S5E3 tHR- “Anyone else hear that?”
From the Beginning: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/06/s0e1-introductions.html
PCs: Agnes (Duane), Katja (Geoff), Venegrall (absent), Rega
(Bill), Gary (Matt), Ymath
“Heroes of Middenheim,
members of ‘KITUM’: Kommission for Inquiries into Threats Unknown to Middenheim.
Afternoon: Agnes
took time to sketch (01) Erich Kalzbad per the family portrait at the top of
the stairs before the group left to pursue clues.
First stop: the
store in Gelbman, owned by Piotr Paval Englebrecht, where the receipt showed
payment for a plague mask. The store in flames. “What happened here?!” Their
question ignored by those tending a bucket-line attempt to drown the fires. Gary
was the first to smell the scent of sulfur which hinted at “demon work.” Agnes
noticed a man leaning against a barrel with a distant look on his face…shock.
When Agnes approached, he tried to walk away till she collared him, “Spill it.
What did you see?”
It didn’t take much (Gary provided Britonian wine) to get the
would-be thief (Ajbeorn Thalor) to confess, “Dancing flames! Just remember, I
didn’t touch anything. Been casing the place awhile now. Strong-box delivered
regularly. The way they guarded it, I figured gold. I planned to heist it
except it wasn’t delivered this week. But that’s when I saw that man… carried
in a chair… just opened his coat and flames shot out. Flames dancing thru the
doorway and windows.” Agnes showed Ajbeorn her sketch. “Yeah, that’s the man on
the chair! Left up that alleyway.” They all quickly reasoned Erich was covering
his tracks before his planned departure out of the city.
Next stop: Stifel
Emporium per the found (3 gold and 14 silver) receipt. [Well, except
for Rega who feared Erich might have learned of the ‘skaven in a barrel’ at the
college. He headed there to check on it and warn of the potential threat.] The
bell above the door rang as they entered the store. “Welcome, welcome to
Stifel’s alchemical supplies. Need salves, balms, ointments? Anything else and
I’ll need to see your license.” Gary showed his ‘hero coin’ then the receipt,
“On business for the Graf. I’m sure you want to cooperate to keep your doors
open.” Stifel swallowed at the threat, “Yes, I, I remember the order. See the
marks… spell components. But I didn’t have them in stock; he wanted me to
deliver when they come in tomorrow.” Stifel fumbled with his ledger, “Here it
is. Erich Kalzbad. I swear I checked his license. Well, at least a couple years
ago. He comes in often enough, no reason to suspect him disbarred. Delivery,
yes. Uh, said to bring it to the purple door on Belgestrail Road.”
Rega walked down the college hall to Professor Hasche’s office.
Relief at finding the barrel still in the corner. He explained his concern to
the professor and her assistants, Karl and Gaius. “Just be on the lookout for a
man being carried thru the streets on a chair. How the hell should I know what
to do… just call for the city watch.”
Wizard Guild: Rega returned to the
others just exiting the store as they now headed to the Wizard’s Guild. Where
the High Wizard, Albrecht Helseher,
was not happy at their report. “Erich? No, he’s not registered with us. Rogue
you say; surprised he hasn’t attracted the attention of our local
Witch-Hunters. The components listed on the receipt are more for spells of
mental pain. Yet you say he can cast fire. Did witnesses describe the color of
his clothing? Red? Then I’d guess him of the Order of Fire.” Katja inquired
about reward, “I AM a bounty hunter. 10 gold per tier? And how do we tell his
tier? Oh, by his depth of threatening spells. Then let’s hope it is something
we can handle.” At least Albrecht confirmed Stifel a reputable dealer.
& Flail Tavern: Them close enough to check in on the hangout of ‘The Red
Shield Company’ who supplied the men carrying Erich around in his sedan-chair. Enough
weapons and armor for them to look like they fit in (former soldiers,
mercenaries, city guard). Maybe 10 patrons stood near the bar as there were no
tables or chairs. Katja and Agnes joined conversations asking if anyone hiring.
