S3E5:Death on the Reik - Wittgendorf

Vampires: Agnes implored, “Sit Still!” as Katja squirmed under the needle as the sister stitched up her wounds. Katja complained, “I almost died at the claws of Count Orlock. Henryk almost died facing the count’s mate. And the damn witch-hunter WANTS to stop at the count’s lair at Castle Wittgenstein near the desolate village of Wittgendorf?! And the rest of us without silvered weapons?!”

Agnes tried to console her patient, “We just killed the count and his bride. I agree with Henryk that we should vanquish any evil lingering about the castle. The least we should do is stop at the village to help anyone injured. Find out if there are more vampires about, then return with silvered weapons bought at Grissenwald.” Brandi spoke up, “Let’s just go straight to Grissenwald to sell our cargo. Buy your weapons THEN decide.” Gary countered, “We’ve enough silver coins to melt in a fire and craft our own bullets or silver our blades.” Brandi objected, “Really? And who among you is the blacksmith craftsman?”

Henryk (Bill) noble, Ranger/Witch-Hunter level2

Brandiwyn (Tony) RiverWarden

Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger…absent

Gary (Matt) Warrior/Cavalryman

Sister Agnes (Duane) noble, Warrior Priestess of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) noble, Entertainer/Bounty Hunter

Around the bend: They caught their first full view of the castle upon a cliff further south. What next caught their attention was the barge anchored along the eastern shore facing toward them, just starting to unload people onto skiffs. Across the river on the westbank was the dilapidated dock & wharf of a town. Beggars dressed in rags lined the wharf watching the barges. “That must be Wittgendorf.” Sister Agnes asked the distant barge captain, “Are you giving aid to those poor souls of the town?” The captain replied, “Them?! We avoid them and their diseases and their century-old curse. In fact, I am ferrying these people AROUND that town. And just what are your plans? Grissenwald. Aye, I’ve heard tell dwarves sold their mine there.”

And that is when Henry saw a body floating towards them. As he stood at the railing with grapple hook and rope, the other barge captain warned, “Fool! Don't disturb it else you release its diseases upon all of us!” Henry ignored him, intent to check if this was another vampire victim. Yet as he pulled on the rope, skin began to slough off the body. Katja gagged the sight of skin hanging in shreds from the body. Agnes covered her nose. All could see pink growth with nipples under his armpits. Then realization the nipples were lamprey hatching in the body. Henry quickly cut the rope. The other barge quickly raised anchor and began to leave once its skiffs returned empty. And the disembarked passengers quickly walked away along eastern paths.

Wittgendorf: The Allies turned their attention to the town. Almost a ghost-town. Emaciated dogs roamed the streets avoiding the people who longingly looked at them as if food. With the other two ships anchored mid-river, Brandi sailed the ‘LostnFound’ toward the rickety dock to offload Agnes' Orphans. To the hired-hand he instructed, “Anchor in the river but be ready to come get us if there is trouble.”

A throng of beggars quickly approached the new arrivals. Gary tossed coins at their feet causing a mad scramble. Their open wounds were visible which Agnes realized caused by their constant itching of their lice infection. Thus, when the beggars tried to approach to give thanks, Gary brandished his pistol to warn them back. Agnes asked what happened. “Failed crops have led to starvation.” When asked why the local nobles were not taking care of them, the beggar's avoided the topic. Instead, they repeated stories of the failed crops.

As for a possible blacksmith to melt silver bullets, the store before them was empty. Abandoned. At least the tavern next door was open for business with healthier looking patrons. The barkeep was ecstatic for new customers…with coins. He quickly scrambled to a table to shoo away locals then wiped the top with a dirty rag, “Come, sit, drink, eat. I can cook up fresh chicken.” Agnes lent a hand and was soon surprised to see chicken coops out back that held 2-headed chicken each with 3 legs! The proprietor explained, “All was normal till that storm 2 years ago. Green lightning even struck the castle. Our crops began to fail. The livestock began delivering deformed offspring. 2-headed sheep and chicken. But I can’t complain. Extra meat to serve.”

Meanwhile, Henryk avoided all drinks and meals, instead relying on his own rations and flask as he feared disease or worse being served. Gary struck up conversation with some patrons, who avoided topics about the curse or the castle. “We still have a temple to Sigmar and a doctor. People had almost given up hope till he arrived. He’s done wonders for the town, treating the folk.” Brandi sat with a lone female in the corner. “I’m Hilda. Run the local mill grinding what grain I have into bread or sell to the barkeep to brew. Why don’t I leave? Lived here all my life. Tied to the land…serfdom.” She too avoided talk about the local nobles. Except for her whispered, “Not here. Best not call down the she-devil. Come to my house at dusk where we can talk in private.”

