S4E9 PBtT- How to Serve Ratmen- Raw!

PCs : Agnes (Duane), Katja (Geoff), Brandywyn (Tony), Rega (Bill), Ymath (Brian) As Agnes waits for the drugged drink to affect Gotthard, she continues idle chat, “Court rumor has you ‘visited’ the Graf’s wife Anika quite often.” Gotthard not embarrassed, “We were friends. She was a remarkable woman; lived her life to the fullest as did the Graf. It is a shame the sisters of Shallya couldn’t heal her.” Others surprised the man truly feels remorse. Agnes continues by asking about the Chancellor. Gotthard now surprised, “Yes, he likes to party. ‘Renald’s Delight?! Even if he does, take care spreading such rumors.” Gotthard suddenly displays a surprised look on his face, “Gotta go!” Agnes dejected at his departure, “That’s not what the drug was supposed to do.” 7pm Opera/8pm Elven Lights : Surprising trio of Brandi, Katja, and Ymath attending the Opera: a love-struggle classic of a northman with a dowery involved. But unlike Nuln, this opera has no box seating. Which allows Ymath to s...