S1E3: Ubersreik adventures/Heart of Glass (part 1)

Events: For the next 2 weeks they pondered what to call themselves. “I kind of like ‘Sister Agnes’ Orphans’.” Gary gloomily responded, “Feels right considering I just learned my mother-in-law hates me.” Katja consoled him, “Cheer up; I can envision glorious weather ahead of us.” Mallorhan, on the other hand, wasn’t so cheerful, “Whatever job we find, we’d best double-check the pay as rumor has it, counterfeit coins are circulating in the streets.” Brandiwyn pondered, “Remember that Strigany mystic on the barge we worked? I’m still trying to make sense of some cryptic omen she foretold. Something about ‘for the love of the devil’.”

Endeavors/Down time: Gary returned to his training master as he sought instructions for his newly acquired blunderbuss. The elf, Henryk, and Katja returned to work only to later learn part of their pay was in counterfeit coins (20% income reduction). Agnes and Brandi turned to the streets to pick up any gossip. “Priests are in the north forest looking for a holy white wolf.” “I’m hearing concern there are too many wizards in Altdorf.” “Did you know the Emperor has a sister being hidden in a tower? The family shame.” “Whatever job we find, I’d suggest we stay clear of the village Blutruchs. Rumor has it was wiped out by a plague. Skin blotches.”

Henryk (Bill) noble Guard/Sentry…the Gambler 

Brandiwyn (Tony) Riverman with trained feral cat

Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger

Gary (Matt) Guard/Sentry

Sister Agnes (Duane) noble Nun, worshiper of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) noble Entertainer/Singer

Job Offer: The Overturned Tavern became their gathering place. Where Henryk tried to get reimbursed for his lost storm-lantern, “I rid your tenement of that vampire when I threw the lantern to burn her. You’re lucky I put out the fire.” But the halfling Regia had the final say, “Sounds like YOU’RE the lucky one. The Merchant Guild doesn’t take kindly to arsonists.” Regia changed topics, “But if you’d like, you can buy a new lantern. Seems your achievements have been noted by others. Lady Emmanuelle Nacht wants to hire you. Meet here tomorrow and I’ll escort you to her Blackrock Castle for introductions.” Gary pat the halfling on his back as he reminded all, “Regia promised to buy the first rounds; so, let’s make this a festive night in anticipation of a rewarding job.”

Once again, Katja took to the stage (and tables) to dance and sing and slosh beer. Distraction for Henryk to ‘win’ a few rounds of dice. He bit the coins to make certain his winnings were not counterfeit. Agnes sipped her hot tea as she leaned into others’ conversations. Brandi dabbled at darts mostly to get others to relax as he listened to whatever news they wished to share. “The weather is about to turn for the worse.” “Doesn’t take a fortuneteller to reason that: it’s the rainy season upon us.” “Well, did you hear Altdorf's zoo has been shut for weeks. I heard Deathclaw, the Emperor's Griffon, went on a rampage. Probably because the Emperor hasn't been to see him for months.” “Did you see the Emperor soldiers depart the city? Rumor says they travel south to quell an uprising.”

Next morning: As they entered the tavern, they couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of Regia bedecked in his regal attire. But in truth, most started to question their own wear of plain cloak and well-worn pants. Henryk spit in his palm to then wipe a spot on his shirt…for naught. Permanent stain. Regia led the procession down the streets. Like a mother goose leading her goslings. Imagine the taller humans and elf following the infant-sized halfling. Short steps. As they neared the castle, Mallorhan made remark about the empty ropes hanging from the ramparts, “I see they finally took down the bodies of the Jungfreud family members.”

Regia formally announced the group, “Sister Agnes’ Orphans seek audience with Lady Nacht per her request.” They were led up the stairs of the castle tower where they stood before a grand set of gilded double-doors guarded by two formal guards with pikes. But before they could be announced, the doors opened as an Altdorfer soldier backed out after bowing. Sniffling and with puffy and red eyes. Gary whispered, “Really?! Cry? What kind of soldier is he?!”

From within the room, they heard a refined lady’s voice, “Come in, please.” Entering, they saw a 6ft tall woman in regal dress feeding pigeons in a gilded cage. To her side was a table full of papers, ledgers, and ink bottles with feathered pens. “Come, sit and partake of tea and biscuits.” Wait-staff tended to their needs as the lady turned to face them, “Regia tells me you are a capable group of investigators. How you faced down a vampire?! My task is simpler. I hope. You’d only be facing traitors to Altdorf and the Emperor who strives to pacify Ubersreik and the surrounding areas.”

