S3E6: Death on the Reik - Grissenwald

Wittgendorf: A desolate village under the watchful eye and sinister control of Lady Margritte Von Wittgenstein up in her Castle Wittgenstein atop the ridge. Her people reduced to starvation, cannibalism, and even mutation at the hands of the doctor prescribing HER medicinal cure. Himself a ghoul. To storm the castle would be suicidal. But there lay hope with the dwarvish blade Barrakul once wielded by the Sigmarian knight (Siegfried Von Kesslering) who slayed a bestial horde led by a chaos warrior. Hope also in a secret door known to Hilda’s grandfather, Hans. “Maybe records in Grissenwald’s libraries hold clues to the possible password to open the door.”

Henryk (Bill) noble, Ranger/Witch-Hunter level2

Brandiwyn (Tony) RiverWarden

Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger…absent

Gary (Matt) Warrior/Cavalryman

Sister Agnes (Duane) noble, Warrior Priestess of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) noble, Entertainer/Bounty Hunter

Doctor’s House: At least Gary had retrieved 2 keys from the doctor before Henryk stuffed his beheaded body into the fireplace. “Click.” One key unlocked the next room – his study. Gary was drawn to a wine-rack, impressed with the Bretonnian labels. Until he inspected closer, “Cheap knock offs. Competent taste. Maybe I can sell them at the next town.” Agnes checked out a sitting-sofa, digging under the cushions. Nothing. She joined Henryk at a bookcase; the spines listed medical topics. Henryk stuffed a few into his backpack to further his medical skills.




Katja rifled a desk, finding letters, “Agnes, care to read these?” Henryk scoffed at the implied concern of the lady as Agnes read, “Lady Margritte offers the doctor something to give the villagers who seemed afflicted with a strange malady after the storm. Concerned of their begging rather than hard labor. The 2nd letter is Dr. Jean’s reply. Marveling how her ‘dust’ seems to work wonders, imbuing great life. He sounds infatuated. In love. Impatient to share a nightcap and kiss her hand once more. The 3rd letter is his medical notes. Adding her dust to his home-brew has curtailed the villagers’ lethargy. He shrugs at the death of a few villagers. Warns of disaster should his treatments stop.”

All looked at Henryk, “You just HAD to kill the doctor. Sounds like you just killed the town!” Henryk shrugged, “Spider babies, ghouls, mutations. Sounds like they were already dying.” And that’s when Brandi called out, “Remember Hilda’s grandfather talking about crops moving on their own even in windless days? Well, don’t look now but something/someone, lots of them are ambling out in the fields.” Henryk reasoned, “More ghouls like the doctor. Or zombies. Not surprised.”

They rushed upstairs. Henryk to get a better look out a higher window. “15-20 of those bipedal things! Pulling plants and eating.” [reminiscent of Donald Southerland’s’ Invasion of the Body Snatchers.] But the others were busy searching the doctor’s bedroom. Katja to his wardrobe closet, Gary checking the nightstand and elsewhere for his money vault. Agnes paused before a portrait, “Lady Margritte. Her features seem familiar. Where have a I seen…those portraits found in the foundation of the dwarfs’ tower! She must be a descendant or at least related. Maybe SHE holds the missing 6th key!”

They returned downstairs. Gary and others checked out the kitchen and parlor while Henryk and Brandi returned to the study. Henryk measured a medical book to see if the bookcase deeper, suggesting a hiding space. No. He glanced at the wine-rack and realized, “Over here. Hidden compartment.” Gary rushed into the room hoping they’d found the money vault. The rack swung out to reveal stairs to a possible cellar. Stench wafted from below; they covered their noses. The doctor’s secret lab: a table full of colorful vials, pippets, and needles. Gary found a satchel full of coins inside a locked chest. Katja found a naked adult body inside a bin. Minus its arms. All 4 of them sawn off! [Cool check.] After shaking off her fright, Katja squeamishly picked up a ring, “Runes. I remember the crest from the portrait upstairs: the Von Wittgenstein family.”

