S2E5: Shadows Over Boganhafen - Into the Sewers

Dead or Alive: Surely the emperor’s decree about “no harm to mutants” didn’t apply to goblins?! A 3-legged one at that! And with Dr. Malthusius and the local magistrate offering reward to return the beast, Agnes’ Orphans were eager to enter the sewers in search of treasure down under.

Henryk (Bill) noble, career change: Ranger/Witch-Hunter

Brandiwyn (Tony) career advance: Riverman with trained feral cat

Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger

Gary (Matt) career change: Warrior/Cavalry Horseman

Sister Agnes (Duane) noble, career advance: Nun, worshiper of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) noble, career change: Bounty Hunter

Into the Sewers: “What da ya mean there are no rat-catchers?! Got rid of a year ago? There’s no sewer map?” They had a choice: enter a nearby manhole and descend a rickety ladder, or head up to the northside and the walk-in opening. They got a key from the magistrate for the walk-in. Gary lit his storm-lantern while the others lit torches. Brandiwyn carried a plank “in case we have to cross a span.” All quickly covered their noses as they gagged at the stench. Gary led Agnes and Katja along the right-side ledge as Mallorhan led Brandi and Henry on the left of the central stream of sewage.

Shadows danced along the walls as they edged forward down a tunnel to the left, mindful any slip would dump them into the raw sewage. Gary raised ‘Bessey’ at the sound of scurrying rats. He just HAD to stick the barrel into the small side pipe. “BLAM!” Whatever carnage he caused wasn’t seen. But the swarm of rats boiling out of the pipe was evidence he’d stirred a nest. Gary kept his balance as he dodged the swarm that continued along the ledge to confront sister Agnes. “EEK!” Caught off-guard, she slipped and fell into the 3ft deep sewage. The rats continued around Katja who performed marvelous dance moves to evade them.

Agnes crawled back on the ledge and used her hand to slop off the muck. Some she slung at Gary, “You ass! And your damn blunderbuss.” When the tunnel proved to be a dead-end, they backtracked. Which allowed Agnes opportunity to exit the sewers and rinse off in a horse trough. This time they entered and went right.

Smaller side tunnels broke up the long central tunnel. “The goblin could easily be inside those smaller passages but I’m not ready to get on my hands and knees.” Mallorhan called halt as he saw a large rat swimming down the middle channel. Suddenly it was pulled down tail first and disappeared. Gary instinctively blasted the center of the ripples. “BLAM!” Agnes began to curse… interrupted by a long tendril that shot out of the sewage and clung to the ceiling. Followed by a bulbous body lifted out of the sewage muck that then plopped on the ledge in front of the elf.

True to form, the elf jumped across the span, leaving Brandiwyn to face the blob. Brandi quickly dropped the plank and crossed the span himself, leaving Henryk to face the ameba. From across the span, last in line, Katja loosed an arrow as Gary attempted reloading. Henryk dug a flask of oil out of his backpack, moved forward to douse the blob and swung his torch at it. As the blob backed away, Henryk yelled, “Flame arrows! Ignite the oil.”

Obviously, the blob did not like fire. Using its tendril still attached to the ceiling, it swung across the span to confront the elf again. Mallorhan wildly swung his torch, missing the blob that raked razor-sharp claws across the elf’s leg [bleed condition]. The elf winced in pain as he jumped back across the span. The blob just missed his fleeing form. Tendrils whipped thru the air as the party fought off its attacks. Fire arrows ricocheted off the walls just missing the blob. Gary pulled the trigger, sending pellets into the blob. Blades seemingly slid off the rubbery blob surface. Till finally, Brandi connected with a torch, igniting the oil. The creature screamed before slipping back under the sewage surface. Agnes stopped the elf’s bleeding and cleaned his wound, as Gary teased, “I think you’ve earned a new name: Mallor-RUN.”

They trudged onward, almost forgetting the stench. Hours till they thought they heard the river current parallel to their right. “We need to find passage to the east.” Premonition as indeed the tunnels began to angle east. Once again, the elf called halt as he spied a body floating atop the sewage. A rat sat atop it both for the ride and free meal. Agnes recognized it, “That’s the dwarf Gottri.” She scowled when the elf used his quarterstaff to push the body further away. Henryk lay the plank across the span and bent down to fish the body out. Horrifically mutilated. Its left arm bit off. A huge hole in his chest… his heart missing. “As if his chest punched in and heart ripped out.”