She took a seat to continue, “It has come to my attention that a young Altdorfer soldier and member of the Ubersreik's Watch died under mysterious circumstances. Corporal Tylo Vielfrass has been murdered in the Magnus Tower controlled by the local Ubersreiks. I ask you to solve his murder and bring his killer to justice. I need proof to quell any disbelief from the Ubersreiks. During your investigation, you MUST avoid causing any rift between Altdorfers and Ubersreikers per the Emperor’s decree. I can offer you each 10-gold crown, but you must hurry before the trail goes cold. You can meet Sgt Orban Geldrecht at the northern Moor’s Field cemetery for further instructions. He’s the one who just left.”

As they backed out bowing, Mallorhan asked for a minute alone with her. Granted, he was able to secretly deliver the message he carried. After breaking the seal and reading its contents, she handed him coin and offered, “If what he says is true, I will have a return message for you to deliver. After you complete this task.” Meanwhile, as the others left, Agnes whispered, “Did anyone else notice HER puffy eyes? Why does a regal lady care about the death of a common soldier? Could they have been lovers?”

The northern Moor’s Field cemetery was surrounded by a crumbling wall. Near its center was a large building maintained by the Mourner’s Guild. They entered and were quickly assaulted by the sickening sweet smell of incense mixed with that of embalming fluids. They caught the attention of Father Burke leading a group of crying mourners in prayer. “Yes, what may I do for you? Who have you come to see? Ah, the soldier recently brought in by his comrades-in-arm. I was just consoling them in the hall. Come, follow me and I’ll show you his body.”

They were led to the basement and the morgue where the naked corpse lay on a slab. “Holy Shit! Look at the size of that hole!! About the size of an apple. Was that from a blunderbuss? Damn!” Gary looked at the hole, “No powder burns or wadding imbedded in the wound. Besides, a blunderbuss is multiple shot that scatters. This my dear friends is something far more mysterious.” Agnes looked at the thru-and-thru hole and asked the mortician who replied, “Damnedest thing; there was no blood. As if cauterized.” To which Agnes could only imagine, “Witchcraft!”

It was obvious the man was fit. And attractive. Very attractive. And endowed. To which Agnes noted, “I can see why Lady Nacht would have him as a lover.” Realizing she accidently said that out-loud, Agnes blushed but admitted, “I may be a nun but I am a woman. And besides, did anyone else notice his bruised knuckles? From the callouses, I’d say he’s a brawler.” Brandiwyn rifled the man’s clothing set aside: no incriminating papers, only 6 brass coins…which he pocketed.

They climbed the stairs to question the soldiers, “Who found his body and where?” Sgt Orban Geldrecht came forward, still sobbing. Which caused Mallorhan to wonder why. Regret? Sister Agnes tried to console him, only to be surprised by his confession, “I never told him how I really feel.” He whispered, “I was in love with him.” Finally, he composed himself and reported, “Tylo was in the Magnus Tower which is an apartment building in the Ubersreik sector. Capt Bruner of the Ubersriek guard called me up. Tylo was dead in his room with that huge hole in his chest. No, not Capt Bruner’s room. It was Tylo’s. He was trying to sew a bond between the Altdorfers and Ubersreikers. When he wasn’t staying there, he had his room at the Bridgehouse Inn.”

Also mourning were some civilians. Gary was about to question a woman, till she turned toward him and showed her scared face and glass eye. He paused to shudder. Brandi approached, “How do you know Tylo?” To which she answered, “He is/was a good man. Every day he brought treats for the kids in the streets.” The elf noticed most of the civilians were women…was Tylo some kind of gigolo? He was sewing a bond alright; cross-breeding between Altdorfers and Ubersreikers maybe? The hole in Tylo was strange enough, but the affection shown by all these people and soldiers alike was even stranger.

As they walked to the Bridgehouse Inn, Katja wondered, “Maybe we can find love letters that might hint at a jealous husband. Or jilted lover who didn’t want to share. Scorn is a bitter pill for most.” As they asked directions to the Inn, they quickly began to wonder more, “This is an expensive district. How can a lowly corporal afford such housing?! Maybe Mallorhan’s idea he a gigolo is on the mark. A few wealthy lovers would set him up nicely.” Henryk began to question his decision to become a guard. He could easily earn wealth as a gigolo. If only he had the looks. And package.

They found the Bridgehouse Inn in town near the river in the Upper-Middle-Class district. Entering, they were confronted by the proprietor, Gunter Abend, “Deliveries are at the rear. Not service? Do you come for meals, rooms, or drinks? Oh, you are friends of Tylo? Why didn’t you say so? Good man. A round of drinks will cost you 14 silvers.” Katja asked if she could sing for food and drinks. Mallorhan got straight to the point, “What can you tell us about corporal Vielfrass?” “Tylo, a corporal? You jest sir. He always paid on time. In fact, he’s paid up for the month. Yes, he had visitors. He is a lady’s man. No regulars mind you. Not sure if he’s in. Brunhilda, will you go get Tylo for these men…and sister.”