Henryk rose to leave with Gary joining him, “Off to the temple to see if the priests there can tell us what we seek to learn.” They passed abandoned homes along the way, crossed a bridge, and stood before the small 12x8 yard building. The door opened unto an anti-chamber where the offertory stand was deliberately broken. Henryk knocked on the inner door. Long minute of silence before he opened the door to find an altar chamber. Fading frescos decorated the walls and ceiling which Henryk could not read. Undisturbed dust decorated the floor and coated a tall stone statue of Sigmar behind the altar, flanked by 2 burning lanterns.

“Strange they are lit yet the dust says no-one has been around to tend them.” Henryk stood at the altar to inspect the leather book propped up on a rack. A red ribbon with an attached key marked a page. When he lifted the book, parchment fell out. He read, “And all those who venerate chaos shall tremble and despair. It’s a prophesy about dwarves, twin-tailed comet, open chaos gates, but an unfurled standard that rallies man and dwarf to smite the mutant hordes.” Upon reading the prophesy aloud, the lanterns suddenly dimmed, and the statue seemed to move. Its eyes stared down upon the men, “The hour is before you. Will you be ready? I will send a signal.” Gary shook his head, “Did you hear that too or were we hallucinating?” Henryk remained silent as he’d felt a wave of blessing upon himself [Blessing of Von Kesslering].

By now Agnes had joined Brandi and asked Hilda, “What can you tell us about your doctor?” Hilda looked around before commenting, “The Brettonian? Doctor Jean Rousseaux. Don’t drink his liquor.” She then passed a note to Brandi which read, “I’ve chatted too long. Tell the empire what is happening here.” Brandi looked quizzically at her as she rose and left. “I think it’s time to find the others.”

Meanwhile, realizing the lanterns magical, Gary traded out his storm lantern and left a gold along with it. “What? I’m sure Sigmar wants to light our way.” They opened a side door and found stairs leading down. But more important: an open window with recent footprints that disturbed the dust. Plus, Gary’s new lantern extinguished. “It’s only magically lit in the altar room.” He traded back to his lantern before they proceeded down to the crypt chamber per normal temple layout. Indeed, 8 alcoves. 7 of them desecrated with the coffins drug out and smashed and corpse removed. Footprints led to a far door that opened unto a low tunnel which require they continue on hands and knees. “I think it’s time to find the others.”

They ran into each other in the altar room. Agnes read the ceiling fresco, “…the temple was built on a famous battlefield where Sigmar himself fought. The temple was defended a year after construction by Siegfried Von Kesslering against a horde of beastmen led by a chaos warrior. He held them off with his dwarven sword ‘Barrakul’. His crypt lies below.” Henryk handed her the parchment prophesy. Upon reading completion, Agnes too felt a wave of blessing. To the illiterate others, she had them repeat her words such that they too, as individuals, felt the blessing. “It may be important later.”

Brandi inquired, “What was that about a magical sword?” But Henryk interrupted, “The lower crypts have been recently desecrated. If we hurry, we may catch them in the escape tunnel.” But Gary agreed with Brandi, “First let’s check out the eastern door. I hate to leave intruders behind me.” Henryk stormed off to the stairs, “Join us when you’re done. I plan to stop anymore desecration!”

Brandi found a ransacked kitchen and the temple priest’s private room. However, the center room was locked. “Maybe Henryk’s key fits.” He and Gary hurried to join the others, finding Agnes standing before the undisturbed crypt, reading its inscription as Henryk held a torch for light, “Here lies Siegfried Von Kesslering.” And that’s when the others noticed the scorched body crumpled beside the crypt. “It must be protected by a spell.” But Henryk insisted they leave the crypt for now, “The grave robbers are getting away. What else did they take?”

Henryk led the procession on hands and knees thru the tunnel that eventually angled up to another door. That opened unto a mausoleum where 3 more coffins lay smashed and emptied. Inscriptions noted this the “Lieber” family. They stepped out of the tomb and found themselves within the town cemetery. Sounds of digging revealed 4 men working over another grave. When confronted, they answered, “Pardon sirs, but we cannot spare any food for you.” Gary whispered to the others, “They think we are nobles. Let’s play along.”

Gary asked them, “If not us, them whom do you get the food for?” They paused in reply, “Does she not share with you? There are plenty of beggars in town for you.” Henryk immediately thought them cannibals and raised his sword. “Wo, Wo. We’re just getting food for the Lady of the castle. She’s running out of bodies. We haven’t seen the count. Only the 20-30 guards that protect her keep. Either she or a patrol come out to retrieve our offerings.” Henryk and Agnes [+1 corruption for getting too close] had heard enough and readied to slay them. Until Gary’s pistol blast scared them away.

Henryk clenched his teeth as he fought off another wave of corruption [that threatened mutation. Used last Fortune to resist]. They returned to the temple to unlock the mystery door: a study with large writing desk. Shelves were crammed with books that Henryk noted to be the town’s birth and death records up to 6 months ago. Agnes settled at the desk and opened a book. “The priest made notes up to 6 months ago before his departure. He recorded how 100 years ago the noble’s brother, an astronomer, led an expedition north. Returned alone. And that’s when the crops began to fail. Then the storm. I’d guess him a necromancer by the sound of his evil effects.”