And that’s when the elf heard a cough from ahead, moving away. The elf tried to stealthfully follow. [000] “Clang!” as he kicked a small extended pipe. The coughing human ran. Mallorhan tried to track the man. He recognized where the man had jumped across to take a left tunnel. They followed. And that’s when the hair on Brandiwyn’s neck began to stand on end [6th sense]. “Careful. Something evil is nearby.” Just around a corner, beyond a manhole overhead, they found a side door. A bloody handprint centered low on the door. Goblin print! And a trail of blood from afar led up to the door. “Was it wounded and staggered here? Maybe we have it cornered.”

Agnes looked for a handle but there was none on this side.  The door was latched from the inside. Peering thru the window, “Long room. Empty except a cabinet along the far wall. Something carved on the floor. And bones.” Henryk leaned into his crowbar. The door creaked and cracked till wood around the lock mechanism gave way and the door swung open. Henryk and Gary entered first and stopped short of the pentagram carved into the floor. Gary held his lantern high. The circle was inlaid copper piping. The star was made of ashes. The head of a beast was painted in its center. The small bones still had raw meat remaining. “About the size of the goblin we seek. But that’s more blood than just one goblin.” Torn and shredded clothing matched the goblin’s wear last they saw him.

Brandi’s protests [6th sense pinging] encouraged Gary to set his lantern down and readied ‘Bessey’. Henryk readied his pistol. Agnes entered to study the runes, “A demonic summoning circle claimed by ‘Ordo Septenarius’. Hey, that’s the merchant guild that donates to the church!” Shadows danced across the room as Katja crossed the circle edge to inspect the cabinet. She never got there. A pink mist boiled from the pentagram and coalesced into a demonic form with ten mouths that spoke as one. [Corruption for all] As Katja recoiled from it, it spoke, “Why are you here?”

Agnes actually answered, “To get the goblin.” Henryk responded by swing his blade to break the copper ring and scatter the ashes in hopes that would banish or weaken the demon. (As a witch-hunter initiate, he was unskilled in these affairs.) Agnes corrected him, “Too late. It’s already summoned.” The room echoed with insane demonic laughter. Gary let ‘Bessey’ do his talking. “BLAM!” The laughter rose in volume. Brandi entered and fired his pistol. A solid hit… but the bullet crumpled and fell away. [The demon had a demonic armor that sometimes appeared.] The elf… ran. But did announce, “Maybe the dwarf body will distract it.”

The Tzeentch (demon) swung its horns at the boatman who deftly dodged which caused the follow-up rake of claws to also miss. His blunderbuss empty, Gary swung his blade and drew blood fluid. Henryk blasted with his pistol (at point-blank range). [active armor] The slug fell harmlessly to the hooved feet of the Tzeentch. The maniacally laughing demon responded with a backhand that drew blood on the witch-hunter. Afraid to close into melee, Katja fired an arrow that flew wide. Agnes began praying to infuse her allies.

A battle of luck. Gary’s and Henryk’s blades drew fluids while Brandi’s sword deflected off the demon. The Tzeentch raked at Gary [critical], stripping away part of his chest armor. Katja finally composed herself [passed ‘Cool’ test] and aimed her arrow [miss-97, fortune-000, re-roll taking a corruption). The Tzeentch exploded into a heavy mist that fell to the floor and melted into the beast-head runes. Katja stooped to grab the goblin bones while those with ballistic weapons began reloading.

And that’s when the elf arrived to toss the dwarf body into the room. Late. But just in time to witness 2 blue horrors rising from the center of the pentagram. Henryk screamed, “What the hell elf?! You feed it. Now look what rises!” The Tzeentch’s laughter was replaced by evil taunting and angry rants. The battle resumed. More wounds before these lesser demon were vanquished. “What’s next?” Silence. Katja pried open the cabinet, finding a ritual knife and 7 black robes. And a scroll handed to Agnes who cautiously studied it, “A spell for demon summoning.” And that’s when Katja spotted a discarded silk handkerchief. “It has the initials F.S.” Agnes recognized, “That’s Frans Steinhauger! He and Friedrick Magirius of the ‘Ordo Septenarius’ guild most likely claim 2 of those robes. Who are the other 5 demon worshipers?”

