S5E15 tHR- March of the Zombies
From the Beginning: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/06/s0e1-introductions.html
PCs: Sister Agnes (Duane), elf Mor (Bill),
Cavalryman Gary (Matt), Bounty-hunter Katja (Geoff), wizard Venegral (Tony)
ReCap: Skaven had
attacked and brutally plucked eyes from the survivors of Unterfraus and marched
them off into the mine. The heroes entered in hopes of rescue but were
turned back, not only by the presence of Warp-Grinder weapons (that caused the
spiral wound patterns on the miner, Gilbert Vogel, and griffon) but also the
charge of skaven reinforcements that easily outnumbered them. A slow retreat
because Agnes weighed down by armor. They returned to Middenheim in time for
princess Katarina to hand them a charter to inspect closer the Brass Keep.
Hovelhof: The elf Mor departed early
for a lone ride into the Drakwald to find an elven city to purchase a new sword
and arrows to replenish those crushed in the mine collapse. Meanwhile, light
snow fell as the others departed Middenheim for the Brass Keep.
Thus, it was a welcome rest when they sought rooms at the Fox and the Crown Inn.
A busy establishment full of patrons with plenty of gossip to share, as passed
along from travelers. Well, except from that group in the corner who kept to
themselves. Strange how Katja and Venegral couldn’t handle their drinks [laced
with sleeping agent]. Their heads soon rested on the table. And that’s when the
corner table group rose… just as Mor entered the inn, shaking snow from his
cloak. Surprised Katja not already on a table dancing and singing.
Time slowed as events unfolded: the leader of the corner
group threw off his cloak to reveal himself … as the Skaven Assassin! And threw
shuriken at the wizard Venegral aroused by all the clamor, and also at Gary
(deflected by his shield). Venegral once more collapsed on the table, hard.
Which woke Katja in time to see 2 swift-arrows sink into the assassin and a
nearby cultist. Gary raised a pistol and fired, only to see his target (the
skaven) miraculously sidestep. Agnes slid under the table to treat [bless and
heal] the wizard who awoke and began channeling. Meanwhile, the cultists threw
off their cloaks to bring forth crossbows: aimed at Agnes and Gary. Patrons
quickly jumped from their seats and ran for the exits. Momentary confusion who
friend or foe as some patrons looked as if attacking anyone near doors or
Within a blink, like a spider, the Skaven Assassin climbed
the wall and ceiling to then throw a globe upon their table, breaking to release
a green cloud. Once again, Venegral collapsed from the poison. And again, the
elf sank another arrow into the assassin while Gary’s pistol shot and Katja’s
bolt missed the elusive threat. Agnes grabbed Venegral’s collar and drug her
patient out of the cloud, to the side of the bar where she was able to pour
healing liquid down his throat. Cultists charged Gary with blades only to fall
upon his shield and his own sword defense. Gary momentarily blinded when another
managed to throw sand in his eyes and slash his leg. Endurance to withstand the
poison coated cultist blade. Other cultists closed on Mor and Katja who had
moved beside him.
Mor aimed [08 = +9] at the assassin clung to the ceiling but
missed [sidestep his magical ability]. At least Katja’s bolt found its mark
[deadeye called shot to the head]. But the assassin still lived. At least
Venegral was up and back in action… behind the bar where he read from a scroll
to cast a magical net webbing on the assassin, now stuck to the ceiling. Having
realized his drink drugged, the wizard glared at the barkeep behind the
counter, “Grab your blunderbuss and shoot it if you want to live.” He complied.
Immobilized, the assassin made an easy target. Hit by another elf arrow but
more importantly, blasted by Gary’s pistol shot. The skaven dissipated, leaving
behind his cloak still caught in the magical netting. It was quick work to
eliminate the fanatic cultists still willing to fight.
They confirmed the cultists with ears clipped and some with
missing incisor teeth. Since Venegral wanted to bring the cloak (made of human
hair and spider webs) to the College of Wizards for study, he talked Katja into
lifting it with her blade to place it in Agnes’ bag of holding. Venegral
confronted the barkeep who confessed, “He said you were murderers. Showed me a
sketch of your group. Gave me a vial of sleep agent to drug your drinks so they
could arrest you. I’m SO sorry. Room and board are free.”
