S5E17 tHR- Silence of the Bell

From the Beginning: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/06/s0e1-introductions.html

PCs: Sister Agnes (Duane), elf Mor (Bill), Cavalryman Gary (Matt), wizard Venegral (Tony)

ReCap: The flying Skull MUST have given warning, as the skaven assault soon started. The horrific peal of a Skaven Screaming Bell transformed Ungol troops into skaven fighting their former comrades. But in order to silence the bell, Agnes’ Orphans need to charge toward the thousand plus skaven swarm. And deal with a Grey-Seer sorcerer who commands the bell.

Forward, Charge! Once more the bell peeled that ungodly “DOOOM” that sent corrupting ripples through the human ranks. Katja fought off the mutating nausea as Agnes’ Orphans charged forward (in a not-so-stealthy approach). The Grey-Seer turned at the sound of their clanking armor and commanded the rear ranks of skaven (along with 2 of the 4 rat-Ogres that pulled-pushed the Screaming Bell along) to deal with the minor threat. But Mor used the opportunity to target the exposed sorcerer. But even with an arrow sunk into its shoulder, the sorcerer cast a green-hued (warpstone infused) bolt of lightning at Gary whose metal armor amplified the electric charge. The cavalryman commanded, “Fritz, setup my Hochland long rifle!”

With Fritz busy, Gary took long-range aim with a pistol at a closing skaven. Agnes valiantly twanged a flaming-arrow at the bell structure hoping to catch it afire. But it too moist from its underground hiding. Katja loosed a bolt at a skaven who drew short, limping from torn muscles. And from his side mountain perch, Venegral cast a fireball amongst the Grey-Seer’s entourage, setting rat-Ogres and skaven afire. The sorcerer used one of his minions as shield from the fire, as he sniffed greenish powder to heighten casting of a hurricane-force wind at Venegral (trying to dislodge the threat). Even hiding behind a large boulder, the wizard had to hold on for dear life as the winds buffeted him. And once more the elf targeted the exposed sorcerer.

With Fritz bracing the rifle stand, Gary targeted the bell’s yoke (headstock). “BLAM!” The wooden yoke shattered. The bell crashed to the ground, releasing one final peel. Katja clasped her ears to muffle the mutating sound while Gary and Venegral shuddered at the corrupting effect. Even Fritz crumpled to the ground on his knees in pain. Meanwhile, one flaming rat-Ogre near the bell ran away as if a torch to lead the skaven’s charge up the hill towards the Brass Keep. The other rat-Ogre near the bell used a nearby skaven to pat out his flames. And the Grey-Seer rallied her troops, commanding the now-out-of-work bell draggers to attack the humans. A second wave of skaven and Ogres charged.

By now, 3 skaven of the first wave reached Agnes and swung blades: the war-priestess blocked two but was critically cut by the third (her left arm bracing was cut away). Gary parried his lone attacker, deflecting the swing into the skaven’s own crotch. Katja loosed another bolt at an attacking Ogre (unarmored headshot). Mor deftly sank swift-arrows into the charging horde, wounding an Orge while killing a skaven. Meanwhile, the wizard continued to attack the sorcerer and her lone Ogre protector: the fireball enveloped the two. Only the Ogre stood, commanded by the prone and weakened Grey-Seer to seek refuge in a nearby skaven tunnel.

Gary killed his attacker and moved to aid Agnes, outnumbered but able to deflect her attackers’ blades. In return, she bludgeoned one skaven dead and followed-thru at another, while continuing with a flurry-of-blows swing at her 3rd attacker. Once more, Katja targeted the Ogre’s unprotected head but the foul beast continued its attack as if it had no brain to wound. And the elf Mor twanged another pair of swift-arrows at the closing enemy, wounding them enough to make easy work for Gary whom they engaged. One cavalier pistol shot and the rat-Ogre dropped. In the background, the lone Ogre near the tunnel feasted on its dead leader.