They spent a few moments out in the brew shed. But the sighting of red eyes peering from the forest line convinced them to return to the barges. They passed the tavern now closed. And kept beggars at bay who swarmed from the harbormaster shop. And anchored across the river for the night. The hired sailors, Hans and Frans, wanted nothing to do with the new cook, Frau Blucher, “Not on OUR barges! She’s cursed just like her village.”

Morning: Brandi’s fleet of 2 barges and a skiff cast off south. A long, boring sail. “WATCH IT!” Katja danced out of the way of flying wood chips as Brandi recklessly tested his new 6ft blade, Barrakul. Finally, the little village of Achern came into view just before dusk. “This must be where the other barge captain picks up his passengers to bypass Wittgendorf.” They left Blucher aboard, “You understand. We don’t want to frighten the locals if they find out where you’re from.” [smart move]

The tavern sign promised good ale: The Drunken Sailor. It was packed. Raucous noise, bar games, buxom Fräulein carrying trays of ale. The village too small for real business, but Brandi sold a few bottles of brandy to establish a foothold. The next morning, they continued south.

Grissenwald: The large city was built upon the land trapped between the confluence of two rivers: the Reik and the lesser Grissen. They tied up on the Reik side. Agnes' Orphans split up. Within a few hours, [haggle 01] Agnes and Brandi found buyers for the brandy cargo. Katja sought a blacksmith to silver their blades and craft silver bullets. Henryk walked to the Temple of Sigmar to report his findings and to research clues about Castle Wittgenstein and its secret door. The priests had no answers, “But maybe you can deal with our local dwarfs who reportedly are attacking nearby farms.” Henryk doubted their involvement, “I’ll check into it. Prove someone else to blame.”

They all gathered aboard the ‘LostnFound’, where Gary enlisted their aid. “I was asking about the dwarfs and their mine. No-one confesses knowledge of them or Elteka who bought the mine. I did learn they sold the mine 3 years ago and now reside in the shanty town just outside the southern wall. Most peculiar, they recently have been coming into the city getting drunk. Seems they have recently become rich.” Henryk frowned, “The temple priests report rumors the dwarfs have been raiding nearby farms. That can’t be the source of any wealth. Maybe you can help me prove the rumors false. Get on the good side of the dwarfs to learn about Elteka and her operation.”

With bottles of ale in his backpack, Gary led his allies to the shanty town. Dwarfs eyed them suspiciously, spit on the ground before them, and queried, “State your business!” A lot of tension and projected intimidation from both sides (at least from Henryk). Once Gary pulled out a bottle, they were reluctantly led inside a larger building (choked with thick smoke) where they were led to “Gorim. He’s our leader.” Gorim sat upon a stone throne, “Quit your damn coughing and state your business. Elteka?! That bitch?! The she-thief robbed us blind. We’ve been mining the veins for eons without success. I could smell the gold but couldn’t find it. She offers to buy and within months suddenly is wealthy. Witchcraft I say. Witchery to find the gold. OUR gold! She stole it.”

Conversation ebbed and flowed. Agnes' Orphans offered aid, “What can we do to help?” Gorim wanted his mine back, “Honorably. Can’t steal it back. But say she suddenly disappears, and the mine becomes abandoned. Finders’ keepers.” Gary asked about the mine’s defenses. “We built a tower atop the hill for her. Old Vogar crafted the lighthouse mirrors such that they reflect the sunlight into the tower lighting the interior.” Brandi dickered, “Say we help recover the mine for you. You begin operations of your own. All we ask is 30% cut of the profits. I’d include Grissenwald in my trade route to move your goods while delivering your needs.” Gorim tugged at his beard before countering, “20%.” Done.

Next Day: Gary and Henryk appeared on horseback as the others rented a wagon for the long southern trek to the mine. Hours later, they hid the horses and wagon within the treeline as they studied the distant hill and 3-story tower before them. They crept closer but halted when they found prints, “Wolves! Side by side rather than in normal trail. These are trained. Other there! Goblin tracks in and out of the mine. Look at the rail tracks; rusted. She’s not mining gold.”