Hohenfahrt: Morning welcomed fair weather as they rode on to the next town. A farming village with shrines to both Sigmar and Ulric to placate both gods to better improve chances of good crops. As they approached, they could see men in the cemetery throwing dirt into graves.
Mor’s keen elven eyes saw more: not only were headstones already
in place to imply the grave once used, but he also saw a hand raised from the
dirt… twitch! “Either they are burying someone alive, or they bury zombies!”
Agnes spurred her horse forward and jumped off to interrupt the grave diggers,
“Are you crazy?! He still lives.” She grabbed the hand to give comfort … only
to feel its cold/clammy skin and realize it a zombie! That tried to scratch
her. She drew forth a blade and sank it into the dirt to kill the thing. The
men looked on as if watching a crazed priestess as Ludwig explained, “Gave
robbers must have come in the night. We found almost 30 graves opened and
empty. Only this one still had a body inside the open grave which we were just
reburying till you arrived.”
Venegral informed them, “There were no grave robbers. Those
graves… zombies dug their way out.” Ludwig gasped, “Could it be, the
necromancer Heinrick Kemmler has returned to call forth his minions?!” Venegral
furrowed his brow as he felt for the fading evil aura of magic. Mor sense
nothing per his second-sight. But he did find tracks that led eastward. “They
are a day ahead of us but moving slow. I suggest we spend the night but rise
before dawn to chase them down.” The proprietor of the Forester’s Arm Tavern
offered, “Drinks on us. Well, just the first round.” Questioning did not reveal
any particular stranger recently in town. “This is a main road full of
travelers. Eastward is Lindenheim, a trading post dealing with the
Karzburdgers. Which is surprising considering the governor dislikes the man and
family. The baron of Nordland himself, Theodric Gausser, is rumored to be
organizing an upstart to reclaim his noble right of sovereignty.”
Lindenheim: Overnight rain and the
patter of light rain in the morning made slow going along the sloppy road. By
late afternoon, they came upon a bonfire. Once again, Mor was the first to see
men throwing bodies onto the bonfire. Confirmed by the wafting smell of burning
flesh. Agnes their spokesperson was greeted, “Hail. Well met. Little issue last
night but we dealt with it. Our Innkeeper Karl struck the zombie leader with a
boot to the face. It took off up the mountain towards the northeast. We were
able to slay the other zombies.”
As they approached the Orchard Arm Inn, they
heard singing inside. They entered to find a joyous group who paused after the
first verse and looked at the newcomers to finish the song. Only Venegral knew
the words which drew louder catcalls and clamor of joy from the patrons. As
Agnes offered to treat wounds, Mor approached Karl to ask about the encounter.
Karl proudly recalled, “He talked about the Grave-Lord coming as
if we were to quake in fear. But living here on the edge of the mountains…
we’ve dealt with goblins, beasts, beastmen. What’s a few zombies?!”
Mor listened intently till he asked about any sighting of
griffon. Karl licked his lips as if in memory of a fine meal. Which pissed the
elf who withheld his temper and sword as he stepped outside to look for tracks
of the zombie leader. Katja’s dog ‘Snout’ followed the trail almost a mile into
the woods before it ended. Human/zombie prints replaced by a very large, 3-toed
print. “He obviously mounted a flying beast. See the treetops how they are
broken. It flew northeast.”
Karzburdger Estate: It was a hard climb
into the mountains. Mor dismounted when his horse began to foam at the mouth
from the grueling trudge. They slowed their pace. Thus, it was near dusk when
they came upon the palisades of the estate. The Karzburdger crest stitched into
the flag. From atop the walls, they were challenged, “Who goes there?” Agnes
spoke of the need to meet with their lord. They were ushered inside AFTER their
weapons “peace-bound. As for your wizard, is he licensed?” Inside the walls,
they found soldiers and nobles in fancy clothing. No farmers. They entered the
Inn for rooms. The girls changed into finer clothing to return downstairs to
gossip. Gary remained in his cavalry armor as Venegral dusted off his white
tunic. Mor… didn’t even want to be there.
