass shards burst in all directions. Those on the stairs were spared. Agnes was cut from multiple shards. Brandi stood in surprise he’d escaped. Horror crossed his face as he saw the large shard embedded in the halfling’s throat. He rushed to her side, “Sister, HELP!” Brandi held Dumpling’s hand as Agnes careful removed the glass and treated the bleeding. “Keep pressure on it. But don’t choke her.”

Mallorhan envisioned another glass-bomb as he spied another goblin already tinkering with another mirror. His arrow missed, hitting glass instead. A few small shards fell as the goblin scampered in haste to free the mirror. Katja’s crossbow bolt was true…the mischief goblin fell to his death.

It became a race. Goblins hastened their efforts to free the mirrors as they plinked more arrows at their targets. Agnes Orphans sought to climb the stairs and engage in melee. Piss slickened the floor causing many falls on their advance. Gary and Mallorhan deflected a few arrows with their shields, but others found their mark. Maybe it was Agnes’ blessings that staved off infection from the filth on the stairs and goblin arrows. Hatred guided goblin arrows such that the elf soon fell. Agnes rushed to his side to pour a potion down his throat. And Gary charged to the top of the steps…before he slipped.

The goblin leader rushed to stand over him. It cackled gleefully as it raised its blade over its head trying to coup-de-grâce the warrior. Gary managed to roll out of the way. His allies rained arrows at the threats. Even Brandi advanced, slinging bullets at the greenskins. Agnes slow-walked up the slick stairs with weapon raised and ready. Till Henryk fell unconscious from a barrage of arrows. She rushed to his side. At least her allies joined Gary’s side and slowly wiped out the threat. Then stood in line for treatment and wound cleansing. Brandi held up earrings and the tiara gathered from the dead leader, “Cross-dresser. He must have raided Etelka’s jewelry box.”

The goblins obviously had tried to break into each room. A butterknife in one locked door suggested they failed to enter all. The lock damaged and thus Henryk unable to pick. Brandi used his long sword to bash it open. And came face-to-face with a bear! Stuffed that is. “Phew!” Bookcase and a desk drew Henryk and Agnes forward as Gary guided others to another room, “Her treasure must be here somewhere.” The desk locked; Henryk struggled to pick it. Brandi stood with blade raised high till Henryk cautioned, “What if there’s vials inside?!” Brandi left, “Fine. Maybe Gary needs a true locksmith like me.”

Agnes sneered at the bookcase, “Nothing but unholy spellbooks ready to be burned.” But Henryk drew her attention to the desk, “This letter might interest you. To Etelka from someone praising Tzeentch. Says the letter bearer is a trusted member of their society who brought funds to finance an expedition to the Barren Hills where they hope to find something of great importance to their cause. Mentions agents in Kemperbad and for Etelka to deliver said item to their society in Middenheim. Their plot and schemes grow deeper and wider by the minute. Was the dwarf mine a false location of the unnamed item or did they uncover needed warpstone for their cause?”

Meanwhile, the others searched an adjoining bedroom. Her closet emptied and cloths strewn on the floor. The bed shredded with blade cuts, and a severed dwarf head impaled on a bedpost. Katja stared at a self-portrait upon the wall, “Well, at least now we know what she looks like.” Gary pulled a chest out from under the bed, “Brandi, I need your locksmith service.” Treasure! And a false bottom which held an expensive dinner set (50 gold), a silver ring mounted with a red crown, and a red-stone lapel. In the next room, furniture was gathered in the solarium and stacked, ready for a bonfire. “Looks like the goblins had no intent to welcome Etelka home.”

They returned to the first room where Agnes held up the deed to the mine, “I think the dwarves will be pleased.” Katja showed off the treasure. Henryk took note of the lapel, “Hey, that’s what I saw Ernest Hidelman wearing when he climbed into thar coach in Altdorf! HE must have been the messenger delivering this letter to Etelka.”

