S5E13 tHR- Corrupted Minds and Monsters

From the Beginning: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/06/s0e1-introductions.html

PCs: Agnes (Duane), Mor (Bill), Gary (Matt), Katja (Geoff). The wizard and Ogre absent.

ReCap: During their briefing with the Graf, they are asked to visit the Temple of Mor regarding an Unterfraus miner’s corpse with strange, green-tinged wounds. Awaiting their charter to travel near the Brass Keep, they are sent eastward to the village of Gladbeich where Baron Holzbek requested assistance (on another matter) as his troops are fighting goblins in the mountains. They are accompanied by their old spy contact, Natissa, who wants to checkup on the Graf’s bastard son, Baron Henrich Tödbringer, at the border.

Following the Body: Orderlies at the Temple of Mor explained, “Priests from the Temple of Ulric claimed the body for examination per interest in his wounds. Apparently a traveler, Pietr Wagner, was asked to bring the wounded man to Middenhiem. I heard he is staying at the Regents House in Ostwald. As for the miner, Gilbert Vogel, he died along the way from his wounds. The man had lost his right arm. The wound cauterized but a green color was spreading. You’ll have to ask the surgeons who took the body.” Agnes already concerned about a contagion and thus need to find the traveler in case he infected too.

But the Temple of Ulric was closer. “Greetings. Ah, the Graf’s Champion and friends. We just finished dissecting the body earlier today. It is still on the examination table if you’d like to see.” As told, its right arm missing. Legs flayed open and chest carved: classic ‘Y’ cut to access the internal organs. Agnes focused on the cleaved arm wound: cauterized as if from the weapon itself. But most strange was the spiral pattern on the shoulder. As if something bore into the flesh. Gary was at a loss what weapon could cause such wound.

A physician explained, “According to the traveler, the spiral wound stopped drilling into the flesh once Gilbert died. He died from weakness rather than disease. But it is interesting how our metal tools heat up near the wound.” Mor opened his senses and felt a weak flow of chaos aura which suggested warpstone, “Have you probed into the spiral to see if something imbedded?” Agnes lifted a knife and began to cut: confirming the knife did grow warmer while not finding anything under the skin. Only a puff of greenish dust and small leak of dark blood.

They journeyed to the Regent House where they found Pietr entertaining the crowd with stories of his travels. They steered his story to Gilbert after providing a full mug. “4 days ride; I thought I could get him here in time. His co-workers explained he led the mining team into the tunnels when they witnessed undead spirits ahead. Green spark lightning, red eyes. Had to be undead per the screeching sound it made. His men said it was cold lightning that blew his arm clean off. Cauterized on the spot. All during our 4-day travel, Gilbert constantly complained. Never shut up. Kept repeating, 'It’s so cold, so hot. The eyes!'." Gary shared knowledge of ghosts, “Sounds like the specter latched onto Gilbert. They say ghosts follow their target and those around it. Could be after you! Your best protection is to sleep with an onion in your socks. And in the morning, eat the onion to keep it away in daylight. Your foul breath versus its.”

Unexpected Visitor: That night a carriage rolled up to their villa. Fritz answered and ushered in the watch captain, Heimarad Gaffel, who explained, “Someone wants to discuss matters in private… sworn to secrecy.” Fritz woke the others who welcomed their visitor: Princess Katarina and her chaperone, Hildegarde. The princess dismissed the captain before she explained her visit. “First, I want to thank you for your service to my father. But there is a matter of discretion I must ask of you. I’m sure you have heard of my brother at the border trying to stave off war. My stepmother was a Nordlander, married per alliance necessities. But ever since she died, the Nordlanders want to separate from father’s rule. Baron Karzburdger is our nearest ally to the matter, and we need his support to shore up the border. He was to meet with father the other day but left in a huff.”