By now the 2nd rank of enemy closed into melee. A 3rd Ogre clubbed Gary who staggered from the brutal attack that numbed his left arm. And 2 skaven attacked Agnes who deftly blocked them and counterstruck, killing both of them which allowed her to give aid to Gary facing the last Ogre. Katja too closed into melee to help outnumber the dwindling foe. All paused in their attacks as a wave of nausea swept over them. [Venegral had miscast- later to be revealed as a foul-taste in their mouths as they tried to drink ale.] But they soon resumed their attacks and won the day. The priestess gathered her thoughts in prayer as she attempted to heal physical and mental wounds. [Attempted: Agnes failed to properly cleanse her own wounds that would manifest as infection in days to come.]

Short-lived success. They all heard the sound of a …. squishy door opening. As if a fleshy patting. From the side of the Brass Keep hill, skaven screamed in terror and began a rush back down the hill. Pursued by something ominous. Something that the elf saw first… larger than the rat-Ogres. 

At least 2 nurgle Blight Kings who tore through the ranks of skaven as if ants under foot!

“RUN!” And that’s when the wizard flew to his allies’ side with more bad news, “Maybe 2-dozen skaven block our path. Maybe Ungol soldiers transformed as skaven.” The retreat only as fast as the slowest members: Gary and Agnes weighed down in their bulky armor. But that is when Agnes remembered the horn given by Horse Capt Tylik (whose parting words where, “Blow if I should send reinforcements.”). Agnes sounded the horn in broken bursts as she and her allies continued their retreat toward the closing skaven forces.  The Blight Kings drooled as they rapidly closed on the heroes.

Cavalry Rescue: And that’s when the charge of Cossacks/Kislevites/Ungol horse-riders arrived to slay through the skaven horde, then extended hands to aid Agnes’ Orphans to climb onto their mounts. A clean getaway. Except for that lone, random skaven arrow that unhorsed Gary’s rescuer. Gary tried to hold the dead-man in the saddle, but the man fell. Gary fought for control of the horse, unnerved by its master’s death and by the threat of the closing Blight Kings. But soon, all rode fast back to the Picket-line and readied for the inevitable onslaught. That never materialized. For the Blight Kings turned their attention to the remaining skaven (trying desperately to crawl back into their hidey-holes), before they themselves returned to their squishy-door of the Brass Keep.

Agnes’ Orphans immediately suggested Commander Emmiline von Kazrburdger send dispatch to her father detailing what happened. All sat within the pathetic fortifications as they healed and pondered, “Did the skaven really think such frontal assault would succeed? That cannot be what was written in the stolen battle-plans to assault the Keep. Nor explain the stolen book of proper use of ballistics. There has to be more. Such as that corkscrew lightning bolt fired from the south. Was that a test to see if it could create a wound/hole in the Keep walls?”

Dropped Present: And that is when Mor’s keen ears heard the distant buzzing that caused him to look skyward where he just made out a huge buzzing insect that flew towards the Picket. Alarm. All watched as it grew larger as it got closer, then dropped something that also grew larger as it fell closer. To then “Thump” on impact and splatter. The remains of the unhorsed Ungol rider. Agnes warned, “Stay back else risk infection/disease!” The Nurgle rider of the insect mocked, “Present from Papa Nugle.” Venegral thought to cast at the insect, but instead, cast fireball at the deceased to discourage the Ungols from properly burying their dead. They scowled at the wizard but said nothing.

Karak Skygg: As they sat around the fires, lamenting the Ungol deceased, a green pall leached across the grounds. Morrslieb rose unto the night sky. Which reminded Gary of the stolen astronomer’s (Dr Kapernik) notes that predicted Morrslieb’s closest approach and full moon. And he remembered the skaven prophesy, “They plan to cause the moon to come crashing down!” Agnes remembered the stolen book (Taking the Shot), “Perhaps they calculated the ballistics of firing that corkscrew lightning bolt from the mountains near Karak Skygg. That is the dwarf Degni’s home. Perhaps he can tell us of a secret entrance to that dwarven realm.”

