S1E4: Ubersreik adventures/Heart of Glass (conclusion)

Lead-In: Having survived the warehouse fire, ‘Sister Agnes’ Orphans’ were ready to approach Lady Nacht with their findings. In hopes of at least getting partial pay.

Henryk (Bill) noble Guard/Sentry…the Gambler 

Brandiwyn (Tony) Riverman with trained feral cat

Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger

Gary (Matt) Guard/Sentry and blunderbuss owner

Sister Agnes (Duane) noble Nun, worshiper of Shallya

Katja (Geoff) noble Entertainer/Singer

Audience: “Only suspicions? I’m sorry, but Lady Nacht is busy. Come back in 2-3 days when her schedule frees up.” Brandiwyn insisted, “Days? Did you not hear us? We bring news of a threat to all of Ubersreik and maybe to the Lady herself.” The attendant glared at the fisherman intently with disbelief but couldn’t afford to risk turning them away. “Wait here.” Almost 15 minutes till he returned, “She’ll see you at 3pm.”

Agnes used the time to return to her convent to research the ‘Tower-of-the-Vain’. Others caught up with soaking their beards in ale while listening to gossip. “Seems beastmen have been spotted on the roads.” “I hear Colonel Seavers has already returned. His troops must have been victorious over the greenskins. Maybe now HE can deal with the beastmen.”

3pm: Lady Nacht sat at her desk, head down, signing paper after paper. “So, what exactly have you learned?” Mallorhan spoke about their investigation, “We found notes of Corporal Vielfrass mentioning threats to himself from a Witch Hunter known as Heske Glazer. Coded letters to someone in Altdorf. How Heske would ‘doom us all.’ Indeed, she was the one who led the townfolk to torch the warehouse, calling Tylo and his brother soldiers cultists. But most concerning was our calculations that what killed Tylo was shot or cast from miles away. From an ancient elven tower up in the Grey Mountains to the southwest. If such weapon could kill a simple corporal from afar, thru a window, we fear others within Ubersreik could also be targeted. Yourself included.”

Lady Nacht put her pen down and turned to them, “Then why are you here instead of in the mountains removing such threat?! Money?! For an incomplete job?” Henryk spoke up, “Funding to make such an arduous trek. Equipment and transportation.” Lady Nacht nodded to her attendant, “See that they get paid. Arrange a wagon or cart so they can deal with this mysterious weapon. Afterwards, elf, I have another message for you to deliver to Altdorf. I’ve heard rumor your fisherman has a job waiting for you all in Altdorf. If you’re still alive, I’ll arrange coach fair to Altdorf. If you’re lucky, maybe you can enjoy the Schaffenfest festival on your travel thru Bogenhafen.”

Morning: As they loaded their provisions onto the cart, Mallorhan arrived on horseback. “The Lady offered it as a loaner. Mainly to speed messaging if needed.” Agnes and Brandiwyn rode the cart, Mallorhan on horse, as the others walked beside, doing their best to avoid the horse manure. They plodded south thru Messingen reaching Grausse before sunset. Where the girls Agnes and Katja rented a room while the others camped outdoors. It was near midnight when Henryk stubbed his toe while pissing in the brush. He cursed at the stone only to realize it was a heavy lead box partially buried. Soldered shut, he swung the butt of his blade to open it. “Crack!” The noise drew the others from their slumber, “What’d you find?” Henryk bent down to open the lid, allowing a green stone to glow heavenward. “CLOSE IT! Close it you fool!” Mallorhan rushed forward to slam it shut. “Have you not heard about ‘Warpstone’? Pure evil.” Brandi reasoned, “Then we best hand it over to the local authorities and let them deal with it.” As Henryk returned to his tent, he muttered, “What fool left it there to begin with?”