Gary leered at Venegral and confessed, “I’m afraid we might have had something to do with the baron skipping out. Whatever we can do to help.” Katarina suddenly changed subjects, “Is it true? Are skaven real? The Ministry of Health has been so focused on cats. Only recently has father reopened the rat-catcher guild. I remember my father, a devote follower of Ulric, tortured those who spoke of such matters. But with all you have uncovered, he is starting to doubt the White-Wolf’s preaching. I think the people need to know but father disagrees.” The elf suggested Professor Hasche with evidence. Agnes suggested having the ratcatchers or dwarves parade a captured skaven thru the streets. The princess concluded, “I’m drafting the charter requesting the baron allow you access thru his lands near the Brass Keep. See me when you get back from your latest task. I should have your charter finished. And if/when you see the baron, I suggest you ply him with wine and weapons to appease his wounded pride.”

Morning Departure: They shook the light snow from their coats as they settled into their saddles for the almost 3-day ride to Gladbeich. Mor requested early camp, so he had time to search for material to craft arrows. With night watch set, it was Agnes on morning shift who heard the shuffled limp of someone trying to sneak up. “Who goes there?” Agnes threw snowballs to wake the others. Gary scrambled to don his armor, only to find Agnes treating a little girl in camp who nursed an infected scar on her face. “There are more, hiding in the woods. Call them in.” A lone woman, with the lower part of her left arm chopped off, herded a dozen more kids forward. “Please, we are starving.” Gary suspicious of an ambush. Agnes nurturing. Mor displeased, “Yes, feed them and send them on their way.”

Zelda settled near the fire and told their plight, “Men on horses raided our village near Immelscheid. I did not recognize their banners with ships but they wore blue and yellow clothing. 7-8 of them… they wielded guns and axes as they slew my friends, claiming it would further their cause. I played dead when they chopped my forearm off. Little Kathrine bravely played dead even when the horse-hoof clipped her cheek.” Agnes barked orders for the others to feed the starving refuges. Mor quickly set traps in the woods while Gary dug out rations to hand out. Agnes’ allies were disgruntled when they learned they had to backtrack half-a-day to accompany the refuges to the nearest village.

Back on the road, they quickened their pace, hoping to catch up to the raiders. From Zelda’s description, Gary surmised them “Nordlanders just as the princess warned. But raiding parties this far inland from their border?” Hours later, a tense moment when Gary fell from his saddle during the hard ride. The cavalry man rose from the dirt, dusting off the snow, “Damn little urchins must have played with my saddle straps. Knew I shouldn’t have let them ride along.” Natissa stifled a snicker. But the delay meant they wouldn’t catch up today. They continued the pace to at least not lose ground. Agnes called for regular stops to tend the horses. And when they did stop to camp, Mor went alone on foot to scout ahead. He returned during mid-watch to report, “I got about 3 miles ahead. Saw a distant campfire maybe another 5 miles ahead. We should catch them tomorrow.”

Morning: Full breakfast. Gary insisted, “Can’t go into battle on an empty stomach.” Gary and Agnes took lead with Katja and Mor at the rear which put Natissa guarded in the middle. Almost noon when they caught up with the invaders. But rather than attack, Agnes preferred peaceful banter. She rode closer to then call out, “Hail strangers. What business have you in Middenland?” The riders stopped and turned to face Agnes’ Orphans, “Well met. We are on a mission from count Gausser who proclaims your Graf a vile man who killed our beloved emissary he married. Degrading rumors she unfaithful and barren. Yet we know it your Graf the unfaithful one. The count and we followers tire of the boot your Graf wields at our throats. Thus, we’ve come to bloody his nose and image. Death to the Graf!”

Words that caused Gary to raise his pistol in ‘fast-shot’. A miss but call to action as the riders charged. Mor already dismounted, loosed 2 swift arrows before leading his horse to the trees. Agnes notched an arrow and dropped one of the wounded before she rode into tree cover. While Natissa rode to the trees, Katja fired a bolt that killed another. Four proclaimed ‘Freedom Fighters’ leveled pistols at Gary: mostly misses, one bullet (slowed per shield penetration) glanced off his armor. Mor notched an arrow and dropped another rider as Gary charged into the fray and freed another horse of its rider. Agnes charged from the trees and slew another, while Natissa also charged (her swing blocked). Mor dropped the lone rider trying to escape while the others surrounded their soon-to-be prisoner.

