S2E6: Shadows Over Boganhafen - Ordo Septenarius

Stolen Reward: They stood dumbfounded before the fat magistrate Heinz Richter, “Whadda ya mean someone else collected the reward by finding the goblin crushed to death in a warehouse?! WE found his bones in the sewers. Here’s his pelvic bone that clearly shows sockets for his 3 legs.”

Gary and Henryk had to be drug away before they did something stupid to the magistrate. They grumbled as they walked to the Cross Pike bar to meet the one-armed thief Franz, “Herr Steinhauger’s warehouse indeed. We’ll get our damn 5 gold each reward, even if we have to take it out of someone’s hide!”

Henryk (Bill) noble, career change: Ranger/Witch-Hunter

Brandiwyn (Tony) career advance: Riverman with trained feral cat

Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger

Gary (Matt) career change: Warrior/Cavalry Horseman

Sister Agnes (Duane) noble, career advance: Nun, worshiper of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) noble, career change: Bounty Hunter

 Cross Pike: A thieves’ guild bar that catered to off-duty guards. They settled at a table and ordered a round of ale (plus sister Agnes’ tea) from the barmaid Katherine. The bartender wiped the counter as he confirmed, “Haven’t seen Franz today. You say he was supposed to meet you here?” At least they picked up some idle gossip as they waited. “Frans Steinhauger is heavy-set. One of the 4 leading merchant families of the city (Steinhauger, Haagen, Ruggbroder, Teugen). They’ve all risen in wealthy status these last months; ever since Herr Johannes Teugen took over rule of the city council. Friedrick Magirius is more slim and fit. He rules one of the lesser merchant guilds. But both are members of the ‘Ordo Septenarius’ guild.”

That is when Brandiwyn flashed the secret hand gesture Franz taught them. The bartender cleared his throat, “Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Brothers Rein and Rein appeared and escorted them to a back smoke-filled room. The sound of betting clinked from the center card table. Where Franz sat, raking in his winnings with his good hand as his left arm hung in a sleeve. His smoking pipe danced on his lips as he spotted them, “Well, you DID come to join me. Guess I lost that bet. Come. Sit. Have a pint on me.”

Gary got to the point, “You say that room with the broken hinge is below one of the nobles’ offices. Without a handle on the outside, we figure there MUST be another door inside. An easier way for merchants to enter, rather than soiling their garments waddling thru the sewers. We thought you might help us find a door inside that room.” Franz put down his pipe, “Finding such door is easy. To open, especially unto a noble’s office, is a greater risk.” Franz signaled Katherine for another round. Soon thereafter, Katja ordered another round to improve the business conversation. Remembering her normal drunkenness, Agnes said a prayer [rolled 000] for the entertainer/bounty-hunter’s soberness. As if Katja needed help becoming drunk. Loud snoring interlaced all talk.

Agnes added incentive, “Do worshipers of Ranald turn a blind eye to evil conjuring? That is what has been going on inside that room!” Franz sat upright with interest, “No one of the Crooked-Fingers has entered or exited that room. But we have found a few bodies floating outside. Their hearts missing. Mostly beggars who wouldn’t be missed. What do you offer in return for our help? I’d suggest you provide distraction at the docks tomorrow night to allow my…company… to complete a job.” [smuggle?] Answering to Herr Steinhauger’s address, “He lives in the gated community of the Adel Ring. Private guards and city watch, not to mention the body-guards that always accompany him.”

While Brandiwyn/Katja/Gary slept off their drunken stupor, Henryk began playing cards, hoping to learn more about the merchants. “Johannes Teugen is about 50 years old. When his older brother Karl died, Johannes returned to Boganhafen with his younger cousin Gideon. The two seem inseparable.” As Franz began proselytizing about Ranald and the thieves’ order, Henryk’s luck seemed to change. For the better. He’d always considered thieves’ skills useful in his desire to accumulate wealth. And as a witch-hunter, the ability to open locks would definitely aid in catching foul beings red-handed.