The Tower: They climbed the hill and soon stood at the base of the tower. Henryk wanted to climb to peer inside the mirror slits. But the smooth, polished green-stone arched roof discouraged the idea. They cautiously opened the door. And found (first by hearing) a snoring goblin guard. Henryk slit his throat. He proceeded forward to stand watch upon a central chamber as the others checked out the side doors. Brandi opened the right door that revealed an ornate bedroom built for a child. Decorations suggested a halfling’s abode. Singing escaped under a far door to imply the halfling unaware. Brandi was just about to sneak to the door when commotion erupted behind him.

Gary had opened the left door. And interrupted goblins tossing dice. Gary was just about to enter when Brandi charged past him, brandishing his longsword. The goblins tumbled out of their chairs at the sight of such weapon. [fumble] One goblin dropped his blade before the Zweihander blade cleaved his chest. Katja entered to rob Brandi of his kill. And that’s when Henryk saw an interior chamber door open, as more goblins poured out with bows in hand. They fired before Henryk could raise his own bow. Smaller arrows pierced his left arm and right leg which hindered his own arrow reply…that missed.

Gary charged into the chamber to confront the new threat. 3 of the 4 goblins dropped their bows and swarmed the warrior. Their blades clinked off his heavy armor, barely scratching him. Gary retaliated: his blade dropped one and his follow-thru severely wounded another as Henryk’s next arrow found its mark…the 4th goblin wounded.

Meanwhile, Brandi/Agnes/Katja finished off the first encounter goblins. Which allowed them to open a side door to aid Gary and Henryk. While Katja’s crossbow bolt missed her target, Brandi slayed the wounded goblin, robbing Gary of his kill. The last goblin bolted. Maybe to sound alarm to others. Henryk’s [critical] arrow crippled its leg. The witch-hunter rushed in for the kill. Pause in action as Agnes healed the wounded.

The singing had stopped. “That damn halfling is sounding the alarm!” They searched the other rooms, expecting to find stairs down into the mines. Instead, Henryk found her hiding under the bed. Frightened. “I’m….uh…Dumpling Hayfoot. The mistress’ cook. She hired me years ago in Nuln. She’s away. A thin man came. I couldn’t help by overhear their conversation. Something about going to the Narn river to get bear pills. The mine? She brought in the goblins to dig for stones. Gold? I don’t know. Never saw what they brought out of the mine.”

The others pushed Henryk to the rear as they tried to calm Dumpling. She looked quizzically at Henryk’s bird-beaked hat before continuing, “She told the goblin not to harm me. Stay out of my room and kitchen. She pays well. Has strange friends: bull faced, pig faced. She’s been gone about a week. And now the goblins grow impatient. Some are now upstairs in her bedroom. Just wait till she gets back. She won’t like that they’ve messed with her things.”

And that’s when Gary entered with blueberry dripping off his chin, “That was a might fine pie you baked for me.” Dumpling slouched her shoulders, “That was going to be my post-breakfast meal.” Brandi offered, “You could join our crew as cook aboard my barge. See a whole new world outside this tower.” Dumpling pondered, “She never did say when she’d return. Nor how long it would take to find bear pills near Narn’s river. River travel?! Sounds exciting.”



And that’s when Katja let out a whoop. “Where’s that map we found that has the triangular lines and oval? She didn’t say ‘bear pills’. She said ‘Barren Hills’!” Referencing the map Henryk dug out of his backpack, “See how the oval is centered east of Kemperbad?! We must have passed her as we sailed south.” Gary interrupted, “First things first. Let’s go upstairs to search her bedroom. Hopefully find the deed to the mine. Then we could point the dwarfs at the mine to clear out the remaining goblins and their wolves. No need for us to get too involved in that operation. A waste of bullets.”

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/11/s3e7-enemy-withindeath-on-reik-nuln.html


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