Katja threw a net over the Nordlander as further humiliation of his capture as the man pled, “Spare me that I might report to the count his misgivings.” But when Agnes declined the plea with plan to present him to the Graf, the man cried out, “Please no! I don’t want to grow a 3rd arm in his corrupt presence. My count says your Graf is an agent of the Death Lord!” Gary reasoned, “After you survive encounter with the Graf, maybe then you will be wise enough to see the fallacy of your count’s words and can return to him to tell the truth.” Mor added, “That, or we turn you over to the survivors of the village you plundered. The orphaned kids might want an eye-for-an-eye, or arm, revenge.”

With prisoner in tow, they road on to the plundered village and witnessed the atrocity of the burned and dead bodies. Mor tossed the man a shovel to dig graves, “Theirs, or your own if you try to escape.” They continued on to Immelscheid where they turned over their prisoner. Then road onward till they reached a fork-in-the-road. Where they parted company with Natissa who exclaimed, “I hope to have Baron Henrich with me upon my return.”

Gladbeich: The town was just at the edge of the foothills on the Middle Mountains, still within the eastern boundaries of the Drakwald Forest. 2 nervous guards with spears stood on the wooden palisades, “State your business. To see Baron Holzbek? Praise be to Ulric! The Graf has sent help. Enter; you will find the baron at the Floodstone Tavern.” The guards flinched and gazed eastward at the shrill cry. “The beast! They have killed many a hunter sent out to track them. Began a fortnight ago (2 weeks). We see you even brought an elf to hunt the foul things.”

Apply named, the tavern was built next to a huge boulder obviously washed from mountain floods eons ago. 3 patrons on the porch rocked forward at the newest arrivals. Not impressed when Katja showed her KITUM badge. The group entered and were pleasantly greeted by the 50ish innkeeper, “Come in! Rooms? I’ll have my wife prepare meals.” At least he was impressed when they claimed to be “Heroes of Middenheim. In answer to the baron’s call for help.” A voice from the back called them forward, “Send them back here.” 40ish and skinny, Baron Holzbek reached out to welcome them, “Irvin, bring drinks. On my tab.”

Holzbek explained his request, “My soldiers are out dealing with the goblin issue in the mountains. Breed like rats but we can handle them. The beast on the other hand… I have few men and only farmers in the village. A fortnight ago, we heard a loud muffled sound, like an explosion, that caused a minor avalanche. Within days, we began to hear the beast’s howl. I sent hunters to investigate. None returned. I sent another team that scrambled back with news of 2 beasts with heads of rats! Veronika saw them. She is out again; should return shortly. The best hunter.” For the third time since entering the town, they too heard the beast’s howl. The baron reported, “All hours of the day and night. The villagers are afraid to tend their fields. Let me introduce you to them.”

News had already spread of the heroes’ arrival. The baron stepped out onto the tavern stoop, “Good people of Gladbeich, the Graf has sent his finest warriors. THEY will bring the beasts down. Come, welcome them.” Not that there were a lot of people, but they all crowded into the tavern. And hung on every word as Katja launched into storytelling, “We once faced a dragon as tall as a 2-story house! Our dwarf companion, praise his soul, took down the beast with bombs.” The crowd scanned for a dwarf but only saw the elf. Gary explained, “We lost the dwarf but got an elf in return. Bum deal but we’ll learn to adjust.”

