
Showing posts from May, 2022

S4E9 PBtT- How to Serve Ratmen- Raw!

PCs : Agnes (Duane), Katja (Geoff), Brandywyn (Tony), Rega (Bill), Ymath (Brian) As Agnes waits for the drugged drink to affect Gotthard, she continues idle chat, “Court rumor has you ‘visited’ the Graf’s wife Anika quite often.” Gotthard not embarrassed, “We were friends. She was a remarkable woman; lived her life to the fullest as did the Graf. It is a shame the sisters of Shallya couldn’t heal her.” Others surprised the man truly feels remorse. Agnes continues by asking about the Chancellor. Gotthard now surprised, “Yes, he likes to party. ‘Renald’s Delight?! Even if he does, take care spreading such rumors.” Gotthard suddenly displays a surprised look on his face, “Gotta go!” Agnes dejected at his departure, “That’s not what the drug was supposed to do.” 7pm Opera/8pm Elven Lights : Surprising trio of Brandi, Katja, and Ymath attending the Opera: a love-struggle classic of a northman with a dowery involved. But unlike Nuln, this opera has no box seating. Which allows Ymath to s...

S4E8 PBtT- A Barfight to Silence the Ogres’ Drumming

PCs : Agnes (Duane), Gary (Matt), Brandywyn (Tony), Rega (Bill), Ymath (Brian) They return to the Templar’s Arm Tavern per their arranged meetings. Rega tries to console the Trollslayer slumped in the corner, bemoaning his win. “Cheer up, you still have 2 more days to die in the arena. And with Sigmar’s blessing, and quick lessons from the Ironbreakers, I can heal up enough to challenge another minotaur.” Allavandrel sets a bottle of wine on the table in challenge, “To tomorrow… may you die honorably.” Five bottles later, all 3 are drunk. Meanwhile, Gary and Brandi sit with Dieter and his betrothed Kirsten. And of course, Natasha snuggles up next to Brandi. Dieter orders, “Drinks for everyone!” Brandi leans into Kirsten, “Can he handle his consumption? Who should we bet on tomorrow?” Kirsten only laments, “He knows how to moderate. Too proud to throw the Graf-Champion fight.” Gary prods Dieter about their earlier conversation, “So, think we can get the elf to host a hunt on the G...

S4E7 PBtT- The Dwarf Comes up Short

PCs : Agnes (Duane), Katja (Geoff), Gary (Matt), Brandywyn (Tony), Rega (Bill) 3pm (Royal College of Music) - They hustle from the ‘Elven Gymnast’ event to this ‘Bard/Poets Matinee’ where they run into Rallane in the company of princess Katarina (and her chaperone Hilde), Kirsten Jung, and Dr Luigi. ·          Rallane excuses himself to climb on stage and play his lute as he sings a fanciful song. ·          Katja+Brandi enter the competition as a duet: Katja playing her harp while both sing “One Eyed Fella”. They are “Boo”ed off the stage. ·          Gary hands the doctor a wine, “What brings you here?” Luigi answers, “Best place to learn new dirty limericks.” For the next hour, Gary learns: Luigi scoffs at members of Shallya. He was hired 6 months ago to care for the Graf’s sickly young heir. “Stefan is doing better but will never be as strong as his father. ...