Adel Ring: Meanwhile, Agnes and Mallorhan decided to visit the noble district. [charm] The sister tried to bluff her way past the gate guard as a healer but was turned aside, “The city doctor tends to their needs.” The elf visually measured the glass-shard laced walls surrounding the district. Discouraged, they returned to the inner city and the merchant district where they entered the Steinhauger office and confronted the clerk, Mathius Worts. “The boss isn’t in right now. He’s usually here between 9-5.” As the elf returned to the others, the sister sat outside the building to wait. Within the hour she witnessed a younger Frans exit, accompanied by guards as they walked him home.

Warehouse: Agnes encountered the others exiting the bar, “We’re headed to the warehouse where they ‘killed’ the goblin.” 20 buildings lined the docks. They recognized the Steinhauger crest upon the one where a guard leaned against the door. Katja loudly mentioned, “Oh, this is where they found that 3-legged goblin.” The soused guard struggled to stand erect, “That’s right little missy and I’m the one that killed him.” Gary could tell him lying, “But the magistrate said he was killed by falling crates.” The guard stammered, “I… I not only killed him, I … I threw him into the river. Yeah, into the river I did.” Gary prodded the man, “Well, if you truly killed it, then it should have been YOU who claimed the gold reward. Not the warehouse owner. You’ve been robbed!”

Mallorhan used the distractions to slip past the guard. Inside, he found stacked crates. None fallen or broken. No blood stains. In a corner office, on the desk, he found a book. Not that he could read. Columns of marks suggested it a ledger. To imply the warehouse on the up-and-up. The elf dipped under the open tap on a keg for a mouthful before he exited the warehouse. And rapped the guard on his head. Unconscious. “What’d you do that for?” Henryk arranged a crate to imply it fallen on the guard to knock him out. Brandiwyn suggested they leave, “I’ve got that itchy feeling of being watched.”

As they returned to the thieves’ bar, Morrslieb hung high in the night sky with its grinning skull face. As if staring right into their souls. Eerie. The Rein brothers greeted them and offered dinner, “Bangers and Mash. Franz ain’t here but Helmut has been waiting for you. He’s to find that door of yours.” The husky but agile brute led them into the back room and thru the wall, down steps to another door that opened unto the sewers. They walked single file along the ledge. Their lanterns and torches marched in bouncing procession. Helmut paused once to whisper warning, “Quiet. Bats. No need to disturb them and announce our presence.”

When they reached the temple door, it was easy to see it had been repaired. Somewhat. It popped open when Helmut leaned into it. Empty. The cabinet removed. Even the copper pentagram gone. Only a few thin copper shards remained. The bestial rune etching chiseled away. Katja pointed the way, “I found the handkerchief over here.” Helmut ran his hand along the wall, soon finding a seam, “Here’s your door. And it feels latched or barred on the other side. The only way to open it requires muscles and time.”

Breaking and Entering: Almost an hour before the door gave way. Helmut turned to leave, “That’s all I signed up for. My advice: if you see anyone, kill them. No witnesses.” They climbed stairs that ended at a door in the wall. No light peeked out from the door sill. Their torches suggested the door slid open. “Douse your lights before we open it.” The elf confirmed the next room empty before they lit one lantern. A bookcase stood to the right of the door. The office included 2 paintings hanging on the walls and a desk and chair on the far side.

Brandi guarded and listened at another door on the other side of the bookcase. Katja and Gary dealt with the desk while Agnes and Henryk searched the bookcase. Katja noticed a calendar with the last day of the festival circled. Henryk opened a few books failing to find a hidden compartment inside. Agnes read a few book spines, “Mostly accounting ledgers.” Meanwhile, Mallorhan found a safe behind one painting, “Pretty solid. It’d take a thief to open.” Meanwhile, Gary managed to open a drawer, “Cheap wine bottle, worthless bronze medallion, and this parchment. The ink barely dry; maybe a few days old. Sister, care to read it?”

Agnes summarized the note, “The 7-pointed star with ram-head seal of the ‘Ordo Septenarius’. Johannes Teugen gloats how their plan is coming together. The temple ready. At the 12th bell after the Schaffenfest ends, their plans unfold such that they all will be rich.”