It was near sunset when the young hunter returned, “Here’s Veronika now.” Barely 14, dressed in green clothing. Gary questioned her abilities. She retorted, “Filthy goblins took down my father with an arrow. I took his mantel as leader of the town. The baron has come to lend aid to us serfs in his realm. The beasts? I barely caught a glimpse. Ten days since the first mournful cry.” Agnes questioned, “Have you seen skaven?” Despite the village obvious Ulric followers, she wasn’t shocked at the question, “The mountains are full of all things. As for the beasts, mostly rocky terrain but the few tracks I’ve found are at least 2-feet in length. And deep. Still haven’t found the other missing hunters. I’ve scoured the area within 5 miles of our town. Come morning, I can show where I last found tracks.”

Morning: She led them eastward almost 5 miles before pointing out a cliff, “That’s where I saw its shadow.” Mor knelt among the pebble path, recognizing rocks pushed aside per a drag mark. Katja’s dog sniffed further up the path and whined. “What is it buddy?” They gathered around the dog that found days old blood smears. They climbed higher and paused as a bestial scream erupted. So loud they had to cover their ears. [Lore/Beasts] Mor recognized the tone of a griffon, “Sounds hurt!” He led the climb higher till they reached a plateau. A horseshoe landing surrounded by higher cliffs and a cave entrance to the side.

And that’s when a griffon emerged from the cave. Its left wing gone! Sheared off. But most disturbing was the hole on its side where a maw appeared with flicking tongues! The tongues as if rings of flaming tendrils. “What the hell kind of mutation is that?!” [failed Cool] While concerned for the beast, Mor still kept his distance. “Agnes, can’t you heal the creature? I’ve heard tell your Emperor rides such beast.” Agnes actually thought to concur, not so much to heal, but to mercifully put the beast down. Gary stood in disbelief, “Are you crazy?! It’s a mutation! Kill it.” As if the beast could understand, it charged! Gary quickly reacted, slicing its foreleg (bleed). The griffon fought back with fury. [Resilience to pick his roll of 11] Only by its off-balanced attack (less one wing) did the Cavalryman survive! The claw barely scrapped his helm.

Caught off-guard by its sudden attack, Mor ‘fast-shot’ an arrow in its side. And despite their history of encountering such large beasts (i.e. the Jabberslythe that killed Rega), Agnes closed into melee. Katja didn’t have a choice: she was already in reach. [Fate] While she did hit it, the griffon reacted [critical block] with a back-handed-clawed strike that cleaved armor from the bounty hunter’s arm.

And that’s when a glint up high caught Mor’s notice, “Skaven snipers atop the cliff!” His words barely said before rifle shots rang out. It took a pair of skaven to hold and aim their long barreled Jezzial rifles. 3 teams that aimed at the elf: 2 misses but a solid hit to his right arm.

Decisions: the elf knew the skaven had to reload. So, he maneuvered to sink an arrow into the griffon. [4 advantage 2nd attack] And notched another to bring the beast down, freeing up his allies to face the skaven threat. Gary was ready to give ground in retreat till the elf charged the cliffs. “Damn it!” He charged too. Agnes fired an arrow and moved to the side while the skaven reloaded.

You would think the dead griffon’s body would give cover. Instead, Katja and Veronika joined the rush toward the base of the cliff. Agnes was caught in the open as 2 rifles were reloaded and fired her way: a miss and a headshot! She wobbled from the corrupting strike. The others had no chance to climb the sheer cliff which at least provided them cover. But the elf (Scale Sheer Surface) quickly climbed the cliff face and confronted the snipers. He sunk an arrow into one skaven thus disabling one rifle usage. The other skaven abandoned their rifles and fled. Too many to kill and too few arrows remaining, Mor held his fire. He tossed down the rifles, smashing them on the rocks below.

Katja and Veronika searched the cave and emerged with reported find of the missing hunters. At least their bones. As Agnes tended wounds, the elf produced a booklet he’d retrieved from the dead skaven. “It’s written in their scratch language. Can’t the wizard read such? Shouldn’t he have caught up with us by now?” Before departing the area, Mor knelt beside the griffon and said prayers over the creature, “Such a majestic creature. I must find out how it was corrupted and put an end to whatever threatens my realm of the woods and nature.”

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/11/s5e14-thr-careful-what-you-look-for.html


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