While Brandiwyn occupied Gunter, Agnes fell in beside Brunhilda as she climbed the stairs. “My order doesn’t know it, but Tylo was my lover. If you’ll just let me in to remove my undies I left behind.” Brunhilda seemed shocked as she knocked at the door, “Mr. Vielfrass, are you in?” Luck that it was unlocked, Agnes tried the handle and walked in, already undressing, “Tylo, I came for one last romp before I must return to my convent and resume my celibacy.” Red-faced, Brunhilda couldn’t back out of the room fast enough. Leaving Agnes alone to search.

The desk was cluttered with dusty letters. A few clean ones addressed from Altdorf. Perfume implied noble ladies. Two of them were opened, the wax-seal already broken. While Agnes was able to read and write, she couldn’t read these cyphered letters, signed “M”. She pocketed them, hoping someone in her convent could aid in deciphering them. Continuing, she found a chest under the bed: gold crown, silver and brass coins, along with a parchment also filled with cyphered text. She was pocketing the coins and parchment when the door suddenly opened.

Mallorhan stepped in. Agnes sighed relief it wasn’t Brunhilda till she remembered she was still naked. The elf was non-plussed as she quickly dressed. He opened the closet finding fine clothing, “How does a corporal afford such luxuries?” Looking closer, he found bloody bandages, “These look like boxer wrappings. Didn’t you say he was a brawler?” Realizing she’d been gone too long, after Mallorhan snuck back out and downstairs, Agnes mussed her hair and exited the room, loudly proclaiming, “Tylo my love, I won’t forget you. But I must resume my celibacy.” Back at the lobby, she flipped a silver to Brunhilda who winked in understanding.

As they left the Inn, Gary pondered, “Bloody wrappings. I wonder if he boxes locally. I know it’s late but maybe we should search the area. I’d think now is the time for such events to take place.” They wandered the area without success. And that’s when the sergeant approached, “Learn anything? Boxing? Well, Tylo did training. I don’t know if he did any local fighting.” Brandi happened to notice the sergeant’s bruised hands and began wondering what Sgt Orban Geldrecht was hiding.

As the others returned to their rooms at the Overturned Tavern, Brandi and Henryk stayed behind in hiding, hoping to follow the suspicious Orban. But that was when they spotted a bald-headed woman a few alleys down, watching them. She suddenly disappeared. Brandi followed her (losing her in the dead-end alley). Henryk followed Orban (who returned to his barracks).

Morning: Sgt Orban and 6 soldiers arrived to escort them to the Magnus Tower, “It is in the Ubersreik area, and rumor has it there is an army of traitors about. Best to have protection.” At the tower, another apartment complex, an Ubersreik Captain Von Bruner approached, “I was told you’d be here. Tylo? Yes, we knew him well. My men loved him. Be brought free fruit.” Now Agnes was even more convinced of witchcraft as she silently surmised the use of a charm spell. Who is loved by both his friends and enemies?!

Von Bruner led them to a strange box which all entered…warily for the group. Agnes screamed “Witchcraft!” when the thing lurched up. The captain laughed, “It is dwarven construct. They call it a lifter.” Agnes had her own name, “Levitation spell if you ask me! There was rumor of too many wizards in Altdorf. From the sight of this, I’d say maybe in Ubersreik too.” The lifter stopped on the 3rd floor, where they were led to a corner room. “This was Tylo’s apartment.” Katja was surprised, “You mean to tell me a lowly corporal has rooms here in Ubersreik, at that fancy Inn, AND at the Altdorf barracks?!”

They entered the half-moon shaped room. And quickly noticed the 3 windows. The one facing southwest had an apple-sized hole melted in the window glass. Gary asked the captain who confirmed where he found Tylo’s body on the floor. Lining the two up, Gary followed the supposed path of the shot. Which pointed to a cabinet on the far wall where he found a broken wine bottle…also melted. Agnes borrowed Mallorhan’s quarterstaff and lined up the broken bottle with the window hole. “I don’t see any buildings in the supposed line. But it does line up with those twin-peaks in the distant Grey Mountains. What could possible be out there? What could cause such a precise shot?!” Witchcraft!”

Brandiwyn remembered some local lore, “I seem to remember a tower out there.” With a questioning look at Mallorhan, “Memory tells me it was elven construct. Once called the Tower-of-the-Vain.” Mallorhan casually added, “At the time, long ago, it was known to house the 8 winds of magic.”

And that’s when they heard yelling outside the room. Arguing voices followed by the sounds of fist-fighting and soon drawn swords. “Ubersreik scum!” “Altdorf asses!” [active shooter drill] Henryk rushed to the door…and barred it. “Remember, the Lady said not to get involved.” It wasn’t too long before they heard the captain’s voice, “BREAK IT UP!” Once the fighting stopped, Von Bruner pounded on the door, “Open the damn door. Get out of my tower and take your Altdorfer guards with you. I’ll not have your kind besmirching the good memories of our dear friend Tylo.”