Henryk broke the ritual knife as Agnes tore the scroll in half and Katja removed 2 robes. “I don’t trust the magistrate. Evidence to lay before the churches if we are to get backing to confront nobles and a merchant guild. I wonder what district or noble house this temple lies under.” They backtracked to the closest manhole cover. Henryk threw his grapplehook twice before hooking the top of the metal ladder that only descended half the sewer height. They began climbing out into the green-hued night of the merchant district. Agnes and Brandi the last to climb. They paused mid-rope when they heard whistling approaching. The shadowy glow of a storm-lantern grew brighter. Agnes signaled the others topside to quiet as she beckoned Henryk to come forward.

Brandi quickly pulled up the rope. They silently watched as a man dressed in black sauntered by. And paused at the partially open door (they had forgotten to close). “Huh.” He resumed whistling but began walking faster. Brandi and Henryk descended to follow. The others also re-entered the sewers. Henryk rounded the next corner in time to see the man sling his own grappling hook toward the manhole cover overhead. He climbed with surprising speed. Realizing he couldn’t catch him in time, Henryk aimed his pistol. “BLAM!” The man held on with one hand as his bloody left arm dangled useless. Brandi climbed to aid his descent. With Agnes already at his side, he asked, “Are you a rival guild?” Brandi asked, “Did you kill the dwarf? No? Then why are you down here? Was that you we heard coughing earlier?”

Taking off his foppish hat with his good arm, he introduced himself, “Franz Baumann. High priest of Ranald at your service. The sewers are an easy way to get around the city unnoticed. Were an easy way. Are you rat-catchers? You know the mayor disbanded their service.” Agnes got to the point, “What do you know of the ‘Ordo Septenarius’?” Frans answered, “The merchant guild. Herr Steinhauger’s offices are above that room back there. None of my business; I avoid the room. Just surprised to see it open. As for the sewers, I’ve mapped them out. I could provide such map as payment for the sister’s aid. And a cut of your take whatever your business. Come, let’s exit these foul quarters and discuss the deal topside.”

1am: Wounded and captured yet Franz kept his cool [98] as he doffed his hat before he retreated, “Meet me at Cross Pikes later today and we can settle our deal over beers.” The city was already closed up. Henryk went his own way to the Temple of Sigmar to report. Agnes headed to her Temple of Shallya. The others angled toward the docks for sleep aboard the barge. Where they found Joseph already snoring.

Temple gossip explained how the merchants were on hard times till 2 months ago when they began selling goods down river. Mostly beer. As for a writ to pursue noble merchants, “We need time to report up the chain.” Bureaucracy!

9am: Agnes woke to a coughing fit as she absentmindedly scratched her arms, legs, and neck. A fellow sister recognized her pustules, “You have the ‘itching pox’. Avoid scratching. You can easily scar. Apply this white paste and wear a white mask to let those around you know you are diseased.”

Those aboard the barge were waken by a boisterous Joseph, “To the bar and the ‘hair of the dog’ cure. And ‘blood-sausage’. So, Gary, you’re a horse rider. Plan to enter today’s joust? Come, to the Schaffenfest. Today is tax-free at the livestock auctions.” But Brandi declined, “Maybe later. Right now, we have rewards to collect for dealing with the escaped goblin.”

The secretary at the court tent setup in the Schaffenfest turned them away, “Busy man. I can pencil you in during the next hour.” At least Dr. Malthusius was available, “I’d hoped you’d bring him back alive. Bones? Not much of an attraction. But I did promise one gold each. And if you are interested, I’ll throw in another 1 schilling a day if you’ll be ‘barkers’ advertising my zoo. Carry a sign throughout the city streets. Easy work. Gary declined, “Sorry, but we have a meeting with the magistrate and no telling how long that will take.”

The meeting didn’t take long. The plump magistrate sat in his chair, “Too bad you didn’t find the goblin. Someone found him crushed to death in a warehouse. Crates fell on him.” Showing him the bones had no impact, “Here’s our proof WE found the creature!” But the magistrate deftly argued law, “You will need to take it up with the town council. The reward was already paid to Herr Steinhauger who owns the warehouse.”

Henryk cursed as they left the tent. His attempts to intimidate the fat man failed. “What say we meet up with our one-armed thief Franz at his Cross Pike bar.” Brandi paused to kneel to tie his shoe. An excuse to answer his 6th sense tingle of being watched. Did someone just duck behind a tent? He didn’t spot anyone. 

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/09/s2e6-enemy-withinshadows-over-boganhafen.html


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