Brandi had heard enough, “I think it’s time to retrieve a sword.” They all returned to the lone crypt and opened it [only because all had been blessed reading the parchment]. Therein lay the knight (Siegfried Von Kesslering) dressed in rusted armor. Yet the 6ft sword across his chest was unblemished. Agnes read its runic inscriptions, “It’s called Barrakul. Looks dwarvish.” Brandi reached for it and felt a warm tingle flow up his arm, “So this is the beastman slayer!” He tried to wield it, but the length and weight objected as he could barely raise its tip. “It’ll take some training for whomever worthy.”

As they returned to the tavern to await Brandi’s dusk date with Hilda, they ran into a beggar mother holding a swaddled bundle. “She’s dying! Please, help my baby.” Agnes stepped forward to lend aid but recoiled at the sight of a large 8-legged spider oozing green liquid. She dropped the bundle which made the mother cry out, grab her baby and run off. “What the hell is going on in this town?!” Now, most of them avoided the tavern food and drink. “To hell with waiting. I say you talk to Hilda now.”

As it turned out, Hilda’s home was across the street from Dr. Rousseaux. As Brandi and Agnes talked to Hilda, the others set watch upon the doctor’s house. Brandi was dejected when Hilda opened her door and introduced her grandfather, Hans. (So much for any romantic opportunity.) Hans asked, “So, what do you think of our little town? Our Sigmar priest died 6 months ago when the steeple fell upon him. I doubt it an accident for I believe in wizardry.” Hilda tried to quiet him without success. “I speak freely since I have such a short life before me. Something needs to be done. Maybe these men and women are the answer to our prayers.”

Hans settled into his chair as he recalled, “Dagmar cursed us before my time. But something has accelerated the curse. A group of us lay in wait to storm the castle. A frontal assault is suicidal. We found a secret door, but it is sealed with a magical password. The doctor? He WAS a good man when he arrived, but he has accepted chaos’ temptation. We see him freely go to the castle. He returns with his bottles of treatment for the townfolk. Do NOT drink his offerings! The spider baby? Yes, he delivered it. And other deformities. I probably have the last bearing crop field to support my family. I cannot feed the entire town. And you’ve seen the emaciated citizens. Time runs out.”

Agnes interrupted, “We heard about a lady in the castle. What can you tell us about her? We ran into vampires downriver and suspect your castle filled with more.” Hans shook his head, “I’ve seen Lady Margaritte Von Wittgenstein out and about in daylight. I doubt she a vampire.”

Henryk was disappointed when told no vampires in the castle. As he dug out his instruments of torture, “Then let’s find out what the doctor cares to tell us.” Frau Blucher opened the door to which Agnes implored, “We’ve come to see the doctor. We’ve only been here a day and already we’ve come down with disease we need him to treat.” The servant led them into the doctor’s side office before she excused herself and climbed the stairs. Before them was a desk, chairs, skeleton for medical reference, and the doctor’s diploma hanging on the wall. They didn’t have long to wait as they heard the stairs protest with creaking as an overweight man descended and entered. “Now just who among you is sick?”

Henryk pushed the man upon the desk as he held his torture pear over him, “I think you will be sick unless you tell us just what is going on in this town. What are you and the lady up to?” Katja assisted by holding the man down. Till his skin began to sluff off. She squealed. [+1 corrupt and touching dead skin. Katja had to resist mutation as her corruption exceeded her threshold. She passed her Endurance check.] Agnes asked him, “What’s in the drink you provide the citizens? You don’t know as the lady concocts it? It energizes the people? You mean it mutates them! You visit the castle. Tell us what the password is for the secret door.”

Rousseaux was confused, “What secret door? I enter thru the main gate. You’ve got it all wrong. Lady Margaritte wants to help her citizens.” It was easy to see the man ghoul was infatuated by the lady. Agnes pulled out a vial of oil and doused him. Gary protested, “Are you crazy? You’ll burn the house down and attract the citizens if not the castle watch.” Henryk understood; he beheaded the doctor. “OK, stuff his body and head in the fireplace. I’m sure the townfolk are used to the smell of cooked meat. Although can you really call ghoul flesh meat?”

Meanwhile, Brandi had cornered Frau Blucher, “Are you interested in leaving this town? Care for a job upon my barge? Good pay, real food and drinks. Freedom. I think we’ve realized we need to research somewhere else if we are to confront the lady of the castle. Maybe the password we seek is recorded in Grissenwald’s libraries.”

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/11/s3e6-enemy-withindeath-on-reik.html


  1. Great job! Gary is so level headed and a true hero. Even Sigmar himself seems to be a fan.


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