As they strolled down the street, Sgt Orban seemed quite pleased, “Ho ho. We gave them the once over, hey lads?! This calls for drinks. Let’s stop at the warehouse.” The building was boarded up. Yet a special knock on the door, told someone to unlock from the inside. Where they found 13 other Altdorfer soldiers already partaking of drinks, standing around a large circular platform lined with chest-high ropes. With drinks passed around, they followed the prompting to raise their mugs, “To Tylo. Cheers to our leader.” Once again, the group wondered how a corporal should be known as a leader.

Orban spoke up with a challenge, “Tylo began our ancient tradition of grappling to stay fit. Which of you cares to take me on in the ring?” Brandi stepped forward. Within 2 moves, he was lifted and thrown out of the ring. Orban jumped over the ropes to help the fisherman to his feet, “You did well. With practice as Tylo showed us, one day you might hold your own. ‘Pursuit of Perfection’ he always said. Now raise your glass for another toast.” Orban and the others joined in some guttural, incomprehendible almost chant that included the name ‘Chenal’. To which Gary responded, “To Sigmar.” Which Orban and the soldiers repeated, “To Sigmar.”

Unimpressed, Mallorhan asked, “What’s in the room over there?” To which Orban replied, “That is Tylo’s room. I guess you could look inside. Not that any of us have ever been in there. It is…WAS…his private room.” Opening the door, they had to push a purple curtain to the side. Inside: plush cushions, desk, a pedestal with a black-marble statue covered with cloth. But most disturbing: a 4ft diameter frame with folds of flesh draped over it. What looked like raw and wet meat. Agnes puked while Brandiwyn dry-heaved.

Mallorhan stepped forward to remove the cloth, revealing a statue of Slaanesh (the god of lust). Agnes rushed forward to lift and smash the statue on the marble floor. Gary found the desk covered in scrolls. Along with private letters and lewd drawings. One titled ‘Prince of Pleasure’. Agnes took a closer look at other writings and read aloud, “Heske Glazer will doom us all. She knows something. She’s always following me, watching me. She knows the truth. I fear she’ll expose us. I know you’ve commanded me to keep our actions focused solely on recruits and subversion, but I must kill her before she kills me. Perhaps I can convince that pathetic love-sick sap Orban to do my bidding. He and the others have no clue as to our true purpose.”

And that’s when they heard a crash, then female voice from the arena area, “Kill them all. They are chaos agents!” Followed by a gunshot. The group quickly exited the private room to find a female Witch-Hunter leading a pack of civilians armed with Molotov bottles being thrown into the warehouse. And the smell of burning wood suggested other flaming-bottles had already been smashed on the outside of the warehouse.

Mallorhan tried to intercede, “We found a temple inside which we destroyed. We are with you.” But his pleas fell on deaf ears as Glazer repeated, “Kill them all!” Glazer raised a pistol, “BLAM!!” and decapitated one of Orban’s men. Followed by the sound of flaming-bottles crashing throughout the warehouse. The elf had seen enough and sought a window exit back inside the private room.

As for the others: Gary repeated the pleas, “We’re here to help.” Henryk raised his bow and shot a civilian about to toss his bottle. Agnes re-entered the corrupt temple room, poured oil on the flesh golem, lit it, and began dragging it out into the warehouse proper as evidence of what they’d found. Brandiwyn pulled down the purple curtain to use as a cloak before slinging a stone…striking the Witch-Hunter in her head. Katja screamed at the soldiers trying to convince them they had been duped by Tylo. Which only distracted them from the fight which raged on.

It wasn’t long before all took the elf’s advice to escape. Most out the rear window. Agnes slipped [Athletics 000] in the oil trail she had created but eventually made it to the window. Gary and Brandiwyn rushed toward the front door which was now closer. A blunderbuss blast partially cleared the path thru which some of the Altdorfer soldiers escaped. Led by Sgt Orban. Followed by Gary and Brandiwyn who easily fought their way past the civilians.

An hour later, they gathered at the Overturned Tavern. Henryk offered, “I think we have enough evidence to show Lady Nacht who killed her lover. I say the Witch-Hunter. Collect our gold and be done with it.” But Agnes rejected the idea, “Her pistols couldn’t have created that hole in his chest. No, something was fired from the elf tower within the Grey Mountain Twin-Peaks. Our reputation requires we solve this. Not just wrap things up with half-truths. That letter I read only shows Tylo’s corrupt nature. It doesn’t help point a finger at who killed him.” Henryk countered, “Well, I think we should at least tell her what we found so far. Get partial pay.”

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/07/s1e4-ubersreik-adventuresheart-of-glass.html


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