Digni harrumphed, “Aye, I was but a wee lad when I grew up there before departing for adventure. And when I returned, it overrun by goblins. Entrances? [he drew a map] Traveling there are ya? Ya have the grand steps over here. And dwarven tunnels over there. But go prepared for we built the stronghold high in the mountains. Thinning air can make you lucid. And there be trolls about. Take one of my Cinderblast bombs along.”

It was a long night of drinking in memory of the fallen. Katja joined in singing an Ungol funeral dirge. At mention of their coming trek, Sgt Tylik suggested they bring along goats as troll bait, “Be sure to remove its bell. And thanks for taking the ashes of our fallen up into the mountains for proper burial. And be watchful for wyverns whose territory you invade.”

Morning Departure: It was a bright, sunny day as they walked. Too rough terrain for horses. Comfort knowing their horses in good hands of the Ungols. Noontime when the weather changed. Clouds in the distance forewarned coming rain. They found rocky outcroppings for protection from the gale-force winds and used tarps to gather rainwater. It was a long night huddled against the pounding onslaught. Frostbite threatened exposed skin.

Come morning, they trekked onward through piles of dry snow till Mor called halt, “Two snow-bridges ahead. The right one looks to be too weak to support our warriors’ heavy armor weight. Perhaps remove your armor as precaution as we take the left bridge? But Venegral offered, “If they fall, I can swoop down and rescue them.”

When they reached the far side of the bridge, they laughed with glee as jokes were made about the elf wanting to see Gary naked. Falling pebbles quieted them. Threat on an avalanche? They pressed onward but more silent. The sun set quicker in the mountains with the western peaks causing long shadows. The landscape turned green under the rise of Moorsleib. Maybe it was a warning curse of things to come: Katja squealed when she climbed into her bedroll and was bitten by a snake that had found refuge in its warmth.

Morning: They huddled around the morning breakfast fire. Agnes questioned Venegral’s blue-tinged fingernails. Mild hypoxia? She clasp her hands in prayer for Blessing of Breath which soon had the wizard breathing steady again. But the pause also gave time for the elf to observe the strange shape atop the mountain ridge, “Wyvern! It’s hunting us!’ Gary called for Fritz to setup his long-rifle stand. Agnes yelled, “Hide!” as she staked out one of the goats. Mor offered to give cover with his bow to allow his allies time to hide, as indeed, the wyvern saw the easy prey staked out. It gracefully leapt from its perch and swooped. Its shadow enveloped the elf who stood his ground. And remained still as it grabbed the goat unaware. The wyvern plucked the goat and flung it upwards before swallowing it in one gulp.

Mor dove for hiding as the enormous beast climbed into the air. But apparently it not satisfied as it circled and landed. And sniffed. Venegral mentally winched at his morning meal of beans as he clenched his butt-checks in defiance of the threatened release of gas. Tense moments as all thought of the 2nd goat they held. Did the wyvern smell it or them? But soon sighed in relief when the wyvern gave up the hunt and took flight.

Afternoon: They stood atop a nearby mountain and gazed upon the Karak Skygg fortress. Venegral pondered a nearby sign he could not read. Childish dwarven writing. 5 heads mounted on the sign: 2 dwarven and 3 human. The wizard tore the sign and offered it to Agnes for her bag-of-holding, “When we get back, Degni can translate.” But a cockney voice interceded, “Oye, what chu doing on me mountain?” Venegral mimicked his accent and goblin language. A long conversation the others could not reason. Till the wizard translated, “He says give him our ale and goat. Ale for him, goat for the rock troll, Skuttlescree. He says the left branch leads to the front doors while the right path goes toward the tunnels.”

As they got closer, Gary pulled out his spyglass and confirmed doors to the left. But he also noticed the top of the mountain sheered off. As if blasted! “So, that is what all the blasting was about! I can see bodies intermixed with the rock slag that has fallen. Perhaps their slave force. Maybe the skaven blasted off the top to gain entrance to the goblin hold? I don’t see any lightning weapon. Perhaps we should explore closer.” And Morrslieb rose higher into the sky.

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/12/s5e18-thr-bad-moon-arising.html


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