Morning: They left at the crack of dawn, south to Traisburg and its loyal supporters of the Jungfreuds who gathered in the streets arguing with Altdorfers. Ignoring the political quagmire, they turned west toward the mountains. Almost at a forced-march pace to reach Bamenz before nightfall.  A most peculiar town built on the slope of the mountain. Only reachable by a chairlift. “One silver each way.” Henryk balked, “And once in the city, they can charge an arm-n-leg for everything. No thanks.” Once again, the girls slept comfortably in a feather bed as the others cursed at the mosquitoes and bugs visiting their outdoor bedrolls.

Morning: Sister Agnes was escorted from the town. “But I was only trying to help the sick. [96: fumbled prayer] How was I to know he was allergic to chicken soup.” The road before them began a slow climb into the mountains. Hours plodding along till the elf called warning, “Greenskins!” Enough warning for the archers and fisher-slingman to get off a shot before the enemy closed. Gary maneuvered to get 3 of them in his blunderbuss blast. Mallorhan circled the cart trying to keep a clear arrow shot. The goblins seemed to stay clear of the elf. Higher on the cart, Agnes saw the entire battlefield and lent prayer where needed. Katja leapt off the cart with a mighty swing that staggered an Orc.

While a few goblins turned tail and ran, the Orc laid into the attack. On horseback, Mallorhan was able to kick aside 2 Orc that closed, then swung with his quarterstaff. The ‘Greenskins’ had advantage, 2 or 3 to one. Henryk was just able to raise his buckler, but the goblin blade still rung his bell. Gary hit both of his assailants as Agnes channeled a prayer to sway the Orc focus…2 paused in their attack as if ashamed. Enough distraction to even the odds. Yet Henryk still took a mighty blow [critical] that split open the armor on his left arm. Pinched nerve, Henryk struggled to raise his buckler and thus had to rely on his blade for defense.

Mallorhan seized an opening to charge down an Orc. Which freed Gary and Katja to maneuver. Goblin and Orc began to drop. Soon all the enemy fled, except for one Orc dropped by an arrow in his back. As the dust of battle settled, Henryk stood cursing as he flexed his fingers trying to get life back in his left arm. “Son of a whore, that hurt.” As Sister Agnes tended his wounds, “I see the headshot didn’t bother you.” To which Brandiwyn teased, “He didn’t have sense enough for them to knock out.”

It was late afternoon when they crossed the river bridge and rolled into Elssen. Townfolk barely gave them a second thought as they seemed preoccupied with their own plight. Apparently, the arrival of a band of travelers, blooded and bandaged, only confirmed the gossip of goblin raids throughout the area. It wasn’t long before they sat beside bar patrons and asked about the nearby tower, “What do you know of that elven tower up on that mountain?” Free mugs in front of the patrons loosened their lips, “Glassblower arrived months ago. Left maybe 5 days ago. Ask Frau Shoener who runs the river ferry. She could tell you all the comings and goings.”

They concluded “5 days ago” coincided with Corporal Tylo Vielfrass’ death. Coincidence? It was a half-hour before dust when they arrived at the ferry crossing. Shoener raised a quizzical eyebrow before she answered their questions, “There’s an older woman, glass eye, long hair, pistols. She’s a regular; delivers a package about every 3 weeks. Then there’s those wizards. Well, dressed in those colorful blue garbs with symbols sewn in the clothing. Now that you mention it, there was a light-show about 5 days ago. Colorful beam of light from the tower reached out thru the mountains to the northeast [lined up with distant Ubersreik]. Well, it started out due east but then suddenly bent northeast as if drawn to something.”

As they tried to negotiate for passage, they quickly learned coins meant nothing to her. Henryk dug into his backpack, “I was hoping to save this for our group’s ailments. Would you be interested in this vial of Digestive tonic? Cures the ‘dripping faucet’ if you know what I mean. That and the loose shits.” The Frau pocketed the vial, “Passage for all of you tomorrow morning.” As they returned to town and the inn, [Lore-Reikland] Henryk remembered something about wizards, “Azur Blue symbolizes the heavens. Didn’t you say this tower represents the 8 winds of magic? Is that 8 colors?” Only Mallorhan and Brandiwyn stayed outdoors for the night. The girls paid for a private room while the others settled for the common room, saving coin for more ale.

