S3E9: Death on the Reik – Up the River Stir

Recap: Providence or prophesy? The 3-day delay for barge refitting allowed them to spy the return of Etelka from the Barren Hills. Accompanied by Herr Ernst. Has she found the missing item? Can their newest member, the dwarf Rega, track her? Can they uncover more of her plot? Dare them able to thwart her plans?!

Rega (Bill) dwarf Investigator

Brandiwyn (Tony) RiverWarden

Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger…absent

Gary (Matt) Warrior/Cavalryman

Sister Agnes (Duane) noble, Warrior Priestess of Shallya…absent

Katja (Geoff) noble, Entertainer/Bounty Hunter

Kemperbad: Rega stayed in the shadows to follow the pair, as the others followed him at a distance. Etelka walked without concern thru the shadier part of town enroute to the wealthier side where the pair entered the ‘Gilded-Lady’ restaurant. Inappropriately dressed, Rega hustled to the servant entrance, picked up a serving tray, [Entertain 02] and tried to blend in. While Katja was nobility, she was not dressed as such; therefore, she waited with the others across the street.

Meanwhile, inside, Rega worked his way near the pair going thru the motion of cleaning tables. Close enough to overhear Ernst argue, “So we didn’t find it this time. I still say we continue the search alone.” Etelka countered, “We hire morons to do the labor.” [Entertain 17 vs 20] Rega bent down to clean the adjacent table chairs when Etelka happened to look around before continuing, “My money. My plan. We hire help.” Rega finished his work then returned to the kitchen before stepping outside to piss in the alley. Really to relay his findings to the others.

Brandi was already scheming, “Let’s hustle to the docks and put up a ‘for hire’ post.” [from session S2E2] Agnes balked, “Don’t you remember the interaction with Ernst at the Coach & Horses Inn’ south of Weissbruck? He might remember us.” Rega injected, “We can always let them hire others and just follow their wagons.” Mallorhan snorted, “Your scent would give us away. Nor could you keep up with their wagons. Besides, who invited you?!” Gary remembered the encounter, “The lady didn’t even give us a look. Us beneath her. Ernst was too busy with his book to care. We’ll be fine, trust me.” More concerns, “Surely they’d recognize you Gary as “Kastor’.” But Brandi explained, “’Kastor’ is a purple-hand cult issue. These two are ‘red crown’ agents. We’ll be fine. Besides, as we ride with her, we can send the barge up the river as an escape route if needed.”

Morning: At the docks, Gary remained distant (just in case) as Katja was the group’s spokesperson. She couldn’t help but notice Etelka’s perfume: a musky lavender scent. [Entertain +8] “A gold a week, each? Well, besides us 3, we have 3 more available. As soon as they sober. Meet at the stables on the east side of town in 2 days? Where are we going? Unterbaum then north to a meteor site?” Rega played dumb, “Meet her who?” Brandi stepped in, “Meteor you fool. Excuse him my lady. All muscles and no brain. Unterbaum you say. I happen to have a barge; we could sail there.” Etelka smiled, “Overland is safer. The river Stir is shallow, fast with rapids, and besieged with pirates.”

Once they parted ways, the group rejoined. Two days to shop for overland supplies. “Remember, she said it would be 10 days to get to the site. She’s providing digging tools and a wagon. We’ll need our own means of travel and rations.” Rega asked, “If you can shop for me, I’ll try to research who the GraveLord is. See if the Sigmarites know anything about the local ‘red crown’ cult.” Gary loaned (at interest) Rega coin for his supplies. And charged some of his own supplies to the dwarf’s account. “He has to pay his way into our group.”

Two Days Later: Brandi arrived on the back of a draft-horse while Katja road a mule while Gary sat atop his loaned calvary horse. Rega settled atop Etelka’s wagon as the 2 nobles rode their own fine horses. Etelka led them along an eastern path paralleling the river. On occasions Brandi had chance to peer over the cliffs to spot the raging river 600 ft below. He was actually thankful he hadn’t sent the barge as backup.

As they stopped to camp, they set about foraging. Brandi found his traps empty while the dwarf returned with a brace of conies (3 rabbits), “Caught them with my bolas.” As Agnes cooked rabbit stew, Katja sat near Etelka to ask about the meteor. The witch explained, “Legend has it fell out of the sky some 200 years ago. The local druids blame it as the cause of the drought in the area.”

They woke to a dry and dusty day. Handkerchiefs over their noses did little to filter out the dirt. Rega snotted continuously. And dug tasty boogers out of his dried nose. Brandi took interest in Etelka pointing toward the river below. He borrowed Gary’s spyglass and observed goblins scrambling about logs and downed trees blocking the river: a trap for any ships. Etelka saw his concern, “They are river-goblins. They won’t climb to bother us.” That night, they feasted on their rations as game was scarce.

They plodded onwards 3 more days till Etelka pointed out giant druidic monoliths arched over the river from each side. She broke from the path and angled north, “Best to avoid the druids. We’ll approach their village from the north.” Something queer about her reasoning. Brandi questioned, “No trail, woods hide ambushes by beasts or wildmen. Are you not threatened?” But Etelka gloated, “The denizens of the woods will not bother us.” That night they feasted on deer Rega captured.

Day 6 out of Kemperbad: Agnes happened to be closest when Etelka leaned in, “Unterbaum lies in the next grassy plain. Don’t tell the druids where we go.” Before long, all sound was drowned by the roar of river falls as the Stir continued eastward but also branched northeast along the river Narn. Etelka bypassed the grassy plains of Unterbaum and led them across the Narn to the Inn of the Roaring Falls where she and Ernst paid for rooms. The group camped outside. But entered for food and ale. And to gather local rumors. But the roar of the falls made it almost impossible to hear. Besides, the locals were too busy betting on games of skill.

Coinless, Rega backtracked to Unterbaum to offer his smithing service. Gary joined him to keep watch on his loan. They were greeted by Astrid, “You come from the west?! We haven’t had travelers from there in months. Did you come for our spices? Our herbalist priest harvests them from up north.” Gary’s mind was already scheming profits from rare spices. As Rega settled at their blacksmith hut to earn coins, Astrid led Gary to the village elder, Vorster. Gary explained, “We’re on an expedition north.” Vorster surmised, “Have you not heard the area touched by chaos? Best you talk with our priest Corrobreth who can at least tell you areas to avoid. And areas of safety.”

Gary followed Astrid out of the village to an isolated hut where a strange man emerged with a bird on his shoulder. Corrobreth offered honey-mead while Gary traded his flask of scotch. Introductions complete, the druid began, “Praise be to Rhya. North is it? So, you’ve come for the meteor. You are not the first. Many generations ago was a dark time as Chaos poured out of their vile wastelands to despoil the lands and to gather souls to serve or be sacrificed to their despicable gods. Even the Chaos moon howled and spat evil upon us. We druids built stone circles around the places its foul spittle landed. The largest piece landed around ‘Devil’s Bowl’ where strange unnatural growths began to appear.” Corrobreth warned, “The stone circles will protect you. Besides foul beasts, you should be concerned what grows ON you if you stay outside the circles too long.”

Gary and Rega returned to the others at the Inn. Gary smiled as he showed off the spices he’d bought, “A gold per clump but worth ten-times that back in the city. And there is more to the north.” Agnes realized, “Did you not hear Etelka say NOT to speak to the druids?!” Gary furrowed his brow, “And when did you start listening to our enemy? At least the druid priest offered prayers of protection from the foul taint of Morrslieb cast across the land. He suggested the meteor be encased in iron to shield its corrupting effects.” Rega pondered, “From the size of it, that’s a LOT of iron! It would take me months if not longer to gather and smith such shield. Even if we were to break it into smaller pieces, I’d still need as much if not more iron.” Brandi added, “While bartering for trade, the druids say they need metal and grain. Yet I see little metal tools they use. Perhaps they already craft iron cages for the smaller pieces they find.”

Morning: Etelka led them north another 4 days. Yet along the way, Brandi asked for pay, “It’s been a week. Care to pay up?” Etelka countered, “I’ll pay upon return to Kemperbad. One gold each for the entire trip.” Brandi fumed, “You said 1 gold per week.” She only smiled. All were distracted by the twisted branches of a majestic oak under which Etelka settled for the night. Gary pointed out a near circle of stones, “We’ll camp over there if you don’t mind.”

That night they set up watch order. Katja saw movement under the oak tree. Using the spyglass, she saw beastmen silhouettes against the witch’s campfire. Katja woke the others. They planned, “Too many allies to attack her now. Wait till sunrise when those creatures slink back into their holes. We need a codeword to coordinate our attack. Pineapple. Now? What a stupid codeword; what if I said ‘Now’s not the time to eat.’”

The night drug on. The stench of beastmen in the air. And the foul green glow of Morrslieb overhead. An eerie weight upon their composure. At least the rising sun restored order as Agnes cooked fish Brandi caught. Each looked over their shoulders at the witch as they awaited the word. That never came. [Intuition] As if Etelka could read their minds. But Rega acted first, throwing his bolas and entangling Etelka’s arms as she was about to spread them to begin casting.

She mumbled strange words instead… and rose into the air. [levitate?] Bullets, bolts, and arrows followed her rise as blades and hammer were drawn against Ernst. Brandi grabbed his left arm as ‘magic missiles’ found their mark. Gary raised his 2nd pistol, “Boom!” and stepped aside as Etelka fell. Rega impaled Ernst with a poisoned dart that caused fatigue. It was of little consequence considering Brandi charged in with his blade Barrakul and hacked the man to death. Too late for Gary’s scream, “Damn it riverman, we wanted a prisoner!” At least Gary found comfort in plundering her body as he recovered 2 earrings and 2 rings “worth 50 gold.” And found 67 gold coins along with an onyx rod. Ernst had a travel case filled with 8 vials of a red liquid.

They were already dividing the loot and inspecting the onyx rod when they smelled smoke. The stench of flesh. They turned to find Agnes burning the bodies while repeating Corrobreth’s warning, “He said to burn anything tainted with evil. Just as my own beliefs guide my hands.” Still, just being around Etelka had an eerie effect. [Rega was the only one to fail his Endurance test and thus take 2 corruption points.]

Return to Unterbaum: Katja traded her mule for Etelka’s fine horse. And left Ernst’s horse for Brandi’s claim. Gary claimed the draft-horse as a supply horse, leaving Rega the mule, “Stubborn minds think alike.” When they met up with Corrobreth, the priest could not identify the rod. “You’d need a wizard’s evaluation. As for the Devil’s Bowl, I can show you the way. It’s best if we take canoes up the river Narn.” Brandi and the elf climbed into one, while Gary and Katja accompanied the priest. Leaving Rega and Agnes to fend for themselves in another canoe.

It should be no surprise that come nightfall, all were dripping wet when they beached their canoes. Each had rolled their canoe at one point along the river. Only because of Corrobreth’s guidance did they lash tools and rations to the canoes such that they did not lose anything when they rolled. It proved to be a wet and miserable night. At least they were rewarded the next day when Gary found a patch of spices within a druid circle of stones. In fact, the priest pointed out that was the only place to find the unspoiled spices. On the 3rd day they dealt with rapids, pulling the canoes ashore to walk around.

On the 4th day, after beaching the canoes, the priest gathered them around for a blessing before leading them inland. Past a stack of stones near a hill and into a valley. They spied a HUGE ring of stones before they got close enough to realize it the rim of a deep crater. 

“This is the Devil’s Bowl.” Filled with water. Brandi balked when Corrobreth suggested the meteor underwater, “You don’t expect me to swim in that do you? I might grow gills!” But the priest assured him, “The ring of stones will protect you.” It was minutes before Brandi surfaced, “There’s nothing down there. Whatever hit to form this crater is long gone.”

They searched for drag marks. Nothing. “Surely something that huge must have left a rut if drug out.” They setup camp inside a stone circle. Corrobreth told tales to take their minds off of the foreboding green hue of Morrslieb overhead. Just about to fall asleep, they heard a singing voice back near the stack of stone that marked the entrance to the valley. 

They sat up on edge. [failed Cool] Brandi and Gary shuddered when a ghost appeared, floating above the ground. White dress pocked with gaping wounds, yet no blood stains. “Heeelp me-eee. I am Brunhilde Gratten. Please, lay my bones to rest in a proper burial. Follow me and I’ll show you my makeshift grave.”

Agnes followed, next Rega, and then the others still shaken. Brunhilde told her tale as they walked in the night under torch light. “A century ago, I was hired by Dagmar von Wittgenstein to go on an expedition to find meteors that fell. Once we found them Dagmar started acting different and my men stole a key from him. Dagmar murdered me in my sleep and then buried my men alive. He did not find that my men had stolen his key before he left. He never returned and we have been at unrest ever since.”

Rega was the first to make the connection, “Wittgenstein. As in the castle overlooking the failing city of Wittgendorf!” Katja thought of the portrait inside the emperor’s signal tower, “Now I remember! That portrait looked exactly like the portrait the ghoul doctor in Wittgendorf had of Lady Margritte Von Wittgenstein. Family lineage.” Brandi pulled out an example from his pack, “Stole a key? Like this iron key we found in the signal tower basalt foundation?” Brunhilde confirmed, “Yes.” They arrived at the stacked stones before the hill. The ghost showed them a cave entrance. Gary balked, “I think we best wait till daylight. If evil roams the land, no telling what hides in there.”

Morning: They peered into the cave before cautiously entering where they found her shallow grave. She pointed south, “Dagmar buried my men alive down there. Careful. The land has tainted their spirits and compels them to attack.” 

And that’s when squeaking sounded from the entrance, “Where is it?! Submit. Stand still or die.” They turned to confront a man-size ratman. Realization, “Skaven?! Your kind was eradicated eons ago (1200 years?). This land truly is corrupt.” The rat leader continued to sniff, “It WAS here. Where is it?” Gary answered, “Gone.”

Contempt for their failure to submit, the leader lashed at the nearest: Brandi. [hit and critical] Claws raked his right arm, ripping thru his armor. Followed by a shield bash to the riverman’s chest. Brandi gasped for breath as he staggered backwards. Rega threw a dart that missed while Brandi’s own attack was blocked. More rats poured in from behind their leader. 

And soon, even more rats emerged from passages within the cave. Agnes’ Orphans over outnumbered and taking a beating as the skaven seemed to duck/dodge/dive/and thrust in coordination.

Their own blades and bullets did little to turn the tide. Corrobreth was the first to fall. Surrounded by 5 skaven, Gary was unable to lend combat support to Brandi who was fading fast from the leaders’ onslaught. [17 points to his left arm] Brandi collapsed and the leader advanced toward Rega and Katja battling other skaven. [critical] Katja hobbled when struck in the leg; her leg armor dangling by its straps. [critical] Gary too was losing armor as skaven claws seemed to find seams to pull it apart.

But Brandi wasn’t out of the fight. Prone and ignored, he drank a healing potion before standing and swinging Barrakul [ignores armor] at the leader’s back. [down to 1HP] The leader staggered as he turned to face his assailant: once more Brandi fell from wounds. As for the 4 skaven on Gary: [fumble] one hit himself, Gary blocked another, and blocked and critted another that bled out, and traded critical hits with the 4th. As for Katja: she swung and dropped the leader. Yet the other skaven fought on.

No healer able to get to Brandi about to lose consciousness. His last actions: to raise his pistol, “Blam!” and miss. But without their leader, the skaven broke. Squealing as they ran. Only then was Katja able to rush to Brandi’s aid and pour a potion down his throat. Brandi’s eyes fluttered back to life, “Did I get it?”

Gary looked with contempt at Brunhilde, “Why didn’t you warn us about them? Did you lead us into a trap?!” Agnes stepped forward to intercede, “Sit still and let me bandage your wounds. She warned us about corruption and evil upon the land. We’ll give her a proper burial then face her tainted men who hold the missing key.”

Next Session: https://rigglewwh.blogspot.com/2021/12/s3e10-enemy-withindeath-on-reik-in.html


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