Shanty Town: The halfling Dumpling Harfoot pouted when she wasn’t allowed to bring all her possessions, “The cooking pots come as a set. All 24. And the silverware, and pantry items.” They limited her to just 2 crates. They had just enough daylight to return to the dwarfs on the outskirts of the city. Thoughts of dwarven ale moistened their lips as they held out the deed to the mine. The leader Gorim smiled as he asked, “She’s dead right?” Silence. Then Brandi spoke up, “She’s gone.” Gorim repeated with his head cocked to infer importance, “The deed means nothing if she’s alive. She’s dead right?” Katja spoke up, “She was hideous in that gown and tiara as she stood atop the 2nd floor sneering down at us. Yes, that bitch is dead.” Drunken songs echoed throughout the night. Brandi reminded Gorim, “Remember the deal; our 20% share of the mine. We left some goblins and their wolves for you to tidy up. Call it a bonus.”

Grissenwald to Nuln: Brandi and Agnes set out early morning to barter for new cargo. Grain. Lots of it. They hired 4 more sailors to supplement the crew for the full day sail south to Nuln. Come dusk, they joined the line of ships awaiting entry to the docks. Hours swaying at anchor till a skiff pulled alongside and 2 riverwarden boarded, “Who’s the captain? License and registrations. Any problems coming in?” Their eyebrows rose when Brandi mentioned the other barge. “Maria Borga? Tie it up at that dock. The Priests of Sigmar have been waiting for it.” They waved signal flags at the dock.

No sooner had the ropes been thrown and secured, than a priest of Sigmar and 2 witch-hunters boarded. “We need to inspect this ship.” Brandi implored about his salvage rights. Henryk intervened, “We found this barge adrift. And found vampires aboard. Slayed them and the poor souls who’d been bitten. Death by fire and stake.” The priest seemed impressed, “Report your story to Father Marcus tomorrow. Meanwhile, stand aside as we thoroughly inspect this barge and the other.”

The elf Mallorhan volunteered to remain aboard to discourage the witch-hunters getting over-zealous and torching the barge. Henryk joined the priest returning to the temple. Brandi led the remaining crew to the bar, “First round is on me.” Agnes sought her Temple of Shallya to change her soiled white vestments and report in, “Wittgendorf is on the precipice of doom with starvation and mutations caused by their evil noble lady.” Her pleas were answered with “We will pray for them.” Henryk reported to his temple. They listened to his story of the abandoned temple in Wittgendorf. “We will send another priest. But tell us more about the vampires.” His desire for status and recognition drove his story of the vampires. They couldn’t get enough.

Morning: The sun was absent come dawn. A perpetual haze hung over Nuln as chimneys throughout the vast city belched smoke and ash. Mallorhan had a rough night aboard the barge as a dwarf boarded to begin the search that night. The others returned to the dock, somewhat surprised the barge hadn’t been burned during the night. A warrior priest and monk arrived to escort them to the Temple of Sigmar where they found Henryk sitting beside Father Marcus. “Your witch-hunter told of your encounter with Count Orlock and his mate. A dwarf investigator, Rega, warned us of reports vampires were trying to slip into our city. Arranged by someone called the ‘GraveLord’.”

Realizing the chance to encounter more vampires, Gary inquired about other means to wound them, “Holy water? Garlic?” Father Marcus laughed, “Old tales. No, you did right cleansing with fire and silver.”

Brandi spoke up, “We’ll keep a lookout when we sail north in a few days.” Marcus perked up, “Do you have room for passengers? I and brothers Martin and Rolf have need to get to Altdorf. Just tell us when you sail.” Gary interrupted, “We have business in town first. What can you tell us of Etelka from Nuln?” Brother Martin nodded to Father before speaking up, “She is a noble but left years ago. Word is she bought a mine up north.” Henryk asked, “Could we possibly speak to one of your priestesses, Ingrid Zicherman? We are curious of an affidavit she signed.” When Marcus sent word for her, Henryk whispered to Gary, “Best hide your face in case she recognizes Kastor. No telling her involvement. She could be a society member.”

An older woman appeared. “Affidavit? Young man, I’ve signed many a form over the years. What is so special of this one? Kastor Lieberung? The name is unfamiliar. But his lawyer must have had documentation in order. Thus, I signed the form. Normal paperwork for nobles moving out of the city and need to establish proper residency elsewhere. I’d suggest you seek his attorney or the notary who witnessed the signing.” All felt confident [intuition] she spoke the truth.

