S6E9 EIR- Paintings on the Wall

PCs: Agnes (Duane), Mor (Bill), Gary (Matt), Venegral (Tony), Katja (Geoff), Ymath (Brian) absent

Black Mountains: The halfling crawled over the wagon supplies to fetch a noon meal as she corrected the ogre, “I’m Moonpie, not Dumpling II.”  Like talking to a rock. They passed intermittent watch towers along the way south, till they came upon a dwarven structure crafted into volcanic rock occupied by human halberdiers. [gossip] “War between Middenheim and Talabecland; glad I’m here. No room for travelers. What about those emaciated refugees?  If we tried to help every starving pilgrim, we’d run out of supplies for ourselves. The pass itself is carved through volcanic rock to provide a vital trade route between the empire, Tilea, and the wild Border Princes (Borderlands) to the south.”

They camped outside the tower, then resumed their travel the next day, coming upon another fortress of dwarves. [gossip] Venegral offered a barrel of ‘Bugman’ ale to open conversation. “Orcs and their wargs are getting restless; seems like yesterday (30 years ago would seem like yesterday to a dwarf) we dealt with them. Goblins have been busy and about. Be respectful at the 3-Mothers site. Keep yer eyes out for an old rockfall. Let us know if ya find gold. Those foolish manling miners didn’t have the nose to find such wealth themselves. Chose a poor site to dig. They stopped serious digging months ago. Saw more pilgrims heading south a few days ago. Said they were headed to Sigmar’s battleground.”

At the end of the day, Agnes and Katja spotted rusted stains high up in the cliffs. Mor climbed to confirm not rust but rather blood. Body parts scattered everywhere. Agnes climbed the rope (Mor left in his climb) to investigate, "Dead less than a day. Enough parts to equal the 8 pilgrims the dwarves mentioned. Ripped to pieces during and after their death. As if all surprised; no evidence they put up a fight.” [2nd sight] Mor sniffed to confirm the wifts of Dhar magic, “Supernatural. No animal I know of could have done this. Not like they were lifted from the path and slammed against the cliff. The humans climbed up here; probably bandits setting a trap.” Too rocky for a burial, Ymath acted as carrion feeder to dispose of the parts.

Sigmar Temple: They pushed onward till they arrived at a roadside temple where pilgrims gathered. Engravings on a boulder proclaimed, “This where Sigmar stood to smite the Orc Bloodfang. The overhead spire where he launched himself in attack with his mighty hammer.” [gossip] Camp chatter was mostly worship of the holy site. “What lies beyond? Why, this is our Mecca. No reason to travel further. Come, join our prayers as we atone for our sins.” Sleep was fleeting as the air filled with wailing and prayers as the pilgrims verbalized their sins.

Another half-day when they came upon a dwarven waystation (Inn, keep, stable). “Welcome to Vithang Dun. Best unpack to rest. Ya wouldn’t want to be caught in the pass at night. Orcs and greenskins fester and breed in the area.” [gossip] Agnes offered her healing services and talked about the dead found on the cliffs. “Coulda been a mountain troll, but even 8 humans woulda had a fighting chance. Goblins with wings? That would be a funny sight. As for the human mine, saw it myself. Poor construction; lacked proper bracing. Why if dwarves had been in charge… If you go that way, there is a rockfall east of the mine.” A caravan arrived from the south, carrying perfumes and spices. Dumpling purchased some.

3-Mothers: They arrived at the site and beheld statues of 3 dwarf women. Mor mocked, “How can you tell them women?” They followed the eastern pass to the expected mine opening where they found tents inside (to shelter from the outside weather). Within the tents, they found two human bodies caught in a death struggle: one choking the other as the victim had plunged a dagger into the head of his assailant. “What madness caused this? About a month dead.” They continued further in and came upon a fork. The right passage flooded. The left blocked by a collapse. Ymath did most of the heavy lifting as they worked to clear the blockage. Long hours before they saw light from the other side. They continued clearing rock till wide enough to slip thru, where they found a hidden valley gorge with a river flowing far below.

2pmYmath spotted the narrow footpath ledge to the left. Their path laid out before them. Only way forward. The sheer cliffs behind them blocked the low setting sun. They cautiously moved along the path in the fading light. In the lead, the path gave way under Mor’s feet. Catfall dodge to avoid falling onto punji-sticks. A trap! Mor cut down the stakes to allow Ymath to find footing as he became a bridge to help the others across the gap. They pressed onward another 5 miles at a creeping pace, till they halted for camp upon the ledge. Pitons and rope to anchor their lean-tos and sleeping bags. Agnes took 1st watch: she let the others sleep when she heard the faint sound of gravel fall miles east. Katja’s watch was uneventful. Ymath quickly fell asleep on his watch. Mor woke on his own to take over. Barely on duty when arrows from above clattered off the path. One sunk into his arm. “Night goblins!”

Under Attack! Agnes quickly woke and began to pray (Blessing of Consciousness- failed to cause fear). Mor lit an arrow to reveal the enemy, but it broke on the volcanic rock. Katja bolted one who fell from its perch. Agnes raised her shield just in time to deflect an arrow. Thankfully their angle from above offered poor aiming as most arrows chinked off the path. Ymath quickly donned his armor. And that’s when Agnes spotted a new threat, “More goblins flying in from over the gorge!” Agnes’ Orphan’s archers took out a few night goblins who caused others to retreat. The group readied for the inbound air assault: with little control, one flying goblin (Doom Diver) crashed into the sheer cliff above them. Agnes and Mor fended off others that fell to their death far below. Ymath grabbed one wing of his assailant and flung him back out over the gorge, minus one wing. It spiraled to its death.