“Too late. Boltzman’s Blitz Company just hired a few men to join
ranks east in that conflict between Ostland and Talebecland. Not much else…
well, there was that nobleman who hired guards to escort him to Krudenwald.
Hear tell they are carrying him around the city first in one of those chair
contraptions. Degrading but hell it pays. For a Lord, he sure was a smelly arse
man. Yeah, the ‘Red Shields’ men hired on with him; Sgt Stoll their leader. I
assumed Lord for the coins he offered. Speak of the devil… there’s Stoll now!”
The man
walking thru the doors hung his head in despair as he stepped to the bar to
order a pint. Gary put coin on the counter, “Rough day? Care to share your
troubles?” Stoll drained the mug, “Got in over my head. Now gotta find a way
out.” Stoll assumed he was confessing to others kicked out of service, “Been
hired out to the nobleman a few years now. Him from the treasury. I swear I
didn’t know what he was doing. Turned a blind eye for a decent cut. Every
Taxday he’d sign out 2 large boxes of coin from the treasury. I delivered one
to the barracks for the army’s pay. He didn’t say, but I found out later he had
the other box delivered to an empty warehouse. The same one my men carried him
to today that he torched. THAT’s how I found out. He threatened me not to tell
or he’d expose me in the plot.”
Agnes put her
arm on his shoulder, “Confession is good for the soul. And the fact we work for
the Graf…” The color of Stoll’s face drained white… “Fear not. We’ll leave your
name off the report if you help us catch the man.” Stoll opened up, “I’m supposed
to meet him at 7 bells tomorrow night at the Castlerock Coaches Stand (taxi
stand) to settle up. You’ll take my place? Thanks be to Sigmar. One less time
to suffer his smell and that damn acrid smelling pipe of his.”
Purple Door: They had
to circle the block a few times considering the street names missing on a few.
They easily spotted the ‘Red Shield’ man leaning against the purple door,
cleaning his nails with his knife. They found a few locals who knew, “That
place? Been long abandoned till a few days ago. Fresh painted door. I guess
they favor princess Katarina’s choice of color. Well, her old color. Maybe 4-5
people come and go. Yeah, now that you mention it, I did see a pompous man
carried inside in a chair. Flaunt his money… he could throw some coins this
Rega stealthfully circled the block to measure the building and
look for windows and backdoor. “The only thing I saw was an old door long
bricked up just to the south of the guard. I’d have to get closer to see if
it’s a secret escape.” It became a long, tiring indecision whether to deal with
it now or later. “I don’t like killing on an empty stomach.” Agnes argued,
“Nobody said anything about killing. We just bribe the guard to leave.”
Morning Delivery: With the
others hiding in shadows up the street, Agnes and Katja approached the guard.
“Delivery. Is Erich in? Stifel told me to deliver in person; get Erich’s mark.”
But the glint of morning sun on Rega’s armor caught the guard’s eye, “What’s
going on?!” Agnes changed tactics, “How much is he paying you? I can offer 3
gold for you to keep breathing and drinking at your favorite tavern. Begone.”
As he shuffled off past the others, “Tell those inside you didn’t see me.” Rega
used the chance to look closer at the bricked-up door… century old mortar. Gary
opened the real door spilling morning light into the warehouse. A lantern on
the other side of bales of hay located other guards obviously playing dice.
“Johann, it’s still your shift. Piss on the street like everyone else! Get back
If there was any thought of stealth… drawn to the light of the
still open door, the 3 guards came to check it out. Gary greeted the first with
a pistol shot to his chest (fast-shot). Rega was forced to help end it early as
he threatened with his own pistol, “Surrender on order of the Graf.” Ain’t
happening. The wounded guard bolted to get away as the others drew bows even
though outnumbered. Fools. They soon lay dead. The one trying to escape? Katja
gave fair warning, “Surrender or we’ll let you go.” THAT confused her allies.
No backdoor. Him captured. “Ain’t worth dying. I was just hired days ago.
