S4E4 PBtT- Separating Chaff from the Wheat
Recap : Let me see if I’ve got this correct: Nuln residents Albrecht Oldenhaller and his merchant business partner Mattis Blucher are followers of the ‘Purple-Hand cult’ who worship Tzeentch. [Kastor Lieberung (Gary’s look-alike) was also a ‘Purple-Hands’ agent.] They stole a Nurgle gem (by accident or purpose) that they are shipping to Middenheim with planned arrival before the Hexenstag carnival (that begins in 3 days). To be delivered to another ‘Purple Hand’ agent: Capt Scharlach at the sign of the Crossed Keys, Hoffenstrasse. And Agnes’ Orphans just happened to become the transporters of said foul and evil item. At least its fake version: they ditched the real gem in the Altdorf temple of Sigmar for proper disposal. Agnes stopped at a famous Temple of Shallya where she learned: the Emperor’s sister, princess Isabella, is hiding out there. Isabella had a vision and thus warning to “seek the man who is not the man.” The temple mother suggested, “Seek the high matriarch Begengnen ...