Gossip began with repeated wrongs to their lord. “Baron Heinrich
von Karzburdger is a great leader. His family once Grafs themselves but wronged
by other nobles within Middenheim. At one time his ancestors even resided
inside the Brass Keep some 700 years ago before it was overrun by evil.
Yet, even Magnus the Pious continued to trusts the Karzburdgers to guard
this land.” When asked about the Keep, “No, we do not have blueprints of the
place. Dwarves built it. Ask them. I understand they put their records in the
halls of Middenheim. No tunnels we know of. We surround the Keep, so, the
Nurgle occupants are resupplied by flying beast deliveries.” When Agnes asked
about being so close to Nurgle and the threat of disease, “If anyone catches
rot, we burn them.”
Morning: Despite the elevation and
cold, they all slept well under bearskin covers. They were roused by roll call
for the soldiers but their meeting with the baron wasn’t till 11am when the sun
finally crested the eastern mountains. They were ushered into his chamber where
he offered warm cider. Heinrich nodded at each introduction but paused at sight
of the wizard, “Haven’t I seen you before? Did we perhaps meet in Altdorf?” Venegral
chose to present himself as emissary of the Council of Wizards, “Magnus the
Pious was the first to introduce magic users into the service of the
Empire. Thus, the Council of Wizards have sent me… us… to inspect closer what
is going on inside the Keep. We have heard tale of skaven under the city and
But Heinrich was distracted by Mor, “Strange to see an elf
in company of men. Strange indeed to even see your kind.” Mor replied, “We keep
ourselves within the Drakwald which extends even unto this area.” He
purposefully avoided saying “your lands” as to imply anyone could own the
forests. “But as the wizard said, sightings and events have brought me forth to
find the source of evil taint upon the land and rid its presence.”
Agnes interrupted to bring his thoughts back to the Keep, “I
understand your daughter commands the garrison at the picket line.” Gary chimed
in with flowing words of praise, “Your troops outside say what a masterful job
she has done.” Heinrich sipped his cider and responded with faint pride in her
accomplishments. Agnes saw thru the veil… that his daughter sent to the keep in
disgrace. A frozen outpost; the worst place to command.
And that’s when porters brought in the crates of weapons and
wine. Gary handed over the charter letter from the princess and explained, “The
Graf honored your request. The wine… a
gift for your refined taste. And request to allow us closer inspection of the
Keep.” Heinrich pulled a rifle from the crate and sighted it outside his
window, “Click.” Unloaded. “Yes, a fine weapon for my troops.” Gary used the
opportunity to bring up another topic, “Sir, if I might ask. Have you had any
thief of your powder supply? I ask because crates stamped with your crest were
found in possession of skaven inside the mines of Unterfraus to the south.” Now
it was Heinrich embarrassed, “I’ll have my quartermaster look into it. Better
yet, you can ask him yourself as he is currently up at the picket line. Ask for
Willus Habicht.”
The baron continued, “Along the way, might you drop off
loaves of bread to the Hope Square prison? It is run by sister Hildegunde
of the Shallya Temple. Even the accused must have hope.” And that’s when they
all heard a loud distant “BOOM!” The baron exclaimed, “We’ve heard such over
the past weeks.” Agnes suggested, “Perhaps you could send scribes out at
distance and separation to record the direction to possible triangular the
Picket Line: They pulled their heavy coats tight as they rode into the blustery wind carving thru the mountains. They were supplied with provisions for themselves and their steeds. They passed old castle ruins that spoke of an age of old when man ruled the lands. Hours later they came upon a chain gain along the road. After offloading the bread at the Hope Square prison, they were soon back on the road.
And soon
crested a rise to take in the scene of the Brass Keep built upon a rise. At its
base a few miles west… the picket line comprised of numerous tents to support
200 men strong and a walled palisade. All looked to be in a sorry state of
Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/11/s5e16-thr-not-so-ready-on-picket-line.html
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