Henryk confessed, “We’ve collected enough letters that tell how this Kastor is aligned with a purple-hand cult.” Now Father Marcus confessed, “We’d never heard of that cult till months ago when we caught sister Beatha who confessed her involvement. Her chest tattoo was confession enough, but our witch-hunter got her to spill more. Told how she reported to her superior, one called ‘Magistar Impedimentae’. That is an old term that meant ‘Master of Trapping’.” Henryk nodded, “We have a letter that names Kastor by that title. He’s now dead. Not sure who has been appointed his replacement.”

The meeting continued for another hour as each side sought information. “What do you know of the Teugan family, or someone named Gideon?” Unfamiliar names to the temple. When they finally concluded, Brandi held a release form for the Maria Borga. Brother martin suggested, “You’ll have to visit the Maritime Office to buy salvage rights. Unless the barge was registered elsewhere.”

Their first order of business: Brandi and Agnes sought a buyer for the grain cargo. Followed by seeking new cargo: weapons and armament. “Needed north to fight the greenskins. Altdorf will pay a pretty sum for it.” Meanwhile, Katja and Gary found buyers for the collected treasure: the heraldry found in Wittgendorf and of course Etelka’s jewelry. [Gary kept the red-stone lapel in case needed for his ‘Kastor’ disguise.]

Next Day: Father Marcus had provided search orders for the team. They arrived at the gate to the noble district and flashed their paperwork. “She’s gone. House shuttered but her servant keeps everything in order.” They stood before a smaller 2-story house. The yard maintained but the windows shuttered. Brandi knocked. Soon a small greeting window on the door opened; a boy peered out, “The lady’s not home.” Brandi officially spoke, “We know that. We have…” The window closed in his face. Brandi knocked again and readied to show the search-order when the window opened. And slammed shut again. Henryk knocked and stuck his pistol into the boy’s face, “By order of the high priest, open this damn door!” The boy shaken. “Yes, yesss. Let me unlock…” The window closed. They heard him fumble with the locks, then heard sound of him running away.

While Brandi and Gary busted the door open, Henryk ran around the house. Mallorhan was the first to enter. His nostrils flared, “Wet, foul fur. Beastmen!” They readied weapons as they entered. Gary commanded, “Get behind me elf.” The announcement of beastmen drew Henryk back to the front. Katja just managed to catch sight of the boy slipping into another room when other interior doors opened and beastmen poured out. The beasts charged with horns lowered. Gary blocked the charge with his shield, but claws raked his helm. Katja blocked the claws but took the horns in her right arm.

The entry hallway became a chokepoint, denying the humans a chance to surround their foe. Close quarters: the elf left his bow on his back and wielded his rapier instead. Agnes raised her Warhammer to deflect one attack but took a [critical] gut blow that stunned her. Brandi lifted his Zweihander longsword and hacked armor and appendages [somehow missing his allies who stood oh so close]. Henryk found gaps between his allies to target the beasts with pistol shots. Solid hits but also deafening blasts that temporarily robbed his allies of hearing.

Gary swung his own blade as he defended with shield against another beastman. Mallorhan [who’d recently upgraded his armor] parried with his rapier as he witnessed pieces of his own armor chopped away [sacrificed armor to minimize critical hits]. Brandiwyn attacked as if a true warrior. The riverwarden played out the scene of Wittgendorf’s temple knight Siegfried Von Kesslering wielding the dwarven sword Barrakul against a horde of beastmen. And once more, the warrior-priestess Agnes gave up the fight to provide medical service to the fallen elf.

When the last beast fell, they confirmed the boy was long gone out the back door. Katja tugged at her still-ringing ears [from the pistol blasts], “Witch-hunter! I thought you were going to secure the back. Why’d you let him get away?!” But Henryk was busy wiping his silvered blade across a slain beast to cleanse the green bile. “You’re welcome.”

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/11/s3e8-enemy-withindeath-on-reik-nuln-to.html


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