S5E5 tHR- “Brood Over This”

From the Beginning: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/06/s0e1-introductions.html

PCs: Agnes (Duane), Katja (Geoff), Venegrall (Tony), Rega (absent), Gary (Matt), Ymath (absent)

“Heroes of Middenheim” and members of ‘KITUM’ (Kommission for Inquiries into Threats Unknown to Middenheim).

Prior: They found the traitor within the Sewer Jack’s office and solved the murders while also learning about a skaven map of the sewers. They also dealt with Gelb and his brute henchman who broke into Professor’s Haeske’s office.

They now head west to harvest magic ingredients (such as organs from a Dark Pegasus rumored to be in a nearby swamp. Since they are heading west, Marshall Schutzmann asked them to check into the mining town of Obeurmaur, “Why has it stopped producing iron? And also find out why we haven’t received weekly reports from the Jaegar Keep.”

Spit Froth Tavern: By the time they entered Obeurmaur, Rega had developed a festering wound on his head from the Skaven filthy-blade cut days ago. Putrid puss leakage that made even he crimp his nose as they entered the tavern filled with out-of-work miners. Showing the paper signed by Schutzmann, they were introduced to Johann Wulderbreck, the mayor. Gary asked the obvious, “Them afraid to enter the mine? Can you not beat them into submission?!” Johann ignored the comment as he explained, “19 days ago, the first miner went missing. Yes, around the time a Law-Lord came to visit. Now that I think about it, don’t seem to recall him leaving.” Agnes explained how the Law-Lord was a fugitive. If seen, point him out so they capture him.

They listened to idle chatter as they emptied their mugs. “Excuse me. I’m Martina, the mine foreman. The mayor said you were here by order of the Graf to inquire about the mine. There are actually 2 men missing. Axel was the first missing 19 days ago. Kurt went missing 8 days ago. Lower level, looking for new iron veins. Teams were sent in to look for them. Although there were some pit-prop (bracing timber) failures, there were no cave-ins. But if you plan to explore for yourself, be warned about gas pockets. Avoid exposed flames.”

Noon: No time like the present to investigate; Martina led the way to the mine. Venegral was the first to notice the man following them. Wearing a puritan hat with bones shoved in its brim. He rattled a gourd filled with pebbles as if a cleansing motion at the wizard. “I can sense your aura and recognize your robes marking you a caster of magic. Are you evil like the others before you? 50 years ago, another entered the mine and brought forth a demon. Then weeks ago, another from Mordheim entered. Legend says if another wizard enters, it marks the end of time.” Martina scoffed at the man, “Do not pat attention to Crazy Wilhelm.”

Martina led the way into the mine, directing them left or right at various branches, toward an enormous chamber with a mined shaft. “That’s to the lower tunneling.” Gary dropped a rock into the darkness to determine its depth… 25 feet? Martina pointed out a collapsed chamber towards the rear, “That was collapsed before we began mining this area. Neither man would be under its rubble.” Agnes’ Orphans stepped forward to inspect the bracings. Pitted lumber, as if chewed! Katja noticed tracks… 3-clawed prints, “Like skaven, but these are larger!” Per their under-mountain experience or book lore knowledge, Rega and Venegral surmised, “Tunneling rats! Brood Horrors as some call them. Skaven behind this.”

Descent: They descended by ropes into the void using Gary’s lantern for light, along with Venegral’s magical illumination. Down further passages single file, guided by the wizard sensing lingering dark-magic aura. “This way.” Martina recognized the area, “We are near where the men went missing.” But Rega was distracted by the vibrations along the side-wall rocks, “Back Up! It’s about to collapse!”

