S6E14 EIR- Conclusion
PCs: Agnes (Duane), Mor (Bill), Gary (Matt),
Venegral (Tony), Katja (Geoff), Ymath (Brian)
Pre-Ceremony: Days
needed to gather the council electorates to attend the ceremony. Already in
Altdorf were: the Grand Wizard (Thirus Gorman), the Grand Theogonist (Yori the
15th), Emperor Franz, and his son Crown Prince Wolfgang. Already
suspicious of events (such as the lustful gleam in Wolfgang’s eyes when he
first touched Sigmar’s hammer), Agnes’ Orphans inspected the Throne Room where
the ceremony was to take place.
In no time, they found the wooden display case to hold Ghal Maraz
suspicious: a trap door and room beneath. Surely Gideon’s work; who else was
involved?! “Who oversaw the construction of this case?” Yann Zuntermein! All
envisioned the threat to the emperor and the unifying ceremony to politically
restore/bestow his rule from the hands of the current Crown Prince. The palace
guards wouldn’t let them dismantle nor replace the case; so, they disabled the trigger
and pinned the hinge and even enlisted a dwarf to brick up ceiling in the room
below while setting their own trap.
Behold the Hanner of Sigmar: But that
didn’t ease their concerns as the day of the ceremony arrived. The Throne Room
was filled with elected officials and electorates. The emperor/Thirus/Yori
stood near the throne as Wolfgang stood mid-court to accept the hammer brought
in by Agnes. Most of the heroes positioned themselves close to the case to best
see the trigger to catch Yann or his associate(s) in the act. The elf stayed
back near the double-doors to best see everyone. As the Prince received the hammer,
he brought it forward for Yori to inspect and declare “This indeed is Sigmar’s
hammer!” He transferred it to the cradle in the display case and called the
Emperor forward to begin the proper words.
And that’s when Yann raised a hidden crossbow to twang a bolt into the case. Maybe he expected to jar the trigger button into action. Agnes’ Orphans snickered at his surprise that nothing happened. But they were even more surprised when they heard cackling and laughter from behind as Gideon stood at the double-doors with his hands held high as he intoned “Ik- Zak- Yatzi!”
that’s when… Crown Prince Wolfgang split in two as The Lord of Change
(TLOC), a greater demon of Tzeentch) emerged into the world!! [Fear and Broken
conditions] Pandemonium spread as fast as TLOC’s wings. Patrons backpedaled,
fell, scrambled and crawled for escape. TLOC feasted upon their pitiful souls
as the heroes charged into action. Thirus was broken but not afraid and stood
his ground to do battle beside his emperor who grabbed Ghal Maraz.
Except, The Lord of Change (TLOC) was a
living gate to hell from which Pink Horrors appeared in court. As Yori ducked
and dodged the snapping maw of TLOC, Agnes engaged the closest Pink Horror. Gideon
channeled and raised his hand to cast but was interrupted by Mor’s ‘fast shot’
arrow. Instead, Gideon charged the elf who surprised the caster with a damaging
riposte. Gary quickly raised a pistol and shot the towering Chaos god (now only
329HP remained). Venegral tried to blend into the stampeding crowd to cast ‘Banishment’,
only to realize THIS foe too powerful.
As one Pink Horror decimated nearby humans, the other attacked
Agnes. Yori charged TLOC and even struck a mighty blow (absorbed by its
daemonic trait) only to be backhand swatted and eviscerated. Thirus cast bolts
as Franz swung Ghal Maraz that was blocked. Katja loosed a bolt at Gideon
before rushing to the aid of Venegral from the other Horror. TLOC gutted the
pesky wizard Thirus and followed-thru at the emperor who ducked. Meanwhile,
Agnes defeated her Pink Horror foe and readied for the expected arrival of the
gated Blue Horrors from its demise. Gary blasted TLOC again before engaging the
nearby Pink Horror, all while trying to evade the towering chaos god.
Mor unleashed a flurry of blows (3) against Gideon (melee: absorbed,
Furious Assault: crit, 4 Advantage: blocked). Venegral cast ‘Entangle’ to slow and
blind TLOC before running to distance himself. His nearest allies dispatched,
Emperor Franz faced TLOC alone in melee. By the power of Ghal Maraz,
Franz opened a mighty wound before the chaos god (backhand riposte) knocked him
20 feet backwards against the throne-room wall. Franz slumped to the floor
unconscious [Fate to avoid certain death]. Meanwhile, Gary and Agnes battled
their threatening horrors as TLOC waded thru the crowd of pawns to get at the true
threats. At least Mor kept Gideon occupied in melee such that he couldn’t cast
lethal spells.
[Resolve] TLOC broke free of its entanglement and continued its
rampage while summoning 2 more Pink Horrors. More chaos foe to occupy the
heroes! Gary used those moments of change (when Pink Horrors died and sprouted
Pink Horrors) to distance himself from TLOC. Agnes used the moment to rush
toward the unconscious emperor and pick up the discarded Ghal Maraz.
With the hammer of Sigmar, she plowed thru the summoned horrors. Gary reloaded
his pistols and blasted away at TLOC. Mor finally dropped Gideon and turned his
arrows against the chaos god. [By banishing Gideon, Mor made the Lord of
Change vulnerable.] Thru resolve and fortitude, Agnes’s Orphans were able to
dispatch The Lord of Change back to the daemonic plane.
Healers were called forth to tend to the many wounded. Agnes
and Venegral rushed to the aid of Emperor Franz. It was days before he was healthy
enough to rightly resume his reign. Agnes returned Ghal Maraz to his hands, “Forget
the pomp-and-circumstance my Lord; by the powers of Sigmar and blessed by the
fires of Ulric, YOU are our emperor!” Emperor Franz decreed a new knightly
order and commissioned Agnes’ Orphans to its ranks. To Gary, he granted the
province and castle of the Wittgenstein. To Agnes, offered lands and treasure for
her to build her own Shallya order of battle priestesses. Katja became the
Altdorf Marshall while Venegral was bestowed High Wizard. Mor was declared the
Grand Hunter of the Drakwald Forest. And Ymath: councilman for the Labor Guild…
in charge of boxes.
Back in Castle Reikguard, the 9-Eye Tutors had successfully transformed Prince Wolfgang into a vessel gate to bring forth a greater daemon of Tzeentch.
Gideon wanted to free the Lord of Change who Sigmar (per Ghal Maraz)
had imprisoned eons ago. No followers of Chaos could touch the hammer; so, Gideon
manipulated events so the heroes would rise in society and then discover where
the hammer was, thus releasing the TLOC.
[Tzeentch is very fractious in its cults] Yann Zuntermein was also a follower of Chaos, but he planned to steal the hammer and use it to overthrow his rival Gideon. Gideon planned to wall the hammer up in the wine cellar so neither the heroes nor emperor could retrieve it before the TLOC had slaughtered everyone.
And so ends our 2-year exact campaign!!! Amid cheers and fanfare, "What's next?!"
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