Morning: They woke to a crisp air and hearty breakfast before they headed to the river. Frau Shoener waiting for them, “It was a busy night. Took almost a dozen Altdorfer soldiers across.” Agnes bartered, “We’ve paid for passage. How about this animal-trap if you’ll stay and wait for us. We’d hate for others to cross behind us.”

Barely a hundred yards from the river when they were confronted by the Witch-Hunter before them with pistols drawn. Then noise from their rear as Sgt Orban Geldrecht and his men stepped forward. Raising his blade, he spewed with hatred, “You betrayed Tylo and us!” Henryk braced as the Witch Hunter charged forward…to then avoid them and face off at the soldiers. “Blam! Blam!” One soldier was cut in half by the close-range shot. Another wrenched sideways from the bullet hit.

Mallorhan took aim at a soldier, sinking an arrow in his thigh. Brandi slung a stone at another. Katja sunk an arrow in another who struggled to stand as blood poured from his critical wound. And Henryk wasted energy trying to ‘Strike2Stun’ his assailant. All the while, Gary defended blows against him as he tried to plead for sanity from the soldiers. But the hatred in their eyes told their hell-bent fury. It would be a fight-to-the-death. Orban faced off against the Witch-Hunter (Heske Glazer) while everyone else dealt with the squad of 8 remaining soldiers.

Gary leveled his blunderbuss at 3 of them (one bleeding out). Two rounds later and Heske fell. And Henryk lost his buckler shield as another strike hit his already sore left arm (against the greenskins). At least the elf, fisherman, and dance-hall singer each dropped a soldier. They fought at disadvantage till Brandi slay one soldier then pivoted to take out the sergeant. Mallorhan rode down another. And when Katja killed another, the last soldier tried to run. But couldn’t outrun the horse.

Agnes laid her hands on Henryk, healing his wounds. Unfortunately, her gods ignored her prayers to heal herself. Thus, the others surrounded her for protection as they strode toward the ‘Tower-of-the-Vain’ standing tall in a glacier-filled valley. They tilted their heads back as they gazed heavenward at the tower over one-thousand-feet tall. Ice clung horizonal to its sides, once whipped by wind that seemed to swirl in the valley. They approached cautiously; eyes fixed to the stack of windows that hinted at the 8 floors of the tower. No movement.

Wooden outbuildings ringed the base. Possibly workshops, barracks, and kitchen. Empty, burnt, and with broken shutters. Dead greenskins ringed the base. Most crushed by some massive weight yet no boulders littered the ground. The metal door to the tower was ajar. Gary stepped forward to knock, “Hello? Anyone home?” His words echoed upwards. Answered by silence. They entered and began climbing the spiral staircase. The walls of each landing were etched in runes. “If those are warding spells, we are at their mercy.”

The first landing was amber color with thorns. 2nd came oynx/black color and webs, then amethyst and an eye, then faded jade leaves and vines. The 5th floor was etched in a thousand rings of flame. Next, overlapping Fibonacci spirals. Most peculiar was the 7th floor, flawlessly smooth with no engravings. Gary paused to inspect, realizing despite his heavy armor there was no sound. Nor did he cast shadows. The 8th floor was azur blue with a dome open to the heavens. Telescopes pointed up. Tables next to them were covered in drawings of observations. Chests were crammed full of star-charts.

But also, in the room were circular rings of glass set on edge and spaced 2-3ft apart, all in a row, pointing out an east-facing window. The glass rings were of decreasing diameter, suggesting something was focused and projected outwards.  Agnes stood near the largest ring at the center of the room, where she found a blueprint. “This must be the weapon!” Mallorhan puzzled, “Why facing east? Was Ubersreik northeast a misfire?”

And that’s when they heard knocking from another chest. “Help. I’m locked in here. Let me out!” Agnes stepped forward and unlatched the hinge. A female wizard in blue robes rose from a cramped position, stretching her folded legs. “I am Sybille. Thank you for rescuing me.” But before the others could ask their questions, Sybille seemed to read their minds and answer in their mid-sentence. “Why do you think it a misfire?” Mallorhan pointed out its eastly aim, “Yet Ubersreik is to the northeast where Corporal Tylo was killed by that focused beam of energy. Not a great loss as we soon found out he was a cult leader.”

Sybille’s eyes widened in understanding, “That explains why the beam angled from east to northeast. It was meant to be a strike against evil. And your cult-leader Tylo fit that description.” Gary repeatedly commented, “I met a wizard once while I was in the army.” Sybille was not impressed.

And that’s when a sudden blast of fire interrupted the conversation. Another blue wizard appeared, grabbed one of the smaller lenses nearer the window, and left. Stepped out of the window. A thousand feet up! They rushed to the window to watch his fall, but instead, dropped their jaws as they saw him gradually descend an invisible staircase to the east. Sybille shouted, “That is Carolus Entschlafen, a traitor to the empire! You must stop him.” Agnes tried to call upon her gods [prayer 000] to stop the wizard but crumpled in shame and sin.

Sybille approached Gary, “You seem to know the most about wizards. Take this amulet of protection from his spells. May it help you bring him to justice.” They stormed down the staircase in haste. Henryk in the lead [talent: strong legs; extreme Endurance], followed by Gary, then the others. As they passed each landing, out the window, they could see the wizard already standing in the center of the glacier valley with his arms raised. They could only suspect him chanting. What hell could he possibly be calling forth?!

Henryk exited the tower door and stopped to take aim at the distant wizard. Gary ran past, “You fool. Get closer with your bow. I plan to get in range to blast him with ole Bessey.” Maybe Agnes’ gods answered her prayers in another way. Even at twice his normal range, Henryk’s arrow was true. His hope to break the wizard’s concentration to allow Gary to take him out up close.

Instead…the concussion from the blast centered on the wizard raced out in a widening circular shock wave. Gary was knocked off his feet and carried backwards, almost to Henryk’s feet. Except Henryk too was knocked off his feet and slammed against the tower base. The others exited the tower that flexed in the shockwave. They did not see the arrow strike nor know what caused the blast. They did not realize the arrow strike caused a misfire and thus feedback from all the energy focused in the spell. They could only suspect the wizard cast a mighty spell. Till they saw the gaping hole where the wizard once stood. And saw Gary and Henryk picking small flecks of blue wizard robe from their own clothing. Spitting out more flecks. And snotting… something… disintegrated wizard?

Katja happened to look up, maybe wondering if the swaying tower was about to collapse. “Uh guys. Your friendly blue wizard Sybille is making her own exit out the window down more steps to the west. And the remaining lens seem to be levitating behind her. She’s getting away with them!” And just like that, the wizard and the lens winked out of existence… teleported somewhere.

“OK, now what do we tell Lady Nacht? I hope she’ll accept us killing one of the rogue wizards.” Henryk corrected, “What’s this we? I’m the Wizard Slayer. Gary may have seen one. I slay one. Surely Lady Nacht will promote me now.” The elf Mallorhan deflated his ego, “Yes, you will be known around the land as the Wizard Slayer. I’m sure the other wizards want to know who’s their next target.”


[Agnes’ Orphans arrived just in time to put a kink in the wizards’ plan to take the weapon. Unbeknownst to all, Sybille and Carolus worked together. Carolus was but the bait to allow Sybille time to cast her spells and take the lenses. One lens would be easy to replace. Carolus was casting a spell to call down a comet upon himself. With the belief the heroes would be near enough to be obliterated along with him. A long-range arrow shot was not in their plans.]

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/07/s2e1-enemy-within.html


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