Indeed. Collapsed inward as an enormous rat burst thru the wall, separating Rega from the others. Martina scrambled backwards in fear as the others fought off their own fears (Resolve) as a Brood-Horror broke into their passage. “BLAM!” Smoke leaked out Gary’s pistol barrel from his Fast-Shot reaction. Another Cool test required to not panic at the sight of the creature’s wound starting to close. “It can regenerate!” And to make matters worse, 2 skaven climbed up and over its back to engage the investigators. But Rega was too busy, alone on the other side of the beast, dodging its snapping maw, to notice or care. One against a monster as best he could tell. He lit a cinderblast-bomb and tossed it under the Brood’s belly. Unable to escape the blast range, the dwarf could only hope the beast’s legs would shield him.

Gary and Katja fought off the skaven as Venegral began channeling energy. “KABOOM!” The bomb exploded under the soft underbelly of the Brood, yet it still stood. And magically began to heal. Rega at least hoped it distraction to allow him to crawl over the beast, back toward his allies whom he could hear battling on the other side. But Rega slipped and fell prone. At least the skaven were quickly vanquished as Agnes too was swinging her hammer, as Katja twanged bolts from distance. And Gary able to pull another pistol to blast away at the Brood, causing it to bleed. Damn magical beast bled acid that splashed on those in melee (Gary, Agnes, Rega).

Wounded by acid-blood dripping on him from a raised Brood leg raised over his prone form, Rega could only try to roll out of its way. But a fallen bracing timber blocked his escape. [Fate] that the clawed Brood foot stomped on the timber instead of the dwarf. “Thanks be to Grungni! And Sigmar!” [Can’t be too stingy thanking the gods.] Rega stood and did the only thing possible: he lit another bomb, “Fire in the hole!”

The only hope was to inflict more wounds faster than the beast could regenerate. Blade, bolts, hammer, and another explosion that rocked the tunnel threatening collapse. Fortune the only thing collapsing was the Brood Horror. Just as the wizard was ready to cast… he pointed down a side-tunnel to discharge his stored magical energy.

They climbed over the dead beast to join Rega so Agnes could heal the masses. They then entered another large cavern that Martina explained where the missing men had been exploring for new veins. Indeed, a sidewall collapse now recognized caused by the Brood. “The beast must have surprised them and made a meal of them.”

Downward: It was Rega to suggest, “Skaven came forth with the beast. Let’s follow its tunneling to find the origin.” Once again, single file. Soon they needed rope to aid their descent down a slope toward the 3rd level of mining operations. Where the stench was overwhelming. All covered their noses. And almost reflex-heaved when they heard others gagging at the stench. Intersections, forks, branches. Venegral followed the lingering wisp of magical aura. The tunnels finally transitioned from clawed tunneling to worked skaven passages.

They readied when they saw a greenish glow ahead. Gary and Rega held up in their noisy armor to allows others to stealth forward. Except Katja kicked a loose rock within the chamber, rousing notice from the gathered skaven. Gary’s Fast-Shot wounded one wielding a rattling-gun while other skaven raised their own warpstone-fueled weapons at the exposed Katja. Rega oh-so ready to test his mortar-pistol to launch a bomb into the gathered clutch of rats, yet he couldn’t trust his allies not to charge in to aid Katja, putting them at risk. So, he pounded his shield to threaten the enemy [Beat-Blade].

And charge they did. Agnes and Gary entered into melee while Katja loosed bolts and Venegral cast magical darts. Rega engaged to even the numbers as they slew their foe. To Agnes’ displeasure, Venegral captured one. “We can bring it back to the city as live evidence for Professor Hasche.” They retreated at the sound of more skaven further within the tunnels. And as they reached the slope that gave access to these lower tunnels, Rega set a bomb to collapse it. “That should stop them. Unless they have another Brood tunneler.”

They returned to Obeurmaur to announce the mine cleared. Reward from the mayor. A night of celebrations. And storytelling, “Have you heard the 113-year-old story of Hurdy-Gurdy of Hothelhoth?”

Next Day: They continued westward on their assigned quest to determine why no reports from the Jeager Keep. Yet as they neared the half-day distant keep, they heard the din of angry voices ahead. And reined in their horses at the approach of 30 men yielding pitchforks and torches.

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2022/09/s5e6-thr-purple-rain.html


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