Erich? Thru that door behind the haybales.” Agnes instructed the prisoner,
“Open the door and tell your boss it was an accidentally discharge. You were
just goofing around.”
[Poor lie considering none of the guards carried black-powder
weapons.] No sooner did the prisoner open the door than he was consumed by
flames that danced across his now prone body. Inside: the wizard Erich stood
defiant… his cape flashed open revealing a fireball belching penis. Penis,
tentacle… a mutation!
Rega initially thought to douse the dancing flames (the crackling
flames almost sounded like hysterical laughter) with a flask of water till he
reasoned better. He lite a bomb and ran for cover behind the bales, “Fire in
the hole!” Agnes loosed an arrow in hopes the flames had solid substance. Gary
backed away per the announced bomb. And the flames, not guarding the door as
hoped, advanced on Rega and Agnes! The fire burnt thru the straps on the
dwarf’s left arm bracer as it flared across his arm, threatening his beard.
Katja shot a bolt thru the doorway, hitting the wizard. Just
before Rega’s bomb exploded. The concussion close enough to extinguish both
flames that threatened Rega and Agnes. Allowing the warpriestess chance to put
out the flames climbing Rega’s arm. Which the dwarf held high to keep away from the other bombs strapped at
his waist! The fire relief only temporary as the wizard’s tentacle
belched 2 more dancing flames. It worked so well the first time, Rega lit and
tossed another bomb. Agnes extinguished one with a well-placed arrow. Katja
backed away and defended against the other flame. Now lined up, Gary blasted
thru the doorway at the wizard.
As the tentacle belched more dancing fires, the wizard cast at
Gary (save) who momentarily shook off a throbbing headache that quickly
receded. Meanwhile, once again Rega was on fire, extinguished by Agnes. Gary
raised another pistol and blasted a hole in the wizard. He and his tentacle
penis dead. But the other fires raged on till eventually extinguished. Only
then did Agnes realize her peril extinguishing the dwarf who carried more
bombs, “What if those flames touched the fuses?!”
Gary knelt beside the wizard as he searched the body. “Has a
purple-hand tattoo. And here’s another coded letter.” Rega searched the now
silent warehouse, recognizing it once was a Temple to Sigmar centuries ago.
Abandoned except for the now defaced statues of Sigmar and his friend and
shield-brother Pendrag. Meanwhile, Agnes deciphered the coded letter:
friends of change, It is
time. Our many hands must come together as one. For too long the purple hand
has worked as fragments eac to its own agenda. We have sown glorious caos but
to bring the time of canges we must act as one under a campion in shadows. Your friend, Castor Lieberung |
Rega puzzled, “Kastor Lieberung? I thought that was Gary’s title.”
Schutzmann: After dropping off the
wizard body at the Wizard’s Guild (for 30 gold reward: 3-tiered wizard, impressive!),
they reported to the Watch Commander, Schutzmann. This time, the rat smell even
more evident. “Congratulations! From your description and this coded letter,
you’ve removed one of the leaders of the Purple-Hands. Their Ordo Impedimente.”
But Katja
wasn’t paying attention, “Anyone else hear that?” She edged closer to a corner
where she thought she heard faint scrabbling and whirring sound. At first, she
saw a metal flower protruding above a stack of books. But as she got closer,
she saw the giant rat covered in a mechanical harness with an ear-horn
listening rod sticking straight up. [Think antenna on a robot rat!] But as
Katja reached for it, the robot rat folded its antenna and scurried into a
mouse-hole. Katja knelt to look inside and saw green eyes peering back. She dug
in her backpack and offered ration scraps to lure it out. Rega assisted [Charm
Animal] as he readied his helmet to trap it when it came out. “Gotcha!”
Modi Zargul: They couldn’t get to the College of
Engineering fast enough! Where they met with Modi Zargul to show off their catch.