The rush of adrenaline made sleep impossible. They broke camp and resumed their travels. 2 miles later, they spied a huge boulder to the side and below, covered in mushrooms. Agnes considered tossing oil to burn them, till she reasoned disturbing the mushrooms might release toxic fumes.

Paintings: Ahead, the path narrowed as the towering walls of the canyon angled inward. A great ambush site. But they focused on crude art painted on the walls. One image depicted humans dancing around a demon figure. Splashes of purple and blue evoked thoughts of the pink and blue horrors they had faced before. A huge man wielding a hammer was central to the image, “That must be Sigmar in his battle against Bloodfang’s army.” Another painting seemed to be edited. It included stick figures. Some crossed out with a new figure beside it. Each figure carried unique weapons or held items to suggest, “That looks like each of us. Whoever edited the painting crossed out our Witch-Hunter and replaced him with the dwarf Rega, who is replaced by our elf Mor. There’s Brandi on his barge crossed out with our wizard in his place. As if someone has been monitoring the changes within Agnes’ Orphan’s alliance.” Ymath tasted the paint, “Only a month old.” The last painting included a crowd of greenskins bowing to a larger green figure sitting upon its mushroom throne.

Ymath was the last to squeeze thru the narrow passage formed by the slanting canyon walls. He was the last to gain sight of the taller cliffs beyond, pocketed by openings along the cliffs. What could be considered bird roosts if not for the wooden structures and connecting bridges. “Home of the night goblins. Quiet, else we wake them.” Mor sensed Dhar magic ahead where a rope bridge spanned gaps in the trail until it stopped at a 300-yard gap. Rubble suggested “Someone blew up the trail! Was that the purpose of the consortium’s mining operation?! As if they knew this our destiny and plotted to thwart our success?”

They found a side tunnel to the left, short of the gap. Inside, an ogre slept. Rustling. A goblin (Olgog Grisselfang) poked its head from under the ogre’s arm, “How’d you get in our jungle?” He nudged the ogre awake. Getfaced stirred, “No way out.” All saw its puncture wounds. Ymath felt pity. The goblin pointed at Ymath and whispered to Getfaced, “Not to be trusted.” Ymath asked, “Who painted those pictures? Cruzzik, your shaman?” When he asked what’s wrong with the ogre, Olgog replied, “Keep him drugged. Ideal guard.”

Olgog and the ogre led them down the tunnel where it opened unto a large cavern filled with working runts. Snotlings underfoot. The place reeked. They continued to a long bridge across the stream. On the other side: to the right a mushroom garden, to the left the shit privy, straight ahead a throne where Cruzzik sat and spoke, “You late. Expected you months ago. Watching you in my cauldron. Thought we needed to update the painting per a death in your group. Yes, I am a seer, past and future. But your future is not set; changes with the paths you take. I saw big humy with a hammer fight a big bird before he go behind water."

When they asked for directions to the waterfall, Cruzzik changed topic, “I show way past the hole if you do job. Big bastard, Mansplatta, think he boss. If I challenge and defeat him, followers rebel. You get rid him, I take over. I tell others I take care of you; they not attack you. As for Mansplatta , he past privy with his squigs.” To seal the deal, Cruzzik clapped his hands to call forward goblin musicians (Green Racket band) who played bagpipes (made from human intestines). He sipped from his cauldron to foretell, “I see you like world folded around you. You smashed between sides.” Comforting vision.

As directed, they passed the privy and came upon a wizard goblin Moongobba who asked, “You strike deal with Cruzzik Cacklespit? I got better deal. You kill Cacklespit instead and I help you. I deal with Mansplatta.” Agnes wasn’t about to go back on the deal she accepted, but entertained the wizard’s offer as he led the group into another hallway, past a side-room of crying baby goblins (nursery).

They entered another chamber with 2 squigs in cages while around 2 squigs stood beside a goblin with a metal nose. Mansplatta told his problem. “We stuck in gorge. If Cruzzik killed, we could leave to kill dwarves like use used to. If I leave now, I betray my leader. If he dead, I could leave before the next goblin take throne.” Agnes offered reason, “Isn’t killing dwarves good for goblins? If you leave now, how is that betraying goblin directives?”

Mansplatta called another goblin forward, motioned for him to lean closer, grabbed him by the collar and tossed him to his squigs. “Need energy for big ride against the long-beards.” He mounted his squig and rode off, leading his band of goblin followers. Mor looked puzzled that Agnes would suggest they attack the dwarves. Agnes explained, “His small force, the dwarves ready and waiting. They were meant for each other.”

They returned to Cruzzik with their news, “We took care of Mansplatta. Gone.” Cruzzik smiled and called forward an elderly goblin (Gruntlob), “Show them the other side.” Gruntlob led them to the privy and pointed to the other side, “It’s gonna smell bad, but there is light on the other side.” Agnes passed out tonics to quell diseases, before they each lifted their gear over their heads and waded into the muck. With their hands full, they each regretted not stuffing their nostrils before entering the shithole.

[failed CON- dysentery] Within an hour, Ymath first felt fatigue, then nausea, then the flux as his stomach grumbled and his bung loosened. Dumpling hunkered down in the knapsack afraid the orge might use her as toilet paper. Instead, Ymath strode along, shitting as he walked, as if nothing wrong. Other than the shit trail left behind to mark his passage.

The trail descended into the valley at the bottom of the gorge. They could hear waterfall in the distance.



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