And that’s when Brandi scratched the floor to get their attention, “I hear dogs barking. Someone coming.” Agnes splashed oil around the room and on the walls. At the desk, she somehow managed to spot a book wedged under the open drawer. She stuffed it inside her vestments before running out the secret door. Brandi the last to leave to toss his torch. Caught red-handed by the guard who entered with a blunderbuss, “BLAM!” The intervening bookcase absorbed the pellets.  The dogs whimpered as the room ignited. Agnes jammed a chisel under the secret door to delay any pursuit.

You can only move so fast along the slippery sewer ledge. And when they got to where they thought the entrance to the basement of the Cross Pike bar, they couldn’t find the secret door. Which forced a long trudge toward the open sewer entrance. Along the way, they had to cautiously crawl under yellow mold growing along the wall. “DON’T TOUCH or scrape against it!” Brandi’s plank of yesterday sure would have been useful!

Still hours before midnight as they backtracked to the thieves’ bar. Along the way, even with most of the town curled asleep, they encountered an ‘ender’ [the world coming to an end] who stared directly at Gary. “DOOMED. Chaos upon us. I see the mark upon YOU sir.”  Gary offered a silver coin for his troubles. The ‘ender’ squealed in panic, as if about to be touched by a leper. He ran. Mallorhan looked toward the southeast skyline, “I don’t seem smoke or flames from the merchant district.”

Franz was still absent from the bar. As they waited, Agnes pulled out the book, but didn’t understand the language. “Henryk, take this to the Temple of Sigmar for translation. I don’t trust my fellow sisters who don’t question the merchants’ donations. But first, I’d suggest removing the book cover with Teugen’s name. It’s too early to accuse such a high ranking noble of treason to the city and corruption.” And that’s when Franz arrived and glanced at the book, “I can’t read the language either, but I do recognize symbols of magic. It’s a spellbook! Now what’s this of treason?”

Agnes showed him the Teugen letter mentioning the temple and 12th bell. “The ‘Ordo Septenarius’ monthly donates large sums to my temple. Bribery? To what end?” But Franz scoffed, “I’ve heard the merchants also donate handsomely to the Temple of Bogenauer. Is that a crime? I’d think you’d be pleased about the money aiding the orphans. As for the other temple: without a current leader, the building is empty except for idle worshipers. As for entry into the Adel Ring district, the sewers do not service the area. The nobles use their lowly servants to carry buckets outside the walls to be dumped into the manholes. To get inside, maybe you could hire on as ‘shit slingers’.”

While most of the group slept inside the thieves’ bar, Agnes journeyed to her Temple of Shallya for bed. Where she ran into Friedrick Magirius, who was dropping off another donation. “Frans would be here too, but he was detained at his warehouse, dealing with a fire. Seems his guard was killed and dumped into the river.” Agnes knew the guard had only been thumped on the head and left unconscious by the door. She silently wondered who killed him and why. Instead, Agnes asked, “The festival ends in a few days. Would you be available to help me around midnight that night? Help guide orphans, you are so kindly aiding, as they breakdown the tents and cleanup the area.” Friedrick was caught offguard, “Um, I’m busy that hour and day. In fact, we have a meeting tonight to discuss where…oh, I’ve said too much. Goodnight.” As he turned to leave, a paper fell out of his pocket. Agnes stepped on it to hide it. Then picked it up once Friedrick left.

Meanwhile, as planned, Henryk carried the spellbook to his temple. Where the scholars confirmed it “dark magic of Dhar. Good work initiate. Another work of evil removed from this world.” As they burned the book, a scholar asked, “I notice the cover missing. Did it name the owner?” Henryk was reluctant to answer, “I need more evidence before I accuse a noble of such evil ways.”

Morning Library: Agnes wrangled the others at the bar, “Mother Rubenstein suggested we go to the Temple of Verena, a library of considerable books, to research the merchant order.” As they stepped inside the temple, they were greeted by mother Greta, “All who seek knowledge are welcomed. What is it you seek?” Agnes showed both letters with the ram-head seal of the ‘Ordo Septenarius’. “The first letter suggests a plan to get rich. 

The second letter announces a secret meeting of the inner council to take place at Teugen’s house an hour after sunset. The night not known.” Greta scoffed, “There is nothing nefarious about merchants meeting to create a monopoly.” Agnes got her attention, “Nefarious when they create a temple to summon Tzeentch!”

THAT got Greta’s attention, “Aligned with chaos?! Tzeentch is the Chaos God of change, evolution, intrigue and sorcery. He is known by a hundred thousand titles across the galaxy, amongst them the Changer of Ways, the Weaver of Destinies, the Great Conspirator, and the Architect of Fate. Sorcery is one of the most potent agents of change, and those who use it are amongst the most ambitious and hungry for power. And Tzeentch is the undisputed master of magic in the universe.

She continued, "You’ll need stronger proof to accuse nobles of such. Maybe there is something in doctor Reinhold’s old journal. He was the attending doctor of Karl Teugen, who ruled the city council before his sudden death.” She read from the journal, “Strange illness. Demon walk. Purple face and the mark of ruinous power upon him.” Greta added, “Just today I saw the doctor. He is attending magistrate Heinz Richter who has suddenly taken ill. Purple face too.”

Agnes mentioned her chance encounter with Friedrick to which Greta offered, “I’ve heard good things of the man. Maybe all members of the order are not fully informed. Cattle following the lead. This Gideon you mention: a strange man from Nuln.” Henryk spoke up, “We know of other strange men from Nuln. An heir come to claim inheritance. And a circle of nobles attesting to his authenticity. Yet that man is was a member of the purple-hand cult. Could the plots be related?”

As the others headed to the ailing magistrate’s house, Agnes and Mallorhan journeyed to the Temple of Shallya to show the 2nd letter and confer their suspicions of the ‘Ordo Septenarius’. When they spoke of the summoning of a Tzeentch demon, Mother Rubenstein rebuked, “Get out. OUT! I will not have you besmirching the names of our most loyal benefactors. You sister, aligning yourself with this lowly elf and making false claims. I will pretend I didn’t hear you associate Teugen with evil. It is not our duty to address evil in the city. We care for the poor. The Temple of Sigmar is the enforcer and vanquisher of evil. Now pack your bags sister and get out. Never return!”

Magistrate Heinz Richter lived in a 2-story apartment. They were greeted by the housekeeper, “Why are you here? The doctor is with him now.” Henryk showed his medical bag as he bluffed, “We bring additional information about his condition. I’m surprised you still here as ‘purple brain fever’ is highly contagious.” The keeper quickly covered her nose, pointed upstairs, and excused herself. In the upstairs bedroom, they found the doctor leaning over his patient. “What I need are herbs. Moonflower.” Brandiwyn perked up, “There is an herbalist Elvyra at the festival. Do you need anything else?” The fisherman rushed out the door on a mission of mercy.

The doctor allowed the others to speak to his patient as “his tongue is not swollen. Yet.” They questioned his dealings before he came ill. “After I talked to you and your claims for the goblin reward, I went to the town council and mentioned such to Johannes. He assured me of Steinhauger’s claims. Later, I was visited by the captain of the city watch, Reiner Goertrin. Nothing memorable about our conversation. I had lunch in my office.” Gary asked about the dwarf Gottri. “Habitual drunkard. In and out of the stocks all day. Back in the stocks even after you paid his fines. His last fines were paid by a member of the Teugen house.”

Meanwhile, Brandi found the herbalist, “25 silver?! For a little moonflower? What about all those nights of passion… we thought of?” That brought a smile to Elvyra’s face, “You are a smooth talker, but I fear something fishy about you.” Brandi returned within the hour, delivering the cure to the doctor. With the merchant Richter still able to speak, Brandi tempted the patient, “I’m not sure why we come to your aid. 5 gold just for the herb! Out of our own pockets, void of the reward you denied. That we can forgive. But did you know you’ve aligned yourself with evil?! Your merchant guild is guilty of summoning a Tzeentch demon! We have proof.”

Richter truly looked surprised as he listened to the evidence they laid out. He had to speak around the doctor administering the moonflower poultice, “So, you’re saying Teugen and the other merchants tried to kill me?! Even with the evidence you present, it would be a coin flip as to the outcome. You ARE accusing highly placed nobles. You’d have to catch them in the act. What’s in it for me?” 

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/09/s2e7-enemy-withinshadows-over-boganhafen.html


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