“Very interesting.” Using lead-lined gloves, the professor dissected the rat
and recovered a warpstone device. Curious,
he pressed a button on it and all heard repeated, “Anyone else hear that?” Along with
the rest of the conversations held inside Schutzmann’s office those last
days. Schutzmann pissed, “I’ll be damn! No wonder my plans these last days have
all been unsuccessful. Someone has been eavesdropping. Who could create
something like this?!” Modi answered matter-of-factly, “Clan Skyre of the
skaven.” Now Rega even more concerned for Professor Hasche, “Is our conversation
about the skaven in a barrel recorded? We need that evidence to convince the
entire city the skaven real and a threat!”
Schutzmann engaged even more, “All this excitement. I forgot
to tell you about another case I need your help with. There has been a string
of murders recently reported. Of concern is the triangular wound-mark at the
base of the skulls. Like that skaven symbol you showed me. 3 sewer workers
found dead, all within this last week. Two have already been catapulted over
the wall before the similar marks realized. Luck that one of the dead rich
enough to afford burial inside the city. Go talk to the Cult of Morr to
learn more.”
Cult of Morr: The caretaker Yegard
(scarred face and glass eye) smiled at their return, “Have you decided to make
down payments for your own future internment?” A little too excited… he
absentmindedly caught his glass eye when it suddenly popped out… and casually
re-inserted it before continuing. “We don’t have all of them. Sent two over the
wall already. But you’re in luck. Anston Kron was a Civil Engineer who could
afford burial, paid by his widow who lives in the Wynd sector. His body was
found in an alley in Nordtor. Another body, Yiva, was found inside the
Labourer’s Hospice building. The 3rd body was a sewer-jack, Haludan
Anston Kron Residence: Knowing it would
take hours to unearth the body, they visited Anston Kron’s widow who was
dressed in black with the symbol of Ulric held close. They showed their hero
coins. Condolences from Agnes as the others just wanted to interrogate her. “Anston
was working in the upper tunnels, getting ready to seal off the lower tunnels
he’d already mapped. Left that morning carrying his tunnel draft map. Said he
just had a few items to crosscheck and thus was working alone. They stole his
map! Why would someone steal his map? He was about to publish it like all his
other works for the city. His office? He works worked for the Kommission
of Public Works.”
Kommission of Public Works: Once again
they flashed their hero-coins “for official Graf business.” And thus, they were
shown to Anston’s desk. Bare top and empty drawers. “His interns cleared his
desk just yesterday. Names? I don’t remember. One was always chatty, the other
a bog galoot.” From the description, Agnes guessed aloud, “The chatty one… does
the name Gelb ring a bell? I thought so! Did you happen to notice if they had a
pouch around their necks? Missing any of their front teeth or perhaps have
clipped ears? Oh, long hair hid their ears. Never smiled to see their teeth.” Agnes
reminded the others, “Remember that letter from Gelb setting up their meeting with
Gotthard at the ‘Heaven’s Lament’? Sounds like the big lug is a
henchman.” Rega researched the payroll and confirmed Gelb listed his address as
the social club. “Interns can’t afford such housing! Yeah, there more to their
story! Definite skaven link.”
Labourer’s Hospice: Socialized medicine
for workmen comp. The caretakers perked up at the sight of Agnes, “Praise be to
Shallya for sending a priestess to help care for the injured.” But they were
disappointed when Agnes only offered inquiries, “What can you tell us about the
murder victim, Yiva, found days ago?” They were led up to the 2nd
floor to interview Ester who found the body. “Not a patient. He broke in thru
the window over there. I just happened to be walking by this normal empty room
when I heard a thud. I came in and found him collapsed in front of the window.
Stabbed in the neck. I know him a burglar because the city guard found a
grapplehook just outside the window. Like I said, this room normally
unoccupied.” Rega reasoned, “Empty gives him easy entry without detection.
Except his unluck you walking by. Anything of value on this floor?” Ester
explained, “This floor is for the poorer labourers. Not much to steal.”
And that’s when Katja did her own search, looking out the
window. She rushed down the stairs and outside to stand beneath the window. And
bent over to pick up a piece of scribbled paper. She rushed it upstairs for
those who could read to analyze. “Get Renald’s Delight here. Half-Nose.”
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