S2E5: Shadows Over Boganhafen - Into the Sewers

Dead or Alive : Surely the emperor’s decree about “no harm to mutants” didn’t apply to goblins?! A 3-legged one at that! And with Dr. Malthusius and the local magistrate offering reward to return the beast, Agnes’ Orphans were eager to enter the sewers in search of treasure down under. Henryk (Bill) noble, career change: Ranger/Witch-Hunter Brandiwyn (Tony) career advance: Riverman with trained feral cat Mallorhan (Brian) wood-elf Messenger Gary (Matt) career change: Warrior/Cavalry Horseman Sister Agnes (Duane) noble, career advance: Nun, worshiper of Shallya Katja (Geoff) noble, career change: Bounty Hunter Into the Sewers : “What da ya mean there are no rat-catchers?! Got rid of a year ago? There’s no sewer map?” They had a choice: enter a nearby manhole and descend a rickety ladder, or head up